Episode 2

(Starting Second scene)

Roy and Shuzi with Alex buy a new house in Singapore. Said Shuzi" Wow! Nice house I'll hope that we will forget our past in this home". They take their things on a table and Roy find a room in which he take his Black Spirits Ball safely. Shuzi told to Roy to go market and get some food and other important things. After buying everything he was going to his home but in the midway he was thinking about his dad in the car. He didn't see the red signal and he bumped a young boy by his car. He quickly go and check the boy but the boy thinks he is drunked and drive the car very fast. "Are you mad? Have you lost your mind? Don't you see the red signal?" said Alan. "I..I am so sorry! Actually I was thinking something and I didn't see you" said Roy. Alan said him that he is not able to go his home. Alan said that" I am alone and I have no home and no family. So, Where do you live now?"said Roy". Actually I have no home so, I live in a small apartment but because of you the watchman closed the gate before I go"Said Alan (with anger). So, Roy take him on his back and take him in the car and told that He can stay tonight at my home. Alan told "Thank you so much for your help". They both go hospital first and then they go home. Shuzi asked to Roy "Who is he? and why you take him here". "Actually He bumped by my car so, I'll take him here because he have no home" said Roy to Shuzi. Then Roy take him in guest room and asked him "Well what is your name?". "Alan! My name is Alan" said Alan to Roy. Alan told to Roy that "Can you give me permission to stay here permanetly I will pay you for it". "Sorry but you can't stay here" Roy to Alan. So, Please you have to go tommorow" Roy to Alan. But Roy did'nt know that Alan already dicided that he will stay here permanetly.

(Next Day)

Everyone is waiting for Alan in the leaving room but noone know that Alan was exploring Roy's house thinking a plan how to stay here. Finally he comes in the leaving room and Alan told to Roy that his house is so beautiful. Roy asked him about breakfast so, Alan say yes and they all was going for breakfast but suddenly Alan see the room in which The Black Spirits Ball is putted by Roy's hands. "Hey! Wait I see all rooms of your house but not this, first I will see this, then we can go for breakfast" said Alan. Roy told him that he can't see this room. But Alan want to see and he warned him that if he tried stop him so, he will tell everyone that Roy breaked the traffic rules and he also tell the police that Roy bumped him by his car and try to kill him. Because of powers of Roy, Roy is too angry on Alan but he control in his emotion and told to don't go in that room but Alan going to open the door of that room but suddenly Roy comes between Alan and room. Roy warned him to don't try to open it. Alan said "Sorry! I will open it because. I want to see what is in this room". Roy (with anger) catch his neck and take him up. Shuzi told to Roy to take him down but Roy told that "How dare to him to open the gate". Shuzi told him "Roy! he will die" ,Please let him go. Roy take him down and go from there in his room. Shuzi told Alan to never try to open this gate because in this room there are so many important things of Roy and Roy don't like that anyone touched his things. Shuzi to Alan "If you promise me that you will never open this room, than you can live here for free with all features". Alan to Shuzi" Really! Okay I promise that I never try to open this room.