Nicer side of Ander

Ander, Avan, and Ella went for a walk. They were tired of sitting around in the village. Ella was walking next to Avan while Ander walked in front of them. He didn't bother to make talks with them.

"How long is he going to be like that?" Ella asked Avan concerning Ander's eyes.

"I don't know but I like him like this. He is nice," Avan said to her.

"But he is better when he is normal. We need to get him to return to normal," she told I'm serious tone. She couldn't stand the darkness she saw in those eyes and not the negative energy that she was giving out to him.

"But when he is normal he is rude and can't say anything nice about anyone?" Avan said tired of trying to change her mind about the male.

"He is not nice either Avan. Have you seen the darkness in his eyes, you don't get that kind of eyes when you are nice," Ella said.

"I agree but he.."