"You know, you could smile more" Helios said as he tightened his hold onto her waist, Fatima gritting her teeth into a fake smile
Today they were making an appearance at the opening of a new orphanage, Fatima being one of the sponsors.
The nobles all crowed the carriage that had an open window, exposing the royal couple as they arrived to the entrance, Helios trying to make it seem like they couldn't keep their hand off of one another
Truth is he is becoming much more touchy than Fatima would like.
He would get like this when he wanted something intimate from her, usually he always got what he wanted, despite her protest and struggle.
She hated his touch more than anything, the times they shared together intimately were all one sided and forced, and usually ended with Fatima in pain and Helios satisfied.
But she was his wife, she was taught to please him as her husband and king.
But she didn't think it would be this nauseating and painful.
There were times where it would be so bad that she would scrub her skin to the point of blood, trying to erase the feeling of his touch on her skin.
This part was where she was grateful for mistresses in a way; She didn't have to deal with him most of the time.
"Welcome your royal highnesses" The director of the orphanage said as she greeted them once they stepped out of the carriage
"Oh my! My queen you look especially mesmerizing today!" The director gushed as Fatima smiled softly and bowed graciously to her
"I'm grateful that your majesties could make the time to come, I'll escort you to the hall, all the sponsors are gathered there for the luncheon" She said politely as she opened the doors and the couple were led to the hall
"The decor is so pretty! You've done well with the place" Fatima complimented as the director bowed her head gratefully and thanked her
"It wouldn't be this pretty without your help, My queen" The director said happily as Fatima smiled
"Technically, it wouldn't be this pretty without my help" Helios said as the director gave an embarrassed chuckle and nodded her head
"Yes, I suppose that is the case, my mistake" The director said as she smiled nervously and bowed her head
Of course he would remind everyone that it's his money, any money given to Fatima to invest is technically his, but he didn't have to remind her any chance he got.
He likes to play this petty game any chance he got, subjects across borders and there own kingdom had adored and worshipped Fatima like a goddess; a goddess that could light up the entire world alone if the sun had burned out.
As a man of weak mind and prejudice values, he didn't want to be cast in the shadows of his wife, one that he thought was his subordinate and not equal.
Like his name, he thought he should be the sun that casted his rays along the entire world, not in the shadows like the moon.
The entire room got quiet when the doors opened and the royal couple had walked in, most of the aristocratic and noble people all standing up and bowing to them respectfully.
The director sat them at their table, which had the duchess and duke sitting at as well.
Fatima thanked god that Naija was there next to her, not wanting to be alone with Helios at all.
It had been 4 days since the two friends had seen each other but they acted as if they haven't met in years, embracing each other once Fatima reached the table.
It wasn't proper manners to do so in public but Fatima was queen, she could do whatever she wanted.
"I'm glad to see you" Fatima said as Naija nodded in agreement, Fatima turning to bow at the duke, who smiled at her warmly and bowed back
Despite being seen as a quiet and dark man, He had so much respect for Fatima, being her friend as much as his wife was her friend, he showed nothing but kind and warm manners to her since she came to court.
They all sat and Fatima sparked a conversation between Naija, as Duke Neo spoke politics with Helios
"Has his majesty told you?" Naija questioned as Fatima looked at her friend in confusion
"We are going to their hunting trip this weekend, it was originally gonna be only me and my attendants but I would be bored out of my mind without you" Naija said
"Didn't the doctor say you needed to take it easy on the movement? Naija" Fatima said worried as her friend shrugged her shoulders
"That's what she said at first but since I'm close to my due date, she is now saying movement is what I need to get this labor started, or else who knows how long I'll stay like this" Naija said as she pointed at her huge stomach And Fatima chuckled, rubbing her friend's stomach
"Do tell, did you ask Prince Ares to come, like I asked you? I hope it didn't trouble you much if you did" Naija said
"Prince Ares is going?" Helios's voice intruded into their conversation as if he was listening in the whole time
"Oh, yes, I asked her majesty to ask him for me, as I couldn't do so myself because of work" Neo said as Helios narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Fatima
"So you met with him?" Helios questioned and Fatima nodded
"If I had asked him, of course I'd have to meet him in order to ask" Fatima deadpanned as Helios only gave her a cold stare in response and turned his attention back to his conversation with The duke
She could couldn't care less if he was angry at her for meeting Ares after he told her not to, like she said to him; she was going to do what she wanted even if it angered him.
"You met with him, without telling me?" Helios said as they road back to the castle
It was dark out and Fatima thought he had forgotten and wasn't going to bring it up, but she had guessed wrong and it seemed like it was something that troubled him.
He never cared this much about what she did, once Ares came back to the kingdom, He had been down her neck with his nagging.
"Does this bother you? It isn't like I met him for sex" Fatima said bluntly as his jaw clenched and he let out a forced chuckle
"And if you did"
"Then it would be all in my own right"