"Do you like to anger me? Does that light a fire in your dull heart?" He said as Fatima shrugged her shoulders
"Why would I want to catch your attention? I'd rather catch the attention of a heard of bees" She said indifferently as she only stared at him with a cold expression
"You must've forgotten your place and role in this world? You think you'd be anywhere without me? No, you'd only be a burden to your family if I hadn't married you"
Truth is that he was a drunk, drunk words are sober thoughts and he was spilling all his emotions out to her at this moment, in his own sick and demented way.
"I'd rather be a burden to them, than to you, a man who throws a tantrum anytime things don't got his way!"
"Yet you go on your knees easily when I want you too, don't forget what I can do to your family if you disobey me again" He sneered as Fatima bit her tongue at the mention of her family
He always knew what buttons to press, and she couldn't do anything when her family came to the conversation, she loved them with all her heart and would do anything to secure their safety, and Helios knew that.
She may come from a powerful royal family, but her 6 siblings all except her younger brother Ahman, married into small kingdoms, one word and they could all die in the hands of Helios's helish army.
Her older brother, who inherited the sultan title doesn't believe in war and is a neutral kingdom, and rules peacefully because of it, but they wouldn't stand a chance in a war, as her brother and Fatima didn't inherit their father's magical abilities.
It was the same with her siblings, even if all their kingdoms were to ally together, it wouldn't even equal half of the size of Helios's army, defense magic wouldn't even help them at that point.
"Lets not forget baby Ahman isn't far from here, one word and I'll bring you his head by next morning to come" He said as Fatima was burning in rage but didn't say anything else, out of fear she'd say something in anger that might jeopardize her families lives
She would've told him he didn't stand a chance against her brother Ahman, who inherited their father's magical abilities, and more. He could simply kill Helios but that would cost him his life in doing so.
"Good to know you know when to shut up" He scoffed as the carriage arrived at the palace and Fatima rushed to get to her room, and lock the door behind her
Her chest rose up and down as she leaned against her door. Crumbling down to the marble floor, she broke down in tears and gripped the fabric of her dress to prevent her from screaming out of anguish
She hated him so much and hated this life she was living to the point where the balcony in front of her seemed appealing enough to jump out of.
But yet again, she knew she served much more purpose in this world than to be his wife, she was queen to a nation that adored her, she had an adoring family that loved her unconditionally, and she had her friends, who she relied on them emotionally as much as they relied on her as well.
She picked herself up from the cold floor, seeing her reflection on it, she seen a disheveled and disheartened women in front of her who's tears felt like their were of hot blood, burning down her cheeks.
She didn't look like the strong and regal queen that the public knew, she was a stranger staring back at herself, this was the woman that Helios loved to torment, rather than torment with love.
Ringing her service bell, her maids quickly made their way to her chambers, and seeing her sit at the edge of bed.
The maids were the only ones to have seen her in this dreadful state, helping her after all the times Helios had violated her or any time he triggered her emotional breakdowns, there were the ones to aid her back to sanity anyway they could.
They never asked questions as they didn't want to force her to speak about it unless she felt comfortable and she would tell them not to speak about it with anyone the next morning.
She always had those maids close by and not for no reason, after the first time she tried to end her life, they stuck by her side out of fear that she could hurt herself again.
"Run me a bath, please" Fatima said weakly as she smiled sadly at them, and one of the maids helped her undressed
Most of the times like this, she didn't want anyone touching her at all but this time she was too weak and tired to do anything.
"Do you want me to call for some herbal tea to stop your trimmers? your majesty" The maid helping her undress asked as she noticed that Fatima was shaking uncontrollably
"Yes, that would be fine, thank you lilac" Fatima thanked the young maid softly as Lilac helped her walk to the bathroom once the other maids finished preparing her bath
The water was warm enough to relax her tired out bones, as she fell like she could melt through the porcelain tub.
"Here's your tea, your grace" Lilac said as she came in with the teacup In caution
"Thank you lilac, please lock the door behind you on your way out of the room" Fatima said as lilac set the teacup on the small table next to the bath tub
"Call for anything, we'll be just out in the hall, your grace" Lilac had said as Fatima nodded softly and closed her eyes, resting her head onto the end of the tub
Fatima in her youth was always taken care of like this, people taking much of a liking to her that they didn't care to serve her every need. She was a kind and likable person and it was something that she inherited from her mother, who was adored until the very last minute of her life.
She grew up in the hot azul kingdom in the mid-eastern, where she was raised alongside 2 sisters and 4 brothers.
There father was a mage of great power, but rarely wielded it as he like Fatima's current reigning brother didn't believe in conflict and ruled as a kind and neutral Sultan.
His father before him was a tyrant, one that believed that a kingdom was great if it conquered all corners of the world.
He had his faults as a husband to Fatima's mother as he would soon have an extramarital Child. He a was great father to all his children and her mother was like an angel, taking in Fatima's youngest brother Ahman as her own, when his mother had died during childbirth.
Fatima's mother embraced him as if he grew in her own womb, and despite always being sick, she tried her best to show him nothing but nurturing love.
Her and her younger brother Ahman, were the closest between the six siblings. The 9 nine year age gap between them was evident as Fatima cared for him like he was her baby doll and her heart broke when she had to leave him young.
Her brother was recently sent to a boarding school a days away from her kingdom, as her father thought it would be best to stay close to his sister and visit her when he had the time, and live with her when he graduated since he knew he'd thrive more in her kingdom with his magical abilities.
That's why Fatima put up with some much of Helios's torment, because in a fit of rage, his closest and first target would be Ahman.