The Asteroid Is Nearing: Space-centre Hacked

As they walked out of the washroom, Li Jin observed the two young men who helped him. One was obviously very strong; just one look at his beautiful muscles and his unsmiling look, one would take him as a dominant.

While the other person walking next to the first one had a lean body which made him look weak on the surface but his calmness and body language showed him that he was obviously trained.

The second guy seemed to have noticed his gaze at him and flashed him a friendly smile.

'Although he is strong he could be easily taken advantage of because of his very friendly personality.' thought Li Jin.

"Do you want to have lunch with us?"

The lean guy asked him.

Now that he remembered, since the apocalypse had not yet happened, he could enjoy all the food and water. He was so distracted earlier that he forgot his priorities.

When he died, he was also starving… Hopeless and helpless- that was how he was.

Li Jin suppressed his gloomy thoughts and tried his best to bring himself to the present.

His minute change in expression didn't go unnoticed by Fang Bai.

"Okay senior. Um... senior, what may I call you?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Fang Bai, in the 3rd year mechanical department. This is my brother Duan Wei. He's also in 3rd year, but in the Arts Department."

Li Jin wondered, 'I never heard this name in the Apocalypse. Did these seniors die early?'

Should he warn them about the apocalypse?

Or should he protect them? He always wanted a loyal team and company… They're weak, they can even be able to harm him later if they want to.

But wait… he might look creepy if he stuck himself to them. And he might be carrying a burden with him if he stays with them.

Li Jin came back to reality and saw the seniors looking at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am Li Jin, first year in the Arts Department. Today is my first day at this university."

Duan Wei took a sideways look at him.

"Oh, hello Li Jin. Those guys might have left you now but they will soon try to harm you again later. You should be cautious. You can also contact me if you need help. "

"No worries senior. I have some work so I have to leave the town for a few days. I might return on thursday."

'Yes, I have to first liquidate my money and buy a lot of materials to stock later. Then I will come back and warn the seniors about the apocalypse and take some revenge.'

"Oh, is everything right? Do you need any help?" Fang Bai asked him with a concerned look.

Li Jin was again brought into a trance by these caring words. He quickly came back to reality and replied with the best normal voice he could have.

"Yes, there is no problem. I am just going to meet a friend there."

Fang Bai and Duan Wei had no choice but to believe it.

They soon reached the canteen as they talked. Tang Rong was already there waiting for them. He motioned them to take a seat.

Tang Rong raised his eyebrows quietly when he saw a new company.

The boy was short, almost 5'6", his body did not seem to have much fat, he looked pitifully thin.

His face was small and cute with light skin and cherry red lips, just like the famous cute boys on the internet.

At this time, the boy was looking focusedly at the canteen's menu. He occasionally swallowed as if those common dishes were something special.

'Is he trying to act innocent?' Tang Rong could not control his suspicious thoughts.

The boy's clothes were old but they did look like ones from a good company.

Tang Rong decided to investigate the background of the boy when he went home.

Fang Bai saw the look of Tang Rong and immediately understood what he was thinking. He thought of talking about this with Tang Rong later.

Tang Rong has always been fiercely protective about everyone in their family.

He observes any new person who comes in contact with them like a hawk and only leaves when he is sure that they can do no harm.

He himself agreed that at times he could get paranoid.

They all didn't mind it much as they understood where it came from.

Tang Rong had a very happy family before he came to the orphanage. His parents were loving and caring and taught him good values.

Everything was like a fairy tale until they went on a mission and never returned. He was happy that Tang Rong trusted them enough to share his story.

Li Jin also observed the new guy who looked like he was a good friend of the two seniors. This guy had a serious aura around him; the type of person whom no one would like to mess with.

He could feel the guy assessing him, as if searching deep within him for any signs of danger. He did not know why but he could feel himself sweating.

So he distracted himself and looked around in the canteen while looking for dishes he could enjoy. And he found himself gulping his saliva while he looked at those fresh and hot dishes which were so cheap.

When he died, people's lives were considered cheap in front of a

fresh apple. Wood espers were literally rich like kings in the later apocalypse.

At the thought of espers he was reminded of his own powers he clenched his fists.

'Let's check later if I still have my powers.'


