The cellar was dark and quiet. On an ordinary day that might have been fine with me, but on a day when I was locked up with Matthew, quiet and dark was the last thing I wanted.
What happened to all that self-confidence? I asked myself. Too scared to take on Matthew when you cant see where he is?
Sure, I could shift and see him, but that would take up too much space. The place was already cramped and only two people were in it. So instead, I settled for the cowards way of finding out what he was doing.
Are you going to try to kill me down here? Theres no one to stop you. I said, my voice frightfully small. I cant see you. I can feel you but I dont know what you are doing.
Look at that. He remarked. I could picture his sneer. The brave Luna isnt so brave anymore. Just took the darkness, huh? You really werent so brave to begin with.
Dont try to play that card. I know youre not a good guy, Matthew. I know you work for the other side.