
So , in total eighty percent of the companies international shares are in the hand of us family members in total and other twenty percent of shares are in the hands of some shareholders .

In between of those shareholders her aunt's maternal family company also has shares and the most biggest shares in their hands between those shareholders and that are seven percent of the share .

Which is the highest share in any shareholders hand and that is to of international shares after us the family members .

Plus there are some business man who holds some small amount of shares .

If any one that can truly rebel against us are her aunt maternal family with the help of other shareholders .

But we know about them and trust them this much that they would not attempt to attack us until we do something that will step on their bottom line .

And for this we can trust them and they would not do such kind of thing so they can be trust worthy plus a helping hand in need also .

Then even with out them if the other shareholders try something those outsiders want to do something in the companies International sector they can try but they will meet with failure and is not possible under our eyes .

And same goes for the company international country based company shares also .

Because in each country based company shares we each brother's and sister got seven percent of shares each .

Plus I my own self also have five percent extra that I have buyed from some share holder .

Only we brother's and sister hand total shares are fourty percent .

Other than that her uncle Qin He has thirty five percent of company's country base business shares and her aunt only held five percent share .

In each country company country based company we hold such way shares so other than the company International shares .

Which are also a lots of shares in each country based company shares and it is also a lot of money based on each country based currency .

So , we are just to much rich even with those each country based shares but we have so many company so many companions country based shares .

We ourself has never count on this as we each have our own career .

And why her uncle Qin He owns so many each country based shares because he has planned that he will give his each grand child from his each sons or her children are every country under company based shares but how much it is not known and in those shares including her aunt's shares .

But how much shares each children's will get is not known by us brother's and sister still we know this much is that as how many country our Q&H International Corporation's companys are their each company based shares they will get .

This children's well be billonaire from the moment of their birth .

We brother's and sister has laughed a lot by just talking about this matter after we had heard it from her uncle Qin He .

Besides he has said us about of this matter after all of us has got adult .

Because he doesn't want us to have any conflict because such an issue . But we all just laughed after hearing it as we brother's and sister are very much united .

And we just don't care about of it as even if we were not given family properties and business we can earn it by our self we have this much of confidence in our own self .

Maybe it would not be such big at first but with time can try to make one our self if our family doesn't have this kind of harmony we have .

As for why the children's would not get International shares than it is because they will get them from their partners in the future .

After all after mine uncle and aunt death as they had said to us before their combined shares will be equally divided between all of us brother's and sister .

Yes , her uncle and aunt has always treat her as a daughter so always as much things her brother's had got she also get the same .

However there death we all will get equal shares and properties and who will run the Corporation they decide it after seeing our work .