Snowy's Worry


"Hmm?" Snowy replied at the voice who called her name absentmindedly.

"Are you okay?" Feng Xue was really worried about Snowy's state of mind. Since they returned to Blackwood Forest, Snowy had fallen quiet as if she was deep in thought.

"Un. Don't worry, Xue," Snowy smiled at her as she shook her head dismissively.

"If something bothers you, you can always share it with me, Snowy," Feng Xue stared at Snowy with determined eyes while locking her fingers with Snowy's, "I want to help you like how you always there for me. Please, I want to lessen your pain, even if it's just a little bit."

"Un. Thank you, Xue..." Warmth filled Snowy's heart and somehow also crept up to her face as her cheeks turned rosy when she remembered what they had done while bathing together before.