Being the second in the line of succession, it was important to his family that Ares was even better than Helios.

He had to live longer than him, be stronger, smarter, but most importantly, he had to know how the real world work in order to understand enough to rule it one day.

He was sent away to many ruling kingdoms from the age of 10 to train and be educated in many different arts of war, also trained to be a knight when he was the age of 14 in the mid-eastern kingdoms that were at war, by the time he was 17 he had already fought 2 wars.

Even though putting him through war would raise his chances of dying, Ares's father knew his son had the skills and will power to survive, so he took the chance.

He was exposed to the horrors of war and treachery, his father making sure to break him, to make him forget the sheltered life of wealth and luxury he had Ares leave behind.

He only came back to his parents around 3 years ago, having to take care of their estate since his father was getting much older and would get sick often.

And now, he was in his cousin's castle, who wanted him dead more than anyone in this world.

But even when wanting him dead, he couldn't do much to Ares, there is laws that specifically protect the second in line for succession, if anything happens to Ares, the 1st and third in line would the first to be investigated.

It wouldn't be beneficial to Helios to kill the second in line as he has no other heir to take up for him at the moment and any other child he has out of wed lock will be considered a bastard.

And the 3rd in the line of succession is only 3 years old...

Despite his efforts to not attend the upcoming ball, it was his duty as the temporary head of the household to attend any obligations his ill father had planned.

"It's good to see you took the time to attend even when you have so many obligations at your estate" Helios said as he sat back down to his desk, his tone wavered as it adjusted from getting into a heated discussion

"Well it was the first invitation we've received other than the one from your wedding" Ares said as he sat in the same arm chair Fatima sat in moments before

"Well, it was a pity that you were fighting a war at that time, good thing you made it to see this day" Helios said smugly as he pulled out his thick cigar from a drawer and proceeded to light it

"To your disappointment" Ares said as Helios chuckled lowly

"What's the real reason you are here Ares? I know you didn't come here to reminisce about our times in court?"

"How'd you know"

"You live in the moment, not much of a man that dwells into the past"

"Unlike you?" Ares questioned

"Yes, the mirrored opposite of you"

"I wanted to come here and clear the air" Ares said as Helios raised an eyebrow in confusion

"I know that you'be heard the rumors about what my family has been saying? And I don't think I'm the one you should hold any disdain towards"

"Then who?"

"Well, You know how traditional my father is, you know he wants me to take the crown at any god given moment, not let his efforts go to waste..."

"I don't think it's my place to apologize for what he started but you know, he'll never kneel to you unless you torture him.."

"I could arrange that.." Helios sneered as Ares only rolled his eyes at his cousin dismissively

"So as his only son, I want you to know that I apologize for any inconvenience that my father may have caused in you r marriage and to your reign" Ares finished as Helios only looked at him for a second before taking another long hit of his cigar

"This must've hurt your pride so much? I guess I should feel grateful and forgive you?" Helios said as Ares shrugged

"Do what you want Helios, at the end of the day you'll always be the king" Ares said as he stood up from his seat, intending to walk away

"You know my wife? Fatima?"

"The queen, yes"

"I will accept your apologies if you just promise to stay away from her"


"He is so handsome! And tall!" Lady Cassandra gushed as she and the rest of the ladies were taking on horses riding to the kingdoms river

It was the next day and the girls had planned this trip to the river as they all decided that Fatima needed a day to relax as she's been so busy planning the upcoming ball.

Riding horses was the thing that Fatima was most excited to do, as she hasn't had the time to go for a ride with her self proclaimed child, Nabi, her Arabian black horse.

He was a tall, shiny, stubborn and smart horse that was a wedding gift from her father. Nabi distracted her from the hurtful first years of her marriage, it was like every time she would vent to her horse, he listened and somewhat comforted her with his presence.

"Nice weather isn't it Nabi?" Fatima said as she roughed up his long hair softly, the horse neighing in response

"My hands were shaking as i handed him his tea this morning, ohhh how can someone be that dreamy" Cassandra gushed even more as the girls all chuckled at her

"We get it, you'd bed him" Tereza said as she rolled her eyes playfully

This type of talk around Fatima wasn't abnormal amongst them, as Fatima and all the lady's have been friends way before she was crowned the queen, being the first ones to make her feel comfortable when she first arrived in court.

"I won't deny or confirm" Cassandra snickered

"But He particularly looks good next to your grace, doesn't he?" Cassandra said as all the girls nodded in agreement and Fatima only looked at them bewildered

"What? It's true! He may look like a very big and rough man but when he is with you, it seemed like his aura and presence became soft and bright" Roa said as they all were getting close to the river

"Maybe you should get to know him on a much closer level, your grace"

It wasn't unusual and forbidden for women to take in lovers, especially the queen, if the king could do it, than that gives her highness free clearance to do what she wanted with her intimate life, but even thought it wasn't forbidden, people of the high society will still talk.

If their was questions and doubts of the paternity of any heir, there was a lot of magicians that could confirm it easily at the persons request.

Fatima wasn't one to be the center of rumors....well bad rumors to be exact and she wanted it to stay that way.

"I don't think it would be in my best interest to get myself that involved with prince Ares, especially since he is the 2nd in line of succession, it would be different if he was just any noble" Fatima said shrugging her shoulders

But it wouldn't hurt to make Helios suffer a little.