Episode 3

(About Third Scene)

In this scene Roy give a treat to Alan for his mistakes but someone clicked their pictures and upload them on internet and all of the students in college or Roy's family thinks that they both are in a relation.

...(Starting third scene)...

When all of them go in their room Alan thinks in his mind that "I will find what is in that room So, Roy hide that if you can" said Alan.

But at midnight when everyone sleeping in their room Alan hear a voice(Come here Alan, Its me Alan , come here)the Black Spirits Ball calling him. "Who's there? Who call me just now" said Alan. But he don't know the Spirits Ball calling him. He was going to follow that voice and he noticed the voice is coming from that room he tried to open in the moring. But Roy also woke up because he is the owner of that Ball and he see that Alan was going to open that room. Roy suddenly come between Alan and that room and Roy see that The Spirits Ball hipnotize. So, Roy take him on his back and go with him in Alan's room and then he used his power and he take the Black Spirit from his body. Suddenly Alan woke up he scared of Roy and told him"What are doing in my room"?. " Noting! I want to say sorry to you for my mistakes and this is a gift for you"said Roy to Alan. Alan open that gift and see a Royal and expensive watch. " Wow! a royal watch! thanks for it, but this is not enough for me You have to give me a treat in a five star restuarant if you want that I'll forgive you for your mistake"said Alan to Roy. Roy told that" Okay! let's go.Alan thinking in his mind How could he made?. Roy said him"Go and get ready for a party in a five star restuarant but Please forgive me for my mistakes I made in the moring". Alan said him "Okay! but its nine o'clock". Don't worry its a small party go and get ready I'll waiting for you in car" said Roy. Roy waiting for him in car. Then they both in a five star restuarant but in that restuarant their are couples allowed but Alan was too clever and he told the bodyguards that they are in relation. Roy told to stop your nonsense but Alan say him that if he wants that he forgive him for his mistakes so, do as he say. Roy give him favor and they both go in the restuarant. But everyone looked at them because they think they are a couple But Roy and Alan don't know that someone clicked their photos from the starting. In the restuarant Alan drinked too much Roy told him to stop drinking and he told him tht let's go from here because it's too late. "Okay ! let's go" said Alan to Roy and when he stand he fall down and fainted by too much drinking. Roy to Alan "I told you to don't drink too much but you". Because Roy also drinked but not too much he can't take Alan on his back So, he take him in his arms and go in car parking and take him in car but Roy don't know that someone make a video of them. Roy and Alan go their home and take Alan in his room and say him to never drink too much because he is too heavy.