Only I should matter

Ander opened his eyes to find himself in a strange room. He looked around to check if he could recall how he ended up in that room but nothing rang a bell. He got up from the bed.

He pointed his index finger at himself and cast a spell to change into cleaner clothes.

After a few minutes he was surprised that he was still wearing the same clothes, his magic was completely drained.

"That's strange. When I haven't even used half of my magic for anything, why would I be drained?" he questioned. "I guess I have to get dressed the hard way," he said.

He looked around the room to find any changing clothes. He got disappointed when he didn't find anything to change. He opened the door and felt hazy.

"The best way to win is to attack first. The spell I have used to attack you has stripped three of the most powerful witches of their power. Now what will you do?" he heard in his head.