17 Years Later

This man was Long You or Leo, the eldest son of the Long Family. Although, he was just older than Long Lei by 3 hours. He was a Major General and his office was in the Capital City, or City D.

Long You fixed his loose collar, which was exposing a bit of his well-built body and lazily leaned back into his seat. "Come out."

After a minute of silence, an exclaiming voice sounded out in the previously empty room.

"Oh-no! Big-brother, you wouldn't have found me out if I wasn't surprised by your blinding smile." Long Jiao, the youngest of Long-siblings crawled out from under the low sofa. Born with the power of invisibility, he had done similar tricks thousands of times.

"Oh? But I could see you for the last 2 hours."

Next, the proud expression of the boy immediately crumbled and turned into betrayal.

"What! You still made your baby brother stand in that difficult position then? Ai, ai~ My brother is so heartless."

"Shut-up. Why are you here? Do you want to make mom and dad worry again? How many times have you been told that you are still young, it's not the time for you to go out alone."

Dragons took great care of their children, always keeping them close to themselves until they had grown up and become adults.

The 6-7 years old boy pouted but still replied.

"Big-brother, sis had dropped me here. And, mom and dad also know about me coming here. But, tell me why you were laughing like that? Is it my sister-in-law? Tell me."

"Yes, it's your sister-in-law. I finally found him."

"Great! I also want to meet my sister-in-law."

"No. You're not. Go back home."

"Hmph! Big-brother you are bad. Did you hear that second-brother has also found his mate? He could even meet sister-in-law in his consciousness."

"Yes. It's good for that fellow to find someone he loves."

"Sigh! Big-brother, you are so lucky. I don't know when I will find my mate...Ouch!"

Long You knocked on Long Jiao's head, "You are not even an adult and are thinking about mate. Come, I'll take you home" , and walked with him out of the office.

The soldiers outside were used to the sudden appearance or disappearance of Long Brothers. They just took it as an incredible talent and remained concentrated on their duties.

"Yang Peng."

A handsome young soldier walked over. "Yes, Major General." The handsome soldier had an air of fierceness and smartness around him at the same time. He was Long You's most trusted soldier.

"Go make preparations. We are shifting to City M."

Yang Peng was startled, but he didn't show it on his face. "Yes."

The Major General always has his own reasons, like the child's photo in his office. He just had to follow his own duties.

Long You was satisfied with this attitude. He then walked out with Long Jiao.

In the car, Long Jiao asked Long You. "Big Brother, sister-in-law is still very small, from his picture I saw in your office. Why are you going there if you can't meet him? Because he will then view you as elderly."

Long You looked at his baby brother's serious face and then shifted his eyes out of the window, as if looking at a distant place.

"He has suffered very much. Ever since childhood, he has grown up by himself, being the spiritual pillar of his brother, while himself living on a delicate hope of a good future. Even if his life has improved, I know he will still not feel safe. I want to be near him, to give him some spiritual comfort, like he gives to me, unknowingly."

Long Jiao looked at his cold big-brother's soft expression, and again realized how powerful the mate's bond was.

In the next few days, Long You moved his office to City R, keeping an eye on his mate all the time.

As the years went by, Long You and Long Lei became the spiritual comfort of their mates, who, in a delicate way, were theirs too.

Whenever Fang Junjie would torture himself, training the whole day in order to become strong, in the night, Long You would sneak up into his room, and comfort him in his sleep.

He would massage his mate's sore arms and legs, press his head during headache, comfort him spiritually during the nightmares, and so on. Sometimes, Fang Junjie, who was full of insecurities, would unknowingly cry in his lap. Long You would kiss away his tears in distress but still remained helpless.

He did not want to interrupt his mate's life and dreams for his own selfishness. And never did he ever have the thought of taking physical advantage of the weak Fang Junjie. A dragon was known to be the most prideful being on Earth. They would never do things like taking advantage of the weak. And Long You and his siblings prided on the teachings of their loving parents. If he even did something disgusting, his mother would kill him if he didn't kill himself.

