Fatima woke up early the day that her unexpected guest was about to arrive, being slightly nervous to see how and what type of people they are.
It was a sunny day, and somehow the sunny day took a turn, the sky turning grey and the winds had picked up, once their Carriage had rolled up at the front of the castle.
Helios, who was too busy with his work and his personal affairs, had left Fatima alone, to greet and welcome his estranged relatives.
Fatima, who wore red, had stood out vividly in this grey atmosphere, that was the first thing Ares had seen when his carriage pulled up to the front of the castle.
She was beautiful to say the least, a clear contrast of what he imagined her to look, her looks exceeding his expectations 10 fold.
Ares was as Handsome as Fatima's ladies had been talking about.
his looks the opposite of Helios; While Helios was blond and brown eyed, tall and slender, Ares was Tall and broad, a true stallion, but his beauty came from his emerald eyes that contrasted with his milky pale skin and short jet black hair.
Fatima couldn't deny that she wasn't intimidated by this man, Ares being way taller than Helios, and any man that she has ever encountered.
He looked down to her, his glowing eyes being the only thing she could see now since he pulled up his cloak hood, as small droplets had started to drop from the sky.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Ares, I am Queen Fatima" Fatima said as she bowed to the man, who did the same
"My apologies, My queen, but my father has fallen ill, and cannot attend the ball this week" He said as he bowed one more time, as some sort of apology
"Pardon? I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope that you should know prince Ares that if anything were to happen your father before the ball, you are able to leave at any time" Fatima said with empathy, as she frowned in worry
She couldn't imagine going to a ball while your father was home ill, but She and Ares were different people.
"It's fine, Your highness, it's a simple cold, I hope that it doesn't take much of your worry" He said as Fatima nodded her head and both of them entered the palace together
One of the maids had taken his cloak once they were inside, Fatima seeing that he only wore black clothing underneath, his black tunic tucked into his black pants, that revealed his thick and long legs.
"I will guide you to your chambers, if that's alright with you?" Fatima said as Ares nodded his head approvingly
"How longs has it been since you've been in court?" Fatima asked politely as they walked along the corridors
"I haven't been here for 12 years, it's changed alot since I've last came to visit" He said as his sharp eyes looked all around
"I hope my changes on the palace don't confuse you much, i had many free time in my hands for the last 7 years after becoming queen" Fatima said as she smiled with slight embarrassment, her hands that were behind her black slightly fidgeting
He noticed that she was very quiet, but her eyes could tell a thousand words by one glance, it was easy to tell that she wasn't happy with her life, but content.
That's all he saw in her golden eyes, that despite glimmering had something else dull about them.
Their mini tour had halted as Helios, arms linked with Leona had crossed paths with the pair.
This alone had answered Ares's internal questions about why would Fatima feel any discontent towards the luxuries life she lived now.
Helios bowed to his cousin, and the ladder only gave him a small head nod, which Helios didn't seem to mind much, leona's presence taking much of his attention.
"It's nice to see that you're here, what about Armin? where is he?" Helios questioned as he glanced over at Fatima, who only looked at him with no expression
"My father has fallen ill, he won't be attending" Ares said with a curt tone, as Helios only grinned
"Let's hope he doesn't die" He said as Leona snickered along with him
This alone had made Fatima change her expression quickly, she was enraged for Ares, even though he didn't seemed phased
"Helios, please refrain from speaking ill of the sick, nothing good will come of that, have a little consideration" Fatima said as Helios was a little taken back at the look she shot them both
Even though that it was Ares's father protesting Helios and Fatima's ruling, she put that aside and it was a smarter decision for them to both act courteous towards them, and not speak out of anger or any other emotion.
Helios's jaw clenched and he seemed to swallow his pride, his angry expression being switched out by a bitter smile.
"My apologies, it was good seeing you again Ares, and Fatima?"
"Meet me in my office later today, I have something to speak you about" Helios said as Fatima didn't say anything and just grabbed Ares's arm slightly, pulling him along with her
Ares was touched by her intrusion, she was offended for him more than he was, Ares being used to the crudeness of Helios, who hasn't changed in the last 12 years.
Although she was quiet most of the time, she showed him that she could be assertive and not much of a push over, which he admired.
"Don't listen to him, he's just an idiot who only thinks with his dick"