You Are Too Weak

Although Snowy, as The System, didn't have any consciousness or self-awareness at that time, she still could answer the little girl's question since the replying ability was programmed inside her to assist her host. She was more like a replying machine, only stating a fact without any tact.

However, the little girl not minding it and felt happy that she had someone to talk to. She even one-sidedly proclaimed that Snowy was her first and best friend.

Across the million miles and thousand years that they had trod together, the little girls always treated Snowy as her family and never a tool. From she was an ugly goose until she spread her wing and traverse the sky like a great swan, she had always shared her happiness, grief, frustration, and much more emotion with Snowy despite never got a human-like response.

"S-system... C-can I really cure my mother?" when she first learn alchemy, the little girl spoke to her with an anxious voice.