If the world is paused, we will get Supplies!

Yes! He could feel his ability again!

Li Jin grasped the bedsheet tightly as if to make sure that the feeling was real. He sniffed with lingering grievances and wiped off the tears with his t-shirt's sleeves. The feeling of being an invalid was so horrible, even if it was for a few days.

Li Jin did not want to leave any chances at all. He sat in the same cross-legged position and quickly began to circulate his energy around the body and used it to heal the broken veins. He soon felt the familiar power slowly streaming in his veins.

In his previous life, there were some famous conjectures that he often heard from the passing travelers who had lived in big cities with developed survival bases. It was speculated that the meteors contained some kind of raw energy.

Those meteors were actually once a huge asteroid which was going to break the Earth apart. But the American space station got the news in advance and blasted the asteroid far from Earth with the help of nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the broken pieces of the asteroid were very strong and they were still able to enter the Earth's atmosphere and pollute it with the virus.

There was another famous conjecture that came from a powerful taoist priest. It said that the asteroid was the Earth's doom. It deliberately came to Earth because it liked the energy here. But since it was broken in mid-path, it began to use another method to finish off the Earth.

Some living beings here on Earth had the potential to convert the raw energy this asteroid possessed(called Agyat), into a powerful energy. The people who could harness this energy, were later called the possessors of abilities. Agyat was a very mysterious energy which was deadly once a person came in direct contact with it. It was too powerful even for scientific instruments.

Even the asteroid which contained the virus was just a container of this energy. The virus couldn't harness it.

Therefore, the virus divided people into two kinds of qualifications.

The first were the people whose bodies were able to harness the Agyat energy and convert it into the special ability energy. This energy gave superpowers to the people, and had different forms, which resulted in many different types of abilities. These people were called ability users. The bodies of the ability users became strong, they wielded a certain type of ability, and sometimes more, and their bodies' healing rate increased to a great extent.

The other kind were the people who although were very susceptible to the Agyat, but they could not to harness it. Those people, and organisms were then turned by the virus into zombies, who basically worked as puppets. These zombies survived on blood and elemental energy to live. They hunted the people with special abilities for energy and to upgrade themselves. This energy, once accumulated to a great extent, could once again make the asteroid as powerful as before.

So the virus was converting the ecosystem of earth into an artificial system, which served only one purpose, which was to provide energy to the asteroid and virus.

The virus in the asteroid had left out the group of people who were not affected by the virus at all. Their bodies had developed a certain level of immunity to the virus and their physical capabilities also increased. They were the 'normal' human beings in his last life.

Li Jin soon realized that his ability user physique was slowly coming back. All his broken energy veins were gradually healing back and his internal injuries were also getting less painful.

But it still confused him that he was able to produce some amount of his powers long before the meteor shower. Did his body already naturally convert some of its physique to an ability user type physique?

Was some amount of Agyat already present on the Earth before? Why did the asteroid only choose Earth from all the other planets?

A long time passed. When Li Jin felt that almost all the veins in his body had healed, he slowly opened his eyes. His body seemed to have lightened, it was no longer laborious for him to breathe. A fluttery feeling flowed under his skin and he got goosebumps in his arms. It was still hard to believe that this was real. This state of his body made him secure.

Li Jin had only depended on himself throughout his life, and his good fighting ability was his greatest assurance. When he got injured and thought that he lost his powers, he almost felt that the world was crumbling.

Li Jin could now feel the familiar two energies again running in his veins- his abilities. Though their reserve was very very small, at least compared to his previous life, when he could harness a huge amount of energy at his will, he was still very satisfied.

Li Jin looked into the wall-clock and realized that a lot of time had passed. It was almost noon. The time passed so quickly! He had expected to wake up to chaos around the villa, but everything was strangely quiet. He went and opened the windows and a huge amount of sunlight immediately poured in. He felt his head spin as he slowly adjusted to the light.


The whole world was quiet. Not a moving bird could be seen. Not even the leaves of the plants in the green City V were moving. He went into the balcony to look at the situation near the house. The fire from the car had already extinguished. Marks of dried blood remained on the road. The people who fainted in the road were still in the same position as last night. He was doubtful if these people would be able to remain till the evening.

Li Jin went back in and walked to other rooms to check on the people. All of them were still in deep sleep. But this time, their bodies were trembling. On checking, he found that all of them had fever. If it was just one person, it could be taken as an accident. But a fever to all of the people at once?

Maybe the differentiation had already begun.

'Would these people have better chances of surviving if they were properly taken care of?' Li Jin wondered.

Li Jin went to the garage and brought back the medical supplies from his luggage. He first went to Fang Bai's room and pasted the cooling stickers on the sickly youth. He also searched for spare blankets in the room and covered the youth with them. Fang Bai was immensely sweating, and his eyebrows were creased. He was going through some dreadful nightmares.

Li Jin had no time to care about the nightmares. He quickly went to the other rooms and treated Tang Rong, Duan Wei and Rong Qing similarly. All of them seemed to be in some wrong psychological state, as they suffered from various nightmares.

To the three bodyguards and the helpers, Li Jin didn't want to waste any of his precious supplies on them. He just covered them with blankets so that they could sweat it out and heal naturally. This was the bare minimum, he thought, and he could do it.

After waiting for one hour, the fever had no sign of improving. Li Jin was pacing around the house, wondering about what was happening. He had just roamed outside on the periphery of the villa. A pause button seemed to be pressed in the world. No-one in the whole world was awake like him.

Li Jin now had a strange inkling about when this strange world would start moving again. Till then, he was going to collect some supplies. The ones he could regretfully not buy before. He now had a chance to get them! He remembered that there was a medical shop in this community a few hundred meters away from their location, and there was also a supermarket nearby.

Li Jin went to Tang Rong's room and found the keys of the car as expected. He kept a gun and some knives with himself for safety, and immediately drove out in the direction of the medical shop.

While Li Jin was away, Fang Bai, who was unconscious on the bed, was going through deep psychological torture.

"No! Don't leave-... Lei!!!"