The queen was beautiful in a way that even doing the most mundane things, it was like seeing a painting moving mid frame.
She was statuesque and willowy, and moved from place to place as if she was gliding.
Her tan skin glowed and her long black hair flowed down her back shined under the hot summer sun and sat neatly on her diamond sculpted face, adorned by sharp hazel eyes.
Everyone adored her, they say the day she came to the kingdom 10 years ago, the royal court was bright and lively, as it was before the previous queen had died, and the life of the court had died with her, but somehow, Queen Fatima was able to bring back that gleefully feeling.
Despite being a women of few words, she was very expressive when she need to be, and was a strong believer that if something wasn't sitting right in her soul, she will always speak out to guarantee change, being very keen and smart to use her power for the greater of the kingdom.
She sat on a table in the royal garden, her ladies-in-waiting all sitting around her as they all spoke about the ball that was happening a week from now.
Fatima was excited to attend, she liked to plan things and this winter ball was something that she always looked forward to every year to plan.
Fatima was a socialite, she had many upper echelon friends despite her being somewhat reserved, and they were friends that made her feel so welcomed when she first arrived in court.
"Are you going to go with your usual colors, Your grace?" Lady Roa asked as Fatima shrugged
"Maybe a gold, maybe my usual pastels, I haven't gotten around to choosing a dress with all the planning" Fatima said as she sat back in her chair and sipped her tea, as all her ladies in waiting nodded their heads understandingly
A high laugh was heard passing right by them, as all of Fatima's ladies had stiffened up and some of them had bitter looks
"Is it the king?" Fatima asked nonchalantly as she turned her head slightly to the side to see Helios and his most favorable concubine with him
She turned and chuckled to herself, he was bold not to greet her but he is so enthralled in his mistresses eyes, that he forgot basic manners and basic common sense.
"I don't know how your majesty puts up with her, I would have expected that he would have switch her up by now" Lady Tereza said as she fanned herself with her fan
Helios was one to have many love conquest with many women of the court, taking them as unofficial mistresses that would take up space in the palace, and he was one that liked to switch them out frequently for the first 2 years of their marriage.
But there was something about Mistress Leona that he couldn't get tired of, having been his prize position for the remaining years of his and Fatima's marriage.
Fatima could care less, but a certain distant memory made her enraged every time she seen them together, it wasn't jealously, it was disappointment for the choices he made, in the times she needed him the most, he chooses to be at leona's side instead.
She grew used to the constant pain, and despite making her look like a fool, it wasn't something she didn't expect. Her father had many concubines himself, and her mother always told her that the reason for this was because her father had a lot of love to share....
But that's the difference between her father and Helios... Helios didn't have any love left for Fatima.
"I hope you didn't invite her, Your grace" lady Cassandra said eyeing the girl from far away
"Yeah Your majesty, She always tries to make such a commotion and fails at trying to outshine your majesty" Lady Roa said as Fatima only chuckled lightly
"Well, if I don't invite her, the king will invite her anyways; so, it's out of my hands whether she attends or not" Fatima said as her ladies all looked disappointed at her answer, and wished she was more cruel towards Leona
The ladies-in- waiting weren't aware of the burning rage inside of Fatima, the rage she subdues way too good, making people think she was turning a blind eye.
The truth is that she didn't want to seem like the crazy queen that disposes mistresses and lets her emotions spill into her royal duties, which should be more important to her at this point.
"Have you heard that the king's estrange uncle will be attending this year? And he is bringing his son, one that I heard is very handsome" Cassandra said as she smirked at the queen
"And also has quiet a temper, so I've heard as well" Tereza added on as Fatima smiled at her ladies, their mere presence making her feel way better than she did a couple seconds ago
"I have never met him at all in the last 10 years here in court, your majesty has made it very difficult for the boy to come visit, despite him being the 2nd in line for the thrown" Fatima said
There was a lot of tension between Helios and his relatives at the moment, Most of them having protested Helios and Fatima's ruling, as it's been years and they were still childless.
"Let's hope they're attendance is a good one"