Chapter - 5


An impact noise on a different scale from the previous pounding rocked the exit door, instantly silencing the uproar before it could even start.

One of the door's hinges couldn't endure the impact and broke off from the wall, hitting the ground with a sharp metallic clang. The door had been securely locked up, yet it was forced open just a crack before it was closed shut again.

The silence that settled within this confusion was deafening.

None of them knew what to do next. Only the instinctive reaction of the mouths silently bobbing up and down continued.


While this was happening only Lucifer remained calm during the whole chaos and as the monster came out he just removed the ring around his finger and turned into a muscular giant man who was now standing between the monster and the terrified people like a giant tower.

Suddenly the beast jumped on him and attacked him and due to the attack there was dust all around and when the dust finally settled people started looking for the beast as they were sure the beast would have killed Lucifer but to their amazement the beast was currently biting Lucifer's hand while trying his best to rip it of while Lucifer was looking at this scene with amusement and ridicule in his eyes then suddenly he caught the beast's head with his other hand and crushed his head then started walking away with an indifferent look.

When he left the room all the people present in the room couldn't help and take a sigh of relief while all the judges who were seeing this were beyond shocked while they were thinking the same thing 'he is much greater of a monster than the other two people with the gold stamp'.

As the place was devoid of any monster so he decided to go to the convenience store and get himself food to eat real quick before Seol Jihu comes here.

Then he just pulled everything that was inside the convenience store in his bag one at a time only leaving behind the things he doesn't need then he went towards the stairs and reached a metal gate and waited for everyone to enter.

Just as he entered he heard a ring [Lucifer Morningstar has arrived at the second-floor waiting area]

Then one by one everyone started entering while they still kept a distance from him.

When everyone had arrived another message was heard

[The first Tutorial mission, 'Escape from the Assembly Hall', has concluded. Number of remaining survivors: 36.]

[A new message from the Guide has arrived.]

[The second mission of the Tutorial, 'Breaking Through Traps' has begun.]

They all heard the new announcement, and at the same time, the sturdy locked gate at the end of the corridor automatically undid itself. It seemed that, regardless of the remaining time, the next mission would be triggered right away once all the survivors arrived at the waiting area.

[Sender: the Guide.]

[1. Enter the classroom "3-1" on the fourth floor of the main building via annex's third floor before time runs out.]

[Remaining time: 01:57:56]

Only now did Lucifer made his move again as he made his way through the hallway he once again entered his prideful form and completely destroyed the traps even before they were activated and everyone was broken out of their stupor when they heard the sudden announcement 5 minutes 0 seconds.

Today history was made as Lucifer had broken the record of clearing the second floor at the fastest speed by clearing it in just 5 minutes.

There was class 3-1 written on the classroom door. He entered the classroom and took the seat nearest to the teacher podium so that he could get those 4 coins faster than everyone else.

Total no of causalities during the second mission: 0

This was to be expected as Lucifer had alone cleared the second floor.

"Well, well, well. I'm truly shocked."

"I couldn't have imagined you'd pass the second mission that quickly. Thanks to you all, my prestige has gone up a level in the meantime."

Behind the teacher's podium stood the 'Guide' from the assembly hall, still wearing that butler outfit of his. Everyone stared at Han as if he was a phantom or some such.

"I congratulate you on successfully arriving on the fourth floor. I have to ask, did you enjoy the proceedings of the first and second periods?"

His leisurely and bright tone of voice roused anger in the hearts of almost everyone present. But, they knew there was nothing they could do, so they simply had to swallow it back. Still, the breathing of the bespectacled middle-aged man quickened noticeably

"I'm here to give you all great news. There is only one mission remaining in the Tutorial."

"There's another one?"

"Yes. But, there is genuinely no reason to fret. The reason being…."

The ends of the Guide's eyes arched upwards.

"…The remaining mission, it can actually become quite easy and enjoyable for everyone."

"Easy and enjoyable…?"

"Yes. As long as you stick to the rules. All of you."

When the Guide emphasized the words 'all of you', a dangerous smile crept up on his face.

"Shall I start with the explanations, then? Ah, the mission this time is a little more complicated, that is why I'm here. Besides, those announcements are so robotic and impersonal, no? Ahaha."

The Guide seemed to be in a really good mood, for some reason.

"Overall, this mission's goal is similar to the ones you had to go through until now. You are tasked with reaching the sixth floor via the fifth floor. However, there are a few more additional rules to consider this time."

The Guide picked up a chalk and drew a small circle on the blackboard.

