Feng Junjie Felt His Face Grow Hot

But, who was Tyson?

A boy was standing in a noodles shop, eating noodles while talking on his phone. He had beautiful, big, dark-brown eyes, dark-brown hair which were longer than normal, his bangs loosely falling on the side of his face.

He was wearing a loose, full sleeve t-shirt, and simple jeans... His lips held a simple, but attractive smile.

He was already thin, and his body looked thinner under the loose top.

At this time, the boy had a much wider smile on his face, looking more sunny. He was talking intimately on his phone. Many people looking his way were lamenting while thinking that that the young boy was already taken.

Few daring men were still daring to hit a conversation with him. But the boy just politely and distantly smiled at them. He continued talking on the phone, his voice confident and smooth.

"Yes. Yes ge-ge. Don't worry. I am just working as a bartender. You also saw me that day."

"Yes. I know it's a bartender's job, but please take care of yourself. I rather say, you don't need to work hard to make money. I am already making lots of money, only for you. But you still have to remain stubborn."

The man on the other side of the phone had an equally smooth, low pitched voice.

"Ge-ge you know that I want to make money because I also want to work hard for you, I also want to share your burden. But you don't even think I am capable enough."

At the end of the sentence, the boy's voice turned pitiful, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He knew that with this line, his brother would be K.O.ed. Few men felt their heart beating fast.

And, as he expected, "Okay, okay, I was wrong. You can do the job. But what should I do? I am very worried. If it happened like the last time…"

It was the boy's turn to be helpless. He wanted to reply, but he couldn't find any words.

"Send a bodyguard with him." A low, husky voice came from the phone's other side.

Fang Bai, who was eating noodles, gritted his teeth after hearing the voice, his expression and voice still calm on the surface. But from within, he was frustrated and giving curses to that man's whole family.

This man was again with his angel-like ge-ge, trying to hook him away.

Don't know how many times he had tried to separate his ge-ge from him, the man still found a way to counterattack him. At last, that shameless man even threatened him with exposing his secret to his ge-ge.

He didn't want to tell about it to his ge-ge because he knew that it would make his gege distressed and mad.

"Okay, Xiao-Bai, take one of the bodyguards with you." … As expected, his ge-ge agreed with the man.

"... Okay ge-ge."

Fang Bai was frustrated. He badly wanted to vent somewhere. Seemed like at night he had his chance to vent. While thinking all this in his head, his face still had that perfect pleasant smile while eating and waiting for the body-guard.

He wasn't at all anxious that his secret would be exposed by the bodyguard to his brother, because those bodyguards, in first place, were his own most loyal men he had sent to protect his ge-ge.

Soon, a man came from within the crowd, his camouflaging ability impeccable.

"Come on." Fang Bai said coldly, unlike his usual tone, and walked to the bar.

On the other hand, in a luxurious office, two men were sitting with their backs straight, having lunch.

One was a 22 years old, very handsome young man. He had dark-brown eyes like his brother, and brown hair, his skin white, jade-like, his hair mid length, his fringes escaping on his forehead. He had an aura of abstinence and discipline around him. His forehead was creased together, his eyes soft. He had an unguarded look towards the man in front of him, which he wasn't himself aware of.

The man in front of him had a face, which could be said to be sculpted by the god. His jawline was sharp, his eyes deep and mysterious, his neck sexy, making one want to lick it and peek under that collar . His aura was rough and masculine, holding authority. He seemed to only know how to look down on the people.

At this time, this man Long You had a soft expression on his face while talking to the young man.

Seeing the worried expression on Fang Junjie's face, Long You said, "You don't have to worry too much. You know, Fang Bai also had some military training."

Fang Junjie relaxed his expression after hearing this, but the lines on his forehead still gave away his worries. How could the man not know the person in front of him was worried? So he continued.

"That place won't have any violence. I have heard that the new Boss has made very strict rules. People fear him and won't break the rules. I'll also send one of my capable men to follow him. And if the situation is bad, the men will handle it easily until we bring help."

This time, Fang Junjie was finally relieved. He smiled and apologetically looked at the man.

"Thank you, Mr. Long. I don't know how much you have helped us."

"No need for any 'thank you's between us, Mr Fang. Now let's continue our lunch." Long You tilted his lips upwards, his eyes more softer.

"Yes." Fang Junjie looked at the smile on the man's face, and suddenly felt his face growing hot. He quickly looked down, focusing on his food.

Long You looked at him, his eyes held a smile.

When it was time to leave, Fang Junjie walked Long You to the door of his office, again going to bow down to show his gratitude. "Thank you again, Mr. Lo-"

Suddenly, his shoulders were held by a strong pair of hands. He felt scalded by the touch, his ears turning pink, and looked up at Long You who had a serious look on his face.

"Long You."


"Call me Long You." The voice was low and husky.