Instead, he helped his mate in giving him what he wanted.

Since the orphanage was a military-based orphanage, he would indirectly send capable and strong soldiers who would train the Fang brothers and their friends even more than the normal training.

He would become more and more proud when he saw Fang Junjie's talent in sharp-shooting.

As he grew up Fang Junjie was faintly aware of something happening during the night. But he ignored it.

During the nighttime, something would happen and he would suddenly fall asleep. He would feel so much comfort till his soul at times. How many times he wanted to open his eyes and see what was happening, but he couldn't.

So he simply let it pass.

The nights were a torture for both of them. Knowing each other's presence, but still being unable to change anything.

Like Fang Junjie, Fang Bai would also suffer from nightmares. Being killed by his mother, separated from his big-brother, crushed under a powerful person's feet, or even being never able to see 'Lei'.

That day, since the day he said goodbye to Lei, every night he would suffer from nightmares. He would go and hug his ge-ge(Fang Junjie) whenever he was scared. But with time, he started noticing that his gege would feel very sad and even cry when he cries.

His ge-ge would wake up all night to take care of him.

So he lied that his nightmares had stopped. He also started living in a separate room, saying that he has grown up and will live with his friends.

Duan Wei and Tang Rong would usually sleep very deeply, so no-one knew about his nightmares. Except Tang Rong, who would sometimes wake up.

As the years passed, Fang Bai started understanding human nature. He became witty, and started showing a likeable, sunny image of himself.

While from inside, tormented by the nightmares, and understanding the selfishness of human nature, he became more and more indifferent. So much that, aside from his big brother and childhood friends, he would rarely show his real emotions to anyone.

He wanted to become so strong that no-one would ever harm him and his ge-ge.

The quality of instructors in the orphanage increased as they grew up because of the help of Long You.

Without his brother's knowledge, he signed up for devil training. The pain and sweat would help him in distracting from his nightmares.

Whenever 6 months would pass, he would eagerly wait for the night. And, that person would come... Lei would come in his consciousness. He would talk with Lei for the whole night, hugging him, sitting on his lap, etc.

Everything would be blurry and dark, the words they would say to each other would be muffled, not understandable at all, but they both enjoyed it. His nightmares would vanish for the next few days. Lei was his only solace.

He only had two wishes: to be the strongest, and... to meet Lei.




…17 years passed...

It was a pleasant evening, fresh spring air was blowing. Couples were here and there on the streets. Boys were playing basketball in the nearby park.

In the corner of the street, there was a high-end pub named Heaven's Road. There was a long line of customers on the entrance. Through the entrance, walking into the corridor, there were two gates.

On the left, was a closed, worn-out gate which no-one would notice, simply taking it as the store room.

The customers would automatically go to the right and enter a high-end bar. The high-end bar had all the famous drinks in the world, the bartenders were said to be more educated than University toppers.

The waitresses were beautiful like fairies, their one glance could make the heartbeats of men and women race.

It was a well known place for the rich to show off their wealth.

But, only a few people knew that Heaven's Road was not for the right door. It was known for its left door.

This day, the long line on the entrance was not for the right door, but for the left door.

Entering the door, there were stairs going deeper. When the stairs ended, there was another gate, entering which, there would be a big contrast to the outer world. The place was even more luxurious than the bar.

There were people of peculiar appearances and behaviors. People wearing cosplay uniforms, doing dark makeup, in simple Daoist robes, etc. But, there was no disrespectful behavior towards the other. Because they were the rules of the place.

Anyone violating those rules would be thrown out of the underworld. This was the power of the boss of Heaven's Road.

This day, everyone coming here was excited, tickets were being sold like hotcakes. Why?

Because that night was Tyson's match.


Who didn't know his name in the Underworld? He was the famous cruel devil, known for never showing mercy to his enemies.

There were many stories about Tyson, like he was a psychopath who had escaped from International Prison, or he was being hunted by the Interpol, or, he killed his own family, etc.

But, who was Tyson?