"Excuse me."
Han was still rubbing his chest while feeling rather relieved with himself. His eyes immediately shifted towards the group of the Contracted. A young woman sporting a bob-cut hair was dusting her butt while standing up.
"Uhm, is it, possibly…."
"What is it? We're just about ready to begin."
His attitude was clearly different from when interacting with the Invited. Hearing his voice full of annoyance akin to chasing away a pesky bug, a certain sense of dissatisfaction formed on the woman's face.
"You are not giving us anything?"
"You know, like those bags that those people just got."
The Guide let off a cynical chuckle and then replied immediately.
"Yes. You don't get anything."
"B– But why not?"
"Those bonus items are reserved for the Invited only."
It was a simple and articulate answer, but a deep frown emerged on the woman's face.
"Why is there a difference?"
"It's simple."
The Guide smiled softly and his right hand pointed towards his right, that is, the left side of the hall.
"These guests have been invited here after going through a strict evaluation."
Next, Han's left index finger pointed to his left, the right side of the hall, in a somewhat accusatory manner.
"And you people got dragged here because of the Contracts."
"No, that's not what I meant!"
"Besides, didn't you, Miss Shin Sang-Ah, receive ample compensation back in reality? Hmm?"
With the timely arrival of that question, the woman with the bob-cut hair, Shin Sang-Ah, became utterly lost for words. She sat back down with a reddened face, but that wasn't the end. "Are you done talking?"
A man from the group of the Contracted stood up in indignation. Seeing how fierce his eyes were, not to mention his rather well-developed physique, he looked like someone who knew how to get down and dirty if need be.
"And what else do you want?"
Finally, a look of irritation formed on Han's face.
"Ah? Can't you provide a proper explanation on what this Contract bullshit is? You told us to come here and this is how you treat us?"
A few people here and there began to quietly agree with the nameless man.
Such a complaint was bound to occur sooner or later. After all, ever since the Guide appeared, he paid attention only to the left side of the hall, where the Invited were.
They were already feeling unsure and anxious, and after being treated like a bunch of invisible fish out of water, it was not very strange to see them spit out their dissatisfaction in the open. Unfortunately for them, this wasn't the place to voice their problems, neither was Han the correct person to complain to.
"You know what, stop wasting time and get us some chairs, too. My legs are aching from all that standing around."
"That's right! Now that I see, you still look like a young man, so, how can you even think that it's good to discriminate between people like this?"
When more and more voices began chiming in, some amount of confidence and energy began filling up the expression of the nameless man. He glared at the Guide, waiting for a response.
As for Han, he was simply smirking back at them.
"….Sometimes, we get people like you. Those who don't know their place, those who only know how to bark and nothing else."
"What did you say?"
"Well, I do understand you. I don't know which deplorable bastard reeled you in, but you must have jumped in first without even waiting to listen to an explanation. That is, after being blinded by money and the promised reward."
The nameless man flinched.
"Whatever the case may be, you have already signed the Contract, haven't you? As long as you are here, you don't have a choice but to follow my guidance. If you want to complain, then you should meet up with the person you signed the Contract with later on and do so."
"So, what you're saying is I should sit here quietly?"
"We don't deserve to know so we better shut up and do as told?"
"Correct. Excellent analysis."
"Ha, what should I do, then? Because I don't feel like doing that."
"Well, if you feel that way."
Seeing the nameless man's rebellious attitude, Han simply pointed at the lone exit of the assembly hall with his index finger.
"You can simply leave."
"You stinking son of a bitch. You think I won't leave?"
The nameless man venomously shot back and turned to address the group, shouting out loudly at them.
"He's telling us to leave, so let's leave then! Tell them to do whatever the hell they want and let's go!"
Hearing this, three or four stood up hesitatingly. Ultimately, though, the number of those preparing to move was small.
"What are you all doing? I'm saying, we should leave, now!"
Even after the nameless man urged the crowd, no one else budged. And when the majority didn't move, even those who did stand up began sitting back down. Sure, there was the awkward atmosphere to consider, but also, it wasn't as if every Contracted here didn't receive an explanation or two before coming here.
"Hah, screw this. What a bunch of dumb cowards."
The nameless man muttered a few choice words, and then angrily stomped his way towards the exit. The blonde maid with her quick wits was already there; she carefully creaked the door open. The man turned around, spat on the floor of the assembly hall, and made his exit.
"Is there anyone else who wishes to leave?"
The Guide asked, but no one else made a move. The maid silently closed the door and locked it.
Han didn't say anything else. He simply stared at the door with an expression of someone finding it all rather amusing. As this strange silence continued, the crowd alternated their gazes between the exit and the Guide for a while.
And so… a minute went by like that. And just as the second minute was about to tick by….
They all could hear the hurried and scared running steps approaching the door. Then, the door handle was desperately yanked from the outside.
—Open the door!! Open the door!!
Next, there was heavy pounding on the door….
—You fucking sons of bitches! Open! Please!! Pleeeeaaaase!!! Ah, aaaaaahhhh!!!"
The noises from the outside suddenly cut off — both the screams of that nameless man and the pounding on the door.
"Well, I knew that would happen. Alright, in any case, let's all get started. The time's already this late and all."
The Guide smiled brightly and tapped an icon on his smartphone.
[You have received a new message from the Guide.]
[The Tutorial's first mission, 'Escape from the Assembly Hall', will now commence!]
"I pray for an enjoyable school life for all of you."
Han placed his right hand across his chest and politely bowed. Then….
"Everyone, I wish you all a good fortune."
….He vanished into thin air, just like when he made his first appearance. Not just him, but the blonde maid as well.
Now left seemingly abandoned, people began standing up in haste, one by one.
Just as someone was about to shout out…