Chapter - 3

Suddenly, a voice came from the front of the hall. On the stage, a tuxedo-wearing man walked up in a dignified, disciplined manner. Everyone present was quite surprised since there was no one there just a moment ago.

The stylishly dressed man sported a clean and neat hairstyle, as well as a monocle over his eye. He raised a hand towards the blonde maid standing by the entrance.

"Is this everyone?"

The maid shook her head softly, pointed towards the group on the right side of the hall, and then raised four fingers up.

"Four people…. Well, it's fine. We can't wait any longer, so just close the door and unleash it."

When the blonde maid showed some sign of hesitation, the man who kind of resembled a head butler narrowed his eyes.

"I am the Guide. It's not like it's difficult to get here. Those who can't even adhere to the schedule aren't needed here."

In the end, the maid obediently lowered her head and quietly closed the door shut. She then produced a smartphone and tapped away for a little while.

Meanwhile, the man on the stage clapped his hands twice to draw everyone's attention towards himself.

"Welcome. I am called Han, tasked with guiding all of you this time around. You can call me the Guide." Han spoke up to here and gestured at the maid with his index finger. She quickly ran to his side, while her blonde ponytail danced in the air.

"First of all, the Contract documents, please. How many do we have? Twenty-eight…. Quite a lot, isn't it? And we have nine Invitations this time?"

The Guide didn't even take a look at the bundle of the Contracts and simply shoved them underneath his jacket. However, he still held onto the Invitation letters tightly in his hand.

The Guide played with his monocle.

"Ehem, firstly, let us confirm the identities of those present today. Although we have the Invitation letters here, it's meaningless if we don't personally confirm."

The silence still remained inside the assembly hall. The Guide simply smirked.

"I'm sure that you're curious about many things. But let us follow the protocol. Everyone present here, please, think of bringing up your Status Windows, or simply yell Status in your minds. It's fine to say it out loud, as well."

[Your Status Window]

[1. General Information]

Summoned date: March 16th, 2017.

Marking Grade: Silver

Sex/Age: Male/26

Height/Weight: 200 cm/60 kg

Current Condition: Excellent

Class: LV. 0 (Invited)

Nationality: Republic of Korea (Area 1)

Affiliation: N/A

Alias: N/A

[2. Traits]

1. Temperament:

—Strong-willed. (Possesses a very strong will, thus able to make decisions alone)


2. Aptitude:

—Very High. (Best in every way; possesses talent or qualities of an emperor.)

[3. Physical Level]

Strength: Medium (High)

Endurance: Intermediate (Intermediate)

Agility: Intermediate (High)

Stamina: High (High)

Magic: High (Low)

Luck: High (High)

Remaining Ability points: 0

[4. Abilities]

1. Innate Abilities (2)

-Blessing of Sunshine

-EMS Sharingan

2. Job-Related Abilities (0)

3. Other Abilities (0)

[5. Level of Cognition]

—Will be available after the conclusion of the Tutorial event.

"Huh that's interesting I doesn't show my other abilities maybe because they are not related to bloodline or might be due to that passive"

Absolute Concealment (Passive) [Max Lvl]



"Wha, what the hell is this?"

People began gasping in surprise everywhere.

"What's this 'Innate Ability' thing? Hey, Hyungsik, what does yours say?"

"Excuse me? Do you perhaps possess an Innate Ability?"

The person who answered Kang Seok wasn't Hyungsik but the Guide, Han. Kang Seok didn't expect his words to be overheard from this far, so he got flustered while he shook his head in denial.

"N-No, I don't have one. I was just curious."

"Oh…. Well, it's only normal for you to not have an Innate Ability. That's how it is with most humans. You don't have to mind that section of your Status Window."

Han smiled brightly as he spoke.

"Well, then. Let's stop being surprised, shall we? This time, please reveal the grades of your Marks. Just like before, just think about it or speak it out loud, and it will be done. Don't worry, I won't be able to see anything besides what's been revealed."

"Let's see…. Since we don't have a lot of time remaining, I shall just directly move to the next step in the procedure. Miss Yi Seol-Ah, Mister Yi Sungjin, Mister Yi Hyungsik, Mister Jeong Minwoo, and Mister Hyun Sangmin? You all have the Bronze Marks, yes? Oh, indeed you do."

Five people out of the left side's eight nodded their heads before staring at the Guide with somewhat befuddled eyes.

The Guide asked and answered his own question, then he threw five Invitation letters in the air. Suddenly, the letters shone brightly before transforming into five bronze-colored bags that fell down to the ground.

It was all just like a fancy magic trick.

"The Bronze Marks will only receive one Random Box as per the regular bonus item rules. You could also have asked for the bonus of bringing along a helper, but I see that none of you have done so, regrettably."

The blonde maid picked the five bronze-colored bags and handed them over to their respective owners. Meanwhile, the Guide unfolded two more Invitation letters. While reading the contents, he carried on. "We advise you to immediately activate your bonus items right away. The Tutorial will begin soon, so it'd be a pity if you died without using them…. Ohh?"

The Guide's eyes always maintained a level of disinterest, but a small glint of surprise flickered in them now.

"Hoh. We have three silver Marks. I'm genuinely looking forward to guiding all of you. Mister Kang Seok? Miss Yun Seora? Lucifer Morningstar?"


Kang Seok shouted out energetically. The hoodie-wearing girl, Yun Seora, simply nodded her head once while Lucifer just smiled lightly.

"For the Silver Marks, two regular Random Boxes, and special bonus items unique to the Invited, will be provided. Mister Kang Seok won't receive the special bonus item, but there is one for Miss Yun Seora and Mister Lucifer."

This time too, the Invitation letters turned into bags as they fell down to the floor. If there was one thing different, it was that these bags were silver-colored rather than bronze. The blonde maid moved busily.

While guide then gave Seol a shocked look and then a gold bag appeared which was given to him by the maid while the guide mumbled angrily that why does he even need me with all of these things.

On the other hand Lucifer created a new mission for him that is

Mission: Successfully kill the monster.

Rewards :-

-Diary of an unknown student x1

-Yukihira's cooking experience

-Su Yang dual cultivation techniques and Flirting techniques