Li Jin - II

The group of people who came behind took their steps back, as if they were really afraid that Li Jin would come and harass them.

The lead bully noticed that and his confidence increased.

"Yes yes senior, beware of false people, this is just his pretence."

While saying this, he once again lifted his foot to kick Li Jin.

Li Jin, who was curled, again tightened himself, preparing for the impact.

Always, he has always seen such strange discrimination from everyone towards himself.

At first, they blamed him for being mentally challenged for being a gay. Later, when people themselves were being gay during the apocalypse, they still pointed at him calling him 'mental' or 'sick'.

[Apparently during the apocalypse, males usually looked for male partners only to support themselves.]

Anyways, just for these few minutes,he will endure the humiliation. Then he'll just leave for a faraway place.

Hopefully these people would get bitten by zombies.

He waited for the impact.

But, the expected impact didn't come.

Instead, there was a thump and the painful shrieking voice of the bully.

He hurriedly looked up to see Duan Wei patting his hands with an angry smile and the bully sprawled on the floor with an ugly expression.

"This is the first time I have seen such a righteous reason to bully someone."

Li Jin was surprised after listening to these words.

"I don't need you to tell me what is wrong or right. He will tell it himself." Duan Wei continued.

He offered his hand to Li Jin with an encouraging look.

"Hey, you can say why they were bullying you. You don't have to be afraid of me and Xiao-Bai here."

Li Jin came back to his senses and looked at the hand extended to him by Duan Wei.

He carefully looked at Duan Wei's face and searched for signs of malice or mockery but he ultimately could only find pure genuinity in it.

'Is this how it feels when someone genuinely stands for you?' He wondered.

'Or does he want some benefits? I will try my best to help, although I did not ask him for help in the first place.'

A person genuinely helped him for the first time. It was a special memory for him.

As far as he remembered, he had only made exchanges.

Before the apocalypse he had exchanged favours for various assassinations or life-threatening tasks from few people who he knew wouldn't hesitate to sell his coordinates if they knew his real identity.

And after the apocalypse he had made exchanges as various foods, favours, acting as bodyguard, and even a few sexual favours.

He still couldn't understand how those guys could sacrifice so much food and materials just for touching him.

However, they would curse and leave just after some time. What do they mean by 'he couldn't stand up'?

Anyway, it's not his business. Those people are just abnormal.

If this person asks for such 'sexual favour' as it is called, he would oblige once for free.

Or he will warn him to be beware before the apocalypse.

That is definitely valuable.

He hesitantly put his hand on Duan Wei's hand and was pulled up pretty easily as if his weight was nothing.

Duan Wei looked at the thin and pale hand in his grip.

'This boy has signs of malnutrition.' he thought.

Next thing he noticed was that the guy was

quite short. At least in front of him who was more than 6 feets tall.

The boy stood up and slowly said in a timid voice,

"I did not harass senior brother. I wanted to take back the money he had borrowed from me. He has still not returned it. B-but when I went to senior brother to ask for the money, said that he didn't know me. And created a scene that I was disturbing him. But I didn't. These people are lying."

Li Jin wasn't actually lying. He actually did give money to the senior. But earlier, he had no intention of taking that back.

He actually fell for the good and helpful personality of that guy. At that time, he had just escaped from the old man and it was the first time someone was good to him.

So he wanted to give the person the best of the things.

He even worked hard to study for the examination so that they can get into the same college, which was clearly difficult for someone like him who came in contact with the real world just a year ago.

But he never revealed it to anyone as he thought that everything he did was worth the affection of the senior.

Before this, he had no intention of having contact with any human.

He just wanted to go somewhere far away from everyone else.

But now he changed his mind.

He will take back his money since he needs it a lot to buy supplies.

He actually was feeling guilty inside for lying to this good senior brother who helped him.

'Sorry big brother, I used you.'

Duan Wei heard what Li Jin said and sighed about how innocent this person was.

'He really has no idea how to judge who has bad intentions or motives.'

Anyway, it's not late for this little guy. He can definitely get someone loyal in the future.

Duan Wei doesn't know that in the future, this 'little guy' won't just have one, but instead two wife-slaves who will pamper him tirelessly, shamelessly spreading dog food everywhere.

But that is for the future.

As for now, the bully immediately denied Li Jin's claim.

"Liar! He has no proof. He is just making up things."

"I have! I still have the screenshots of the transactions I gave to senior brother! So how can he does not know me?"

While saying this, he fished the phone out of his bag very quickly and showed the online transactions with the senior, which were surprisingly many.

This was a big reversal.

Fang Bai quietly observed the guy.

Something flashed in his eyes before it quietly vanished.

He walked forward to them.

"Li Jin has said his point. That guy should clearly return his money.

If not, we can sue him for his homophobic comments and for ruining the reputation of an innocent.

Tell him that I said he should come and apologize to Li Jin and also return him money. If he does something to defend himself, he can also come and say it."

After this, he pointed towards the bullies.

"You all, you should be prepared for the notice of the student union. I don't want to see you guys' face anymore. Go back."

Everyone was taken aback when Fang Bai said this.

But they slowly realized that Fang Bai had a good personality. He must be unhappy that a junior was wronged.

It is inevitable that he will be angry.

The faces of the bullies paled.

Fang Bai was not in the student union but he had a major influence on them. It was said that he himself declined the position of the president of the union.

And more than that, his elder brother was Fang Junjie who had a legendary reputation in the University.

He completed his dual-degrees within just 2 years instead of four and his company was among the country's top companies within just few years and was also said to have more outstanding future prospects.

Everyone from their university dreamt of working in that company.

And now, they offended Fang Junjie's younger brother whom he treasures.

Seeing that Fang Bai was helping Li Jin, the lead bully turned quiet like a chicken.

He should quickly go and inform senior brother about it.

They quietly scampered away while maintaining as far distance as possible from the muscular Duan Wei, fearing that he might beat them in anger.

The group of people who came behind were now ashamed.

They remained quiet as they watched Fang Bai and Duan Wei takeaway Li Jin.

No-one except Duan Wei noticed that Fang Bai already knew Li Jin's name.

And he never meddled with other people's affairs. This was the first time he took something personally.

Did Fang Bai know Li Jin personally?