Li Jin

It was time for lunch. Since it was already pre-decided, Fang Bai, Duan Wei and Tang Rong headed towards the canteen from their respective classes.

Some lectures had ended, with students heading towards the canteen, while others had just started so some students were also returning to their classes.

The orientation of the freshers had ended and they were also roaming around, asking for directions so as to get familiar with the campus.

Duan Wei and Fang Bai headed towards the gents washroom.

"Are you going to the bar today?" Duan Wei asked Fang Bai.

"Yes, I have some work today. I also have a new deal to make about the new branch."

'I also have to hide all the proofs about my other death-matches and close a few people's mouths before Rong-Rong gets suspicious and hacks into my system. *Cough*'

Fang Bai lights a candle for himself thinking about what would happen when Duan Wei and Tang Rong know about all his activities, most of which were classified as life-threatening.

And if Fang Junjie knew…

He's dead.

"Oh, I will head there soon as my last lecture has been cancelled. I'll use public transport. You come with Rong-Rong after your classes and we'll return together." Duan Wei said.


They had their voices lowered as they talked.

As they were about to enter the washroom, they suddenly heard a loud noise from inside the washroom.

They looked at each other and hurried inside.

Another group of young men also heard the noise and ran inside.


Few minutes before…

Inside the washroom, a young boy was curled up holding his knees together.

His expression looked full of shock.

Five guys were surrounding him while spouting abusive words and ridicules at him.

They were taking turns kicking him with disgust written on all over their faces.

"Disgusting gay! Do you think you can have thoughts about our big brother? You're not worth him!"


"He has already told you how repulsed he is just by your mere appearance. Let us also teach you to not make such mistakes."

"We are already sparing you today by just giving you a beating. You must go and beg our big brother for forgiveness!"

While all this was happening around him, the young man still had a stunned expression.

It was unsure if he had or hadn't heard those curses.

One guy again gave a harsh kick to the young man because of which his head banged loudly on the wall.

The young man groaned in pain, he suddenly seemed to come out of his reverie.

He looked around with a curious expression while gauging the situation around him.

'Where am I? Uh, who are these people?' 'They look a bit familiar.'

'Water… There's water in the tap.

Such clear water.'

'It's been days since I drank clear water in the apocalypse.'

'But wait, so bright lights?! Are these guys fools? What if any zombies are attracted? And why are they making such noise?'

He suddenly exclaimed inside.

'Hey, this doesn't look like the apocalypse at all!'

'These weak kids are so well dressed.'

Yes. To the young man, all the punches people around him seemed like small pushes.

They were not painful, but annoying.

But it was not the time to take blind action. He needs to understand what's happening around.

Never underestimate even the weakest of people. He's learned this from all the harsh experience.

He listened to the words of the guys and slowly understood.

Wasn't this the time when he was bullied on the first day of his college?

He had confessed his love for his senior since high school and was beaten because the senior said he was disgusted with him.

That guy had clearly said to him that he would accept him if he could get admission in the same college as him.

He remembered that he was just heartbroken and crying in the washroom when those guys beated him.

He was not in the right state so these weak boys could get near him, otherwise he would have broken their hands.

And he really did at that time.

He had beaten all of them till their bones broke. How simple minded he was then.

Trained all his life inside the small underground room, to be used as a tool or weapon, he had finally gained his freedom.

And he had exposed it by himself.

Because of this incident, his identity was revealed and he was hunted even during the apocalypse.

And then…

It's better to think about the present.

'I am still not good at judging people and situations. I will not reveal myself this time and live a simple and secluded life in the apocalypse. I'm tired… '

The young man, Li Jin, simply curled himself like before and took in the beating.

He let a few of his vitals get hurt so that no-one could look through his disguise.

"P-please don't beat me… Please… "

"Aahhh… "

Li Jin bowed his head, remembering all the painful moments and a few tears formed in his eyes, making him look more miserable.

He will simply wait until these guys will be full.

'After this, I'll leave the college and hoard supplies, living in a simple corner of the country where there would be less humans.'

But, fast footsteps suddenly sounded.

A very handsome and lean guy and a muscular guy entered, followed by a few more guys.

They all gasped looking at what was happening inside.

He had an innocent and good looking face which was full of tears at the moment.

His small figure looked pitiful surrounded by those bullies.

He was whimpering with each of the curses which were aimed at him.

The bullies suddenly change their faces, looking scaredly at the people who entered.

It was obvious that these new faces were someone very famous and at a good position in the university.

Duan Wei stepped forward with an angry expression.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get right away!"

His authority as a security head was reflected as the bullies involuntarily backed away with nervous expression on their faces.

One of them came forward, barely away from panicking and running away. He sneaked a look at Fang Bai who also had an angry expression and spoke.

"Senior, h-he harassed our Senior brother. He likes him but our senior brother doesn't."

Another person bravely chimed in.

"Yes yes, he even stocked our senior brother to his college and is now ruining his reputation."

"Senior you should stay away, maybe this disgusting person will also lay his hands on you."