The Secretary Was Workaholic Too, Like His Boss.

"Call me Long You."

The man was 6'3'', Fang Junjie had to slightly tilt his head up to make eye-contact with him. He looked into those mysterious eyes and felt himself lost.

When he realized that he was staring at the man, he suddenly felt himself fluster. He didn't know what was happening, but he immediately wanted to run away from that place.

But Long You was still looking deeply at him, holding his shoulders with a strong grip.

"L-long You." He said, making his voice calm. He thought that Long You should now release him.

But, suddenly he felt himself enveloped in a hug. He stiffened.

"Fang Junjie, we are friends, aren't we?" From above came a low, muffled voice.

"Hmm..." Fang Junjie responded in a muffled voice, still inside the hug.

"So let me hug you to calm you down." Long You looked at the person in his embrace who was struggling for a bit.

Fang Junjie who wanted to escape, reluctantly calmed down and let himself be hugged. He could smell a unique smell around him, he unconsciously took little longer breaths of air. The embrace was warm, which he sometimes also felt in those comfortable nights he never wanted to get up from.

The hug seemed magical, taking away all his worries and burdens. His legs felt light, and he wanted to melt right in, always wanting to feel like that. Those hard chest muscles gave him a sense of security he always yearned for, the comfort and freeness he always worked hard for.

But reason obviously told him that can't be possible. He should never have such thoughts and focus on his goal, to become the strongest.

Also, that cheap father of his seemed to have got a whiff of his identity. That's why he had to work much harder so that the man can't even reach the soles of his feet. Thinking of the work left, he let out an inaudible sigh.

Long You realized that Fang Junjie was again burdening himself with some problems. He released Fang Junjie from his hold, who was trying his best to mask his reluctant expression after the loss of secure feeling. But, how can he not understand his mate?

"Fang Junjie."

"Hmm." It seemed that this man had called his name for the first time.

"We are friends. You can share anything you want to with me. You can even ask me for help if you want. You know I would never say no. Take care of yourself. Have some sleep." He hugged Fang Junjie again swiftly and left, not wanting to make the atmosphere awkward for Fang Junjie.

Fang Junjie was frozen in his place as he saw the man disappearing from the corner. His face again felt hot.

He remembered the words that the man had spoken. His heart felt warm from all the care.

But soon, it turned cold. He can't depend on others. His friends can't help him all the time. He himself had to work hard so that he can reach up to his friend and not become a burden on others.

He again asked his secretary Han Bo to get the remaining files in his office and started working.

After 2 hours, he felt exhausted. He went to his personal lounge remembering Long You's words. He wanted to sleep but he knew that he rarely falls asleep because of his worries.

He laid simply on his bed.

Suddenly, his eyelids turned heavy, he realized this and a smile crept on his face. That was happening again. That comfort he usually felt at night was here. He obediently closed his eyes and surrendered to sleep.

After a minute of silence, a sigh sounded in the room. The man who had left earlier walked to the man sleeping on the bed. He caressed his head, looking lovingly at him.

"I knew you would not listen." He sighed again.

Long You looked at his mate who had started snuggling into his hands. He got on the bed and hugged the sleeping Fang Junjie, who hummed with a smile and burrowed into his arms.

His familiar movement in his sleep showed how many times it had happened before.

"I had just gone away for a month and you hardly slept. Don't be so insecure. I'm here." He sighed again, caressing his mate's face and planting a soft kiss on his lips, releasing before a few seconds.

He seemed to be unsatisfied so he kissed again, this time more deeply. After a few minutes, he reluctantly stopped sucking those soft lips, still licking them with his tongue for a long time, making sure there were no marks.

He sighed again.

"I wish I could tell you how much I want you, how I can't live without you, but you seem to be afraid."

Don't worry, I will slowly pry away your insecurities and nightmares. You will not be burdened by the things around you and have your own home, your safe haven.

Long You waved his free hand and some of his work files appeared on the bed. It was just like in previous years. He changed to a sitting position, and carefully arranged Fang Junjie's sleeping position.

He worked in that position for the next two hours.

When the time was almost up, he again cleared his work with a wave, arranged the bed so that it only looked to be occupied by one person.

Then he kissed Fang Junjie's lips for the last time, and vanished from that place.

Few minutes later, Fang Junjie woke up from his sleep abruptly and looked around the room. A regretful expression came on his face.

He felt like he had smelled a familiar cologne in his sleep.

Maybe it was a hallucination. He looked at the time, it was 9 PM.

It seemed to be like no different time for him. He went back to his office seat and started working again.

Secretary Han Bo saw that his boss was working overtime again. He thought that he would later give his little brother a call.

He also changed his mind to go home and started working overtime too.

After all, he didn't get a large paycheck compared to the other office workers for no reason.

The secretary was workaholic too, like his Boss.