CHAPTER 4: The hateful quarrel

After parting way's with Ares, Fatima went to Helios's office, wondering what was so important he needed to speak to her.

They usually only speak any royal business through there own ministers of affairs, Fatima never having the chance to talk to Helios in private since he was always busy with personal duties that seemed more important.

The guards in front of the office make way for Fatima, opening the door for her and announcing her respectfully.

Helios sat at his desk, with his drink in hand and his his feather pen on the other, diligently writing something up.

"You said you needed to speak with me?" Fatima said as she sat on one of the few armchairs in the office

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about my cousin"

"What about him?" Fatima asked as Helios finished righting whatever he was writing and started to fold it

"I want you to steer clear of him, don't talk to him unless you have to and don't spark a friendship with him" Helios said as Fatima could only look at him like he was crazy

"Why should I do what you ask of me?"

"He's not good company to keep around you, it won't make you look good hanging around the likes of him" Helios said lowly

"You hang around bad company, I won't call you a hypocrite but-"

"But what?"

"If the shoe fits then it fits" Fatima said as Helios only scoffed at her

"Once you keep away from your bad company, I'll make sure I do the same but in the meantime, let me do what I think is best" Fatima said standing up, getting ready to leave

"You are seriously going to befriend someone that is calling you a barren women all around the country?!" Helios spat out as Fatima halted and turned to look at her husband

"I wouldn't have been called barren if you were sure to get rid of your bad company a long time, you are the one to blame for that" Fatima said lowly as her face remained emotionless but her voice was menacing

"Stop acting like a drunk brute, and act like a king" Fatima said as he stood up from his seat and stomped towards her but Fatima stood her ground even when he grabbed her forcibly by the face

"You dare bring that incident up ever and you'll be leaving far worse than how my dear cousin will be leaving this castle at the end of his stay" He threatened as she ripped herself from his hold

"You dare forbid me from speaking about something that happened to ME, not you! You back up the one person that took the most precious thing from me TWICE!" Fatima exclaimed as tears ran down her face and she pushed him once and hard enough to get him a distance away from her

"And You can take my life for all I care, you've drain the last of its purpose all these years I have been married to you" Fatima said as she smiled sadly, wiping her tears and fixing her hair, trying to look presentable for once she walked away

"In the meantime, keep yourself out of my personal affairs, and let me live the rest of my god given days in peace without your tyranny"

Walking out of his office, she bumped into a tall figure as she looked up and seen her guest starring right down at her tearful and flushed face with slight concern

"Oh I'm so sorry, Prince Ares, i should've been watching where I was going" She said as she backed up and bowed apologetically

"Are you alright, Your grace?" He asked as she only gave him a reassuring look and nodded

"Allergies, that's all this is" Fatima lied terribly as he only nodded and bowed to her in a way to greet her goodbye as she did the same

It was embarrassing that he had seen her like that, when no one has ever, well except Helios and her maids

But Fatima was more angry of the audacity that Helios had, she wondered how good of a queen and King his parents were, to have birthed something like him.

At the end of the day, a human has common sense and decency, the comprehension to know what to say in certain situations but Helios was anything but that....he was an feral animal in the eyes of Fatima.