"This is a coin."


"Have you heard of a treasure hunt?"


"…I am beginning to truly appreciate the greatness of the teachers teaching those unresponsive students."

The Guide's shoulders slumped forward rather theatrically, then, he played with his monocle.

"Fine. I shall finish the explanation and disappear from your sights as soon as possible. On the fourth and the fifth floor, there are many of these hidden coins, waiting to be found. You all are required to find and amass as many coins as possible before nightfall."

He then began writing on the blackboard again.

1. The usages for the coins:

—Entry fee

—Lucky draws

"There is a place on the sixth floor where the gate leading to the Paradise is scheduled to open."

The mere mention of entry to Paradise caused a small commotion to rise up.

"Unfortunately, there are no free lunches in the world. You will have to pay the appropriate entry fee. If you plan to enter the gate, you will need one hundred coins as the usage fee."

"One, one hundred? You need that many?"

"Actually, that's not a lot."

Han shook his head.

"The total number of hidden coins is 5000. With a little bit of leg work, finding 100 should be a cinch."

Han spoke up to here, before letting out a gasp of "Ah!"

"Now that I think about it, there are coins hidden in this classroom too…."

Suddenly, the sound of two chairs being slid across the floor could be heard. They were Lucifer and Yun Seora as she was about to move he rushed forward towards the podium and started looking inside it and then found out 4 coins inside it he then went back to his seat as everyone including the guide were stupefied but then he saw a paper in both of their hands and that's when he knew how they both knew about the location of coins.

"I see that you both have searched through the staff room on the first floor. Those documents were useless until past the third floor, but from here onwards, they should prove to be quite helpful."

Han continued on in the meantime.

"On the fifth-floor library, you will find an item draw machine."

Item draw?

The expressions of the people present became confused after hearing an unexpected announcement.

"Those of you who manage to amass lots of coins, you MUST use this machine! You will definitely be able to acquire many things that will aid you in your journey."

"L, like what, exactly?"

"You'll find out once you get there, but, things such as food, consumable goods, etc, etc….."

For some reason, Han quietly stared at the person who asked the question, causing Shin Sang-Ah to lower her gaze in a hurry and cross her legs in a defensive manner.

"….Well, if your luck is good, then you might even receive a protective item of some kind. Also, weapons and spell balls as well…."

"Or, when you pour in a lot~ of coins in one go, you might find unique and special items. Items such as…."

Han deliberately stretched his sentence trying to create a sense of anticipation.

"….A legendary elixir that can bring the dead back to life."

"Is, is that true?"

"Yes of course it's true why would I lie to you?"

Han nodded his head at everyone's hurried shouts.

"Of course. However, you need to meet lots of requirements first. It's definitely not going to be easy. You shouldn't take the act of reviving a dead person so lightly…. Stop what you're doing this instant."

Han's icy voice reverberated throughout the classroom. The middle-aged man with the worn-out business suit had shot out from his seat and was heading towards the exit, but he had to stop and hesitate.

"You won't find any coins even if you leave now. The treasure hunt will only commence precisely 30 minutes after I finish my explanations."

Even though Han's words were simple to understand, the middle-aged man showed no signs of sitting down. He just staggered towards the door and stopped right in front of it.

[A message from the Guide has arrived.]

"I'm not lying to you; if all of you can cooperate together, this mission will become very easy to clear. And you will even get to enjoy it, too. I guarantee this."

Han dropped the chalk and raised a finger.

"And also, if I were to provide you with one more helpful hint…. Keep an eye out for the Hour of the Deceased, please. The Deceased carry an unending hatred for all living things, after all."

'The Hour of the Deceased?!'

Everyone hurriedly pulled out their phone to check the message.

[Sender: the Guide]

[1. Rules of the treasure hunt]

—The classroom 3-1 will be set as your safe zone from here onwards.

—The period between midnight till tomorrow midday will be designated as the Hour of the Deceased.

—The phantom, 'Gaekgwi', and the deceased are able to enter the safe zone.

[2. Requirements for gaining access to the sixth floor]

—Access will be granted with the 'sixth-floor key' that can be drawn on the item draw machine using 199 coins, or by paying 499 coins at the door.

[3. Requirements to activate the gate]

—The gate will appear in the middle of the sixth floor, 30 minutes after the access has been granted.

—When the access to the sixth floor has been granted, the metal barrier on the second floor will be removed immediately.

When everyone raised their head, Han was already long gone.

[The treasure hunt will begin in 30 minutes.]