Chapter One

May 2013

" Thompson let's go!! The rankings are up!"  Lilly's best friend Carmen says as she grabs her by the hand dragging her through the halls. "Well there's no need to pull my arm out of its socket." Lilly said as Carmen let go of her. Lilly pushed through the crowd to get to the front to see her ranking. "I'm third" Carmen said happily. "Now let's look for yours.." Carmen looked at the list and was surprised. "You know what Thompson we should get going the list is bogus anyways." Carmen says while trying to make Lilly leave with her. "Carmen we just got here. Let me just see where I am and we can go."

Carmen was in her way blocking Lilly's view of the board. "Torres move." Lilly stared at Carmen making her uncomfortable. "Okay, but just know it's not that big of a deal." Lilly ignored what she said looking at the list and could not believe here eyes. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??" She looked at the list rankings enraged. "I have to talk to Ms.Granger, this is obviously a mistake."

Lilly said going straight to the office. "Whoa Thompson relax it's just a list who cares about a stupid list?" Lilly glared at Carmen, making her put her hands up in surrender.

"She put me second underneath that idiotic monstrosity." She raged. "Lilly do you really think that talking to the head mistress is going to put you in first place?" Lilly sighed knowing Carmen had a point. "No but I need to try at least ." She walked to the door ready to set this straight. "Oh lookie here guys it's the second placed ranker. Lilly Thompson." She clenched her fist in anger. "I'm pretty sure you're the reason why Martin."

He looked at her confused. "Oh yeah?" She nodded her head, "I bet mommy and dearest paid the head mistress so you could be top." She said gaining a punch in the face. "Don't ever bring my parents in this." He said angered.  "Aw looks like someone doesn't like to hear the truth." She said blocking his fist and kicking his side. As soon as she did that a crowd went around them. "FIGHT! FIGHT! " The kids around them screamed.

A whistle blew loudly causing everyone to scurry off before anything could happen. "You two. My office now." The head mistress Granger said to the two of them. As they sat in the waiting room lilly's parents came in the room. "Lilly you're okay." Her mom Marissa and Dad Ryan Thompson said hugging her. Then right after them came in Dylan's dad Johnathan and stepmother Gabrielle Martin. "Oh god Dylan what did you do now?" Lilly's parents glared at Dylan and his parents and they glared right back.

"I'm pretty sure it was son's incompetent behavior that got our dear sweet baby girl in here." Ryan said gaining a glare from Dylan's dad. "Now listen here." Johnathan was about to go to Ryan until the voice of the head mistress broke the tension. "Thank you both for coming today if you all would come in to my office." She said as they all came into the  office. "Well looking at the security systems." It seems that your son Dylan Martin had started the fight between the two of them.

"I guess this means for an apology Martin." Lilly smirks at him earning a look of unsatifaction from Dylan. "But she called me a daddy's boy. That's worth an apology as well." Dylan says. Lilly then gets up from her chair. "Alright then," she begins. "I apologize for telling you something that is most likely factual."  She said in front of him making him grab her.

She looked at him smirking until she saw his eyes go from their natural green to a dark black color. "Let me go." Dylan then released her from his grasp. Closing his eyes only from to show her his green eyes again. "I'm sorry for making comments to you Thompson." He said baring his teeth. "Yeah sorry." Lilly said trying to understand what she saw.

"Alright then that settles the apologies now do either one of you care to explain what cause this debauchery?" Ms. Granger. " There's a mistake with the rankings." Lilly stated. "Oh what happened with the rankings?" She asked lilly. "I'm in second place when I should be first." Mrs. Granger looked at lilly in question. "Ms. Thompson do realize that you are second only because you are a half point away from being  Dylan's GPA.

Lilly looked at her bewildered. "A half point?!" She fumed ready to grab her bag she stormed out of the room and left the school to go literally anywhere. "Got to be fucking kidding me." She went up to tree that was feeling the forest and started punching at it in her anger. "I do just as much as Martin how am I second to him?!" She screamed throwing one last punch at the tree. "Thought I'd find you here."

A voice said scaring Lilly as she got in her defensive mode. "Who the hell are you?" She turned around to see who it was. "Before you kill me I want you to know that I don't have any intention to hurt you." Lilly scoffed. "Who are you?" The person came closer to reveal a small pale boy who looked around lilly's age.

