Chapter Two

April 2017

"Thompson over here." One of girls screamed at her. She kicked the ball over to her teammate while moving around the player surrounding her. As the timer still had 50 seconds on the clock Lilly went on to look to see what she could do to win her last game.

She then began to move through the people and kept her eye on where the ball was. "Evelyn over here." Lilly screamed to her teammate who had the ball and kicked it to her as Lilly went to make the shot.

Lilly made a hard edged shot and watched the goalie try to keep it from entering the net but it was no use. "You guys we won." Carmen screamed. "Who are we?!" The team captain Jordan screamed. "Falcons!" The team screamed back and forth. As we got our trophy  for our final game as seniors. "Hey Thompson looks like lover boy's here for you." Carmen said making Lilly roll her eyes at her.

"I'll be right back guys," she leaving the team behind. "Hello beautiful you killed it out there." She smiled at him. "You know it was a team effort Danté. I was and am only a part of the team." He kissed her cheek. "I know that but you moved through these people as smooth as a snake but fast like Cheetah." She blushed rolling her eyes. "Okay sure." As she was going to give him a kiss a voice from behind her. "Ah hi there Ms. Thompson I presume."

Lilly turned and looked at this man and saw that he was wearing a button down light blue shirt along with some light-wash jeans and Sperry shoes. "May I help you Mr." She looked at him in confusion. "Ah yes I'm Tony Johnson  leader of lady's soccer team of Michigan. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed watching you play and would love to have you on my team.

He gave her his company card and went on his way. "No way!? Michigan wants me." She screamed happily. "I knew you could do it. Now all you have to do is make a choice between staying here or going to Michigan, California, Tennessee or Pennsylvania. She sighed knowing that he was right. "I will have my choice by the time we graduate from this hell hole." She said making them both laugh.

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower and I'll see you at the party right?" He nodded. "Now go take a shower, you stink Thompson."she rolled her eyes. As she went through the halls to the bathroom took a shower but as  she was leaving she felt a chilling feeling go down her spine. "Hello." She said grabbing her Swiss army knife and flashlight. She turned on the flashlight and continued to walk out the doors through the woods to get home but she felt as if someone was right behind a her. "Alright guys enough of the games. Come out already." At this point Lilly was terrified hoping and praying that this was all a prank.

As she speedily walked through the the forest  ready to swing or throw her knife she saw a bush shuffle a bit causing to feel her body shake with anxiety. She began to think and over think about the situation she was currently in. "Please don't be a wolf or a lion." She thought of how she was supposed to be going to meet with Carmen. "Alright Martin I've had enough quit playing." Lilly said annoyed believing that it was him and the guys that were playing games with her.

"Danté if that's you I'm not playing." Lilly was terrified. In an instant a gargantuan wolf with blue-grayish fur and blood red eyes popped out of the bush. She screamed at the top of her lungs. She could feel her body start to panic. "HELP ME ANYONE!!!" just as the wolf started getting closer someone attacked the large wolf. "Sweet cheese Thompson you need to move." She looked up and saw her friend Carmen coming to save the day. "What about you?" Lilly said worried for her friend. "Don't worry about me I'll be fine."

With that said lilly made a mad dash out of the forest and towards their hangout. After a long time of running she made it safely to the chill spot but started to worry for Carmen. She started calling her phone but got no answer then had began to panic and think irrationally. "Whoa hey relax. I'm right here." She turned around and tackled her friend in a big hug. "Don't scare me like that Carmen I thought you died." Lilly said through fallen tears. "Come on Thompson you know that I will be here with you till we're 80." They laughed at this.

"So what happened to the wolf?" Lilly asked Carmen making her tense up for a quick second. "Nothing really just pepper sprayed the mutt and it went running to wherever it came from." She smiled at her and they began to calm themselves down after all that happened. "So you know you never told me why you hate Dylan or his family." Carmen said as they were sitting in their chairs.

She groaned at the idea of telling the story what happened between them. "You know, there used to be a time where we were friends," she looked at Carmen who was bewildered by what she said. Carmen stared at her then began laughing hysterically.

"There's no way that's true." Carmen said looking at lilly like she was crazy. Lilly sat there looking serious at her. "Oh my Mariah. YOU USED TO BE FRIENDS WITH DYLAN MARTIN!!" Lilly covered her mouth. "yes now be quiet." She slammed a hand on her friend's mouth as she nodded . " It was a couple of years ago. " She said reminiscing. " It was my birthday and I was going to confess to Dylan at the time that I liked him but Dylan was always with his friends so I attempted everything I could to make them disperse and luckily did and told him how I felt.

