The dare

Avan rubbed his forehead from the awful dare that his friends had asked him to do. They expect him to kiss a total stranger on the lips, ridiculous. They all stood at the rooftop waiting for him to make up his mind about the dare.

"Listen Avan, all you have to do is close your eyes. We will spin you around and have you point randomly at the ground and whoever your hand lands on, you have to approach them and kiss them," Javian said to him.

Lacie gave him a weak smile and a pat on the back to comfort him. He sighed and closed his eyes. He stretched his right hand and pointed at the ground. Lacie spins him around six times before pulling him to a stop.

"Now let's see who the lucky girl or guy is," she said and followed the line of Avan's hand and stopped. The other students too took a pick and froze, none of them could bring themselves to say who it was that his hand had landed on.