"The name's Adrien. I'm Dylan's step brother." She looked at him surprised. "I was sent to bring you back to the school."

She looked at him for a second before agreeing, deciding to keeps distance just in case. As she got back to the school she was then brought back to the office. "Welcome back ms. Thompson." Ms. Granger said. "Being that you used vulgar language that leads to the consequences of after school detention. "WHAT?" Lilly was upset. Sure she cussed but that shouldn't lead to after school detention.

"And as for you Mr. Martin, you have In-school suspension  for the rest of the school day for starting a fight on school grounds." Now Dylan was upset. He had a soccer game tonight and he needed the practice. "But Ms. Granger, I have a game tonight surely we can set it for tomorrow." She shook head disapprovingly. "You should have thought of that before you started a fight." She said. Knowing she was right, He glared at Lilly this is ain't the last time we'll see each other." She felt a shiver go down her spine as Dylan and his parents left the room. "Alright then thank you for stopping by." Headmistress made lilly and her parents leave. "Alright lilly we're going to go now so behave ok?" She nodded.

"Bye Thompson." Lilly glances at him rolling her eyes. "Martin." She goes to head to next class but gets held back by a hand. "Van I help you ms. Gran.." she turned around to see Dylan's presumable stepmother. "I know you don't know me or vice versa but you two are meant to be." She told lilly before leaving to her husband. "Weird lady." She shook her words out of her head. "I would never and could never be with a demonic person like him." She gagged at the thought of it.

She then went to clinic to get her hands wrapped up and bandaged after the amount of damage that she caused upon them. "Thompson thank God you aren't gone." Carmen barged in. "And why would I be gone?" She questions. "Well cause everyone said that you were going to get expelled for starting the fight even though you didn't and Dylan did." She rolled her eyes. "Well I'm still here. Get used to it. Carmen hugged Lilly and headed out to their last class of the day.

Lilly nodded her head and went on to her house. "I could have died today." Lilly thought to herself recapping what happened earlier. "If that wolf didn't save me I could've been.." she thought to herself. "Lilly Elizabeth Thompson where have you been?" Her mom called out to her as she stepped in the house. "I was running and fell on my wrist on the way home with Carmen." She showed her mother  her hand and immediately was hugged by her mother.

"Luckily carmen's father is doctor and helped you right." She nodded. Lilly went up to her room only to change her clothes and go straight to sleep dreaming about everything that has occurred today. As the sun came through the blinds of her Lilly got out of bed even though it was Saturday. She got in to her bathroom to freshen up and put on a white t-shirt that reads "I'm a hufflepuff deal with it" with jeans and white converse. "Hey mom I'm going to Carmen's."

She said heading there at first only to see the forest that she barely escaped. She stared at it feeling the urge to go in there again but she didn't know why. "You know the forest is a dangerous place. "A voice startled Lilly. "Sweet cheese you scared me."she told Dylan's stepbrother Adrien. "Why is that?" She asked as if she didn't know already. "Wolves live in there, so I'd suggest you go on to wherever you are going." He told her as he went on walking on his way somewhere. "Wait Adrien. I have a question." Adrien turned around and looked at her. "Okay what's up?" Lilly bit her lip debating if she should ask him or not.

"Do you believe in the supernatural?" She asked him and he stared at her for a second before smirking at her. "I only believe in so much but the supernatural that's for you to know if it's real or not." He said walking off. "But that didn't answer my question." She said more to herself as she continued on to Carmen's house.

"Hey Thompson wasn't expecting you till an hour from now. Did something happen?" Lilly shushed her friend and grabbed her arm to go I to her room. "Do you think the supernatural exist?" Carmen looked at her like she sprouted another head and started laughing. "Seriously Thompson? You mean like witches, pixies and werewolves?" Lilly pouted at her friend who was clearly making her upset. "Yes I think I saw one." Carmen started laughing more.

"Do you really think we live in an era where people like us have werewolves and Vampires? Come on lilly that's crazy." She said getting up from the floor. "Yeah you're right." Lilly decided to leave topic for now and would try to find answers on her own. Little did she know what she would be getting herself into.