Next week pops by and the next thing I know is that everyone knows about my crush for him. He even laughed in front of me. He then told me that, "he never wanted to be my friend. It was all a part of a bet." Lilly sighs at the memory. "Not only that days after that he tormented me  into a cycle of depression. Until one day I made a bet with him Infront of everyone." Carmen was intrigued by this. "What was the bet?" "I bet him that by the time we graduate high school that when I came first on the rankings that he would leave me and every girl in the school alone." She said making Carmen dumbfounded. "Yeah well you do realize that you are second on the rankings?" I'm well aware of that Carmen.

"So how do you plan to get in first when Dylan has the upper hand? not only that his family runs the school." Lilly sighed and began plotting. "It's simple Carmen." She smiled deviously. "I'm going to try to rekindle a fire." Carmen looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" Lilly looked her in the eyes and said. " I'm going to become his newest distraction."

"Lilly that's a very bad idea. What happens if you-" lilly cut her off. "I'm not going to fall for him again." She said confidently. "And did you forget Martin has a girlfriend as of currently. So how do you plan to be the distraction when he already has one?" She sighs knowing that she was right, but then an idea come to her. "I'm going to start  with my own distraction. I'm going to use his step brother." Carmen was surprised with Lilly being that she never used anyone for her benefit. "Are you sure you want to do that?"

Lilly thought it over knowing good and well that it would cause some consequences to her friendship with Adrian. "Yeah I'll just have to explain everything to him when I do. " She said defending herself. "Besides think of this as my this being my big checkmate move." She said content while Carmen shook her head.

"Hey Danté can we talk?" Lilly said to him. "Sure what's up?" She sighed and decided that it was now or never. "We need to break up." He looked at her and smiled." Oh thank Zeus almighty!" His happiness made her confused. "You're okay with this?" He nodded. "This honestly felt like dating my sister or a cousin." She stood there surprised. "Okay then friends?" He shook on it. "Friends."

He said just as Adrien walked by them. "Adrien hold up." Lilly said catching up to him. "I need a favor from you." He quirked his eyebrow "alright let's walk and talk.

As we were walking I explained everything to him and he looked at me for a second. "Are you sure you want to do this lilly?" Adrian asked her.  She sighed annoyed that he was even asking her. "Yes I'm sure." He shrugged at me. " I just want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into." She rolled her eyes. "Be glad I even said yes because even though you and Danté are no more this still brakes bro code even if we aren't really together.

"Thank you so much. Adrien you're the best." She kissed his cheek. "Alright then are you ready to commence operation Cobra babe?" He said making her smirk. "Yep let's go." She was ready to commence some hellfire and bring down the rain on her enemy Dylan Martin's parade. They walked to her locker holding hands and everyone's eyes were on them. "OMG! Adrien and lilly are a thing!?" Some random student blurted out. The news spread like wildfire.

As she got her books for her first they were talking about the plan. "So now that you got me in the ropes of your plan what's the first step?" Adrien says listening to her attentively. She lets out a breath of air. "Honestly I didn't think I would get you to say yes."she says sheepishly. "Wait so you didn't think far ahead to hen I said yes?" She looks down in shame and nods.

"I have an idea but this we have to sell." Her ears perked up as he spoke. "Our mother's birthday ball is happening in three days come withe as my date and I'll introduce you as my girlfriend." He says to her. She laughs. "You realize that I don't wear dresses at all right? So how do you expect me to wear a dress and heels let alone?"  He smiles at me. "After school meet me at this location so we can start."

He hands her a note with an address scribbled on the back. She looks at him suspiciously. He groans. "If I was going to try something I would have the moment I agreed to this." She sighs.  "Alright see you then." He kissed her cheek and went on to bring her to class. They were making jokes and laughing as they getting closer to her destination. "Haha seriously I can't your jokes are horrible." Lilly laughed at Adrien. "well maybe your humor isn't as good as mine." He smiled goofily. "Alright then I will see you later babe." He kissed her cheek. "See you later." She smiled flirty at him as she went inside the class room.

As she walked in the classroom all the girls went up to her admiring the fact she was with Adrien, one of the hottest boys on school grounds. "So are you guys really a thing?" A girl said to her. "Yes we are. After me and Danté broke up and decided to be friends Adrien asked me out." The girls sighed dreamily as the teacher walked in. "Alright let's start today's lesson."