As they sat together on the table, the three ordered their dishes. Li Jin observed that in all these dishes, there was no meat or egg.

Fang Bai saw him observing the dishes.

"We follow a vegetarian diet. You don't have to feel awkward. You can just order anything you like. We will avoid mixing the dishes."


Li Jin was again reminded of the apocalypse.

It had been 10 years since the zombie virus mutated. Li Jin remembered that in the initial few years the meat of mutated animals was edible. But after that, the zombie virus suddenly mutated. The world had another shock. Just like the first wave, many people again became mysteriously ill. And they mutated.

The new virus made the zombies more and more stronger and dangerous.

Human Beings also went through mutation and increased their strengths, but the people who always remained within the safe zones rather than fighting zombies became more and more vulnerable to virus and much stronger zombies.

The meat was not at all consumable after that wave.

The crops were also dwindling.

This was another challenge to humans.

To discover mutated crops whose fruits were edible, and to find proper conditions in which the plants could grow.

Li Jin remembered that he had even forgotten the taste of meat.

Since the seniors themselves didn't want him to get awkward, he simply ordered all his favourite dishes he remembered.

While eating, the four of them talked with each other.

Li Jin also had a simple conversation with Tang Rong. They all also discussed the matter of the bullies and what Fang Bai had said to them about the court case. Li Jin expressed that he would like to handle the situation and that he had a plan in his mind.

Duan Wei wanted to interfere in between since he remembered how disadvantageous Li Jin was earlier but he again received a signal from Fang Bai to not do so. There was definitely something about this new boy.

After lunch, Li Jin decided to bid goodbye to the seniors.

"Senior, as I told you I have to go to meet my friend. So I won't be able to meet you tomorrow. I will return on Thursday morning."

"Okay. Let's exchange our phone numbers so that you can contact us when you need help." Duan Wei suggested.

They exchanged phone numbers and said goodbye.

Everyone headed their own way.



American Space Centre

The space centre was bustling with people all around the world.

Many renowned scientists were entering one after another. There were meetings in different departments. Everyone was rushing with their work.

The head of the Space centre was currently having a busy conversation on his phone. Thankfully with the advanced technology he could communicate with the other person without any noise interference and even prevent his voice from reaching others.

Judging from his respectful posture and seriousness, he must be definitely talking to someone respectful.

And yes, he was.

He was currently having a conversation with the President.

Just then, there was a huge commotion in one of the department entrances. An emergency siren was played and everyone felt a thump in their hearts. Just from the day the asteroid was discovered, it was declared a 5% probability for the Earth to survive considering the size of the foreign body.

Common people were not aware but the rich had already heavily started investing money in making spaceships to leave Earth and migrate to a terrestrial planet. It was even rumoured that the president had already made preparations.

But their space centre had come up with a plan to blast the asteroid by a very powerful missile. The government was just spending money in their space centre as a compensation to the people. After all, there was still a 5% probability for the Earth to survive after their mission.

A senior engineer was running towards him with a ghastly expression. Behind him followed other members of his department.

"Sir… sir, the asteroid is picking up speed. We don't know why it happened but it seemed to be greatly stimulated and is rushing fiercely towards Earth. I-it may strike earth in six days."

"What!" The head exclaimed and paled.

He realized that the call was cut by the other side. The President must have heard of the news and is preparing for his own survival.

Originally, the asteroid was predicted to arrive in 30 days. But now...

He looked around and saw fears in the faces of all the employees and scientists. Tears gathered in the corners of the eyes of few people. He closed his eyes and gathered himself. There is still hope. He needs to gather himself and move forward.

"Let me check the engineering team." He rushed towards the place where the missile was made.

"What is the progress of the missile?" He questioned the engineer.

"Sir it has been prepared. The secondary tests have also been completed. The final propeller will be tested tonight. Head scientist Dr. Luo has predicted that if the test is positive then the missile will be ready to take off anytime soon."

"Good, then we'll launch it in 2 days. Team be prepared."

While everyone was busy in the discussion, no-one found out that one computer in the office had been hacked and the microphone had also started blinking with a red light.

What will happen… It will be known soon.

Will Earth get hit by the asteroid? Or will it be saved?