Black V/s Pure

Ingris leaned over the small table as she watched the servant carefully separate the liquid. Tonight she would prepare the final dosage of the medicine to help little Flaris hate Ivruss and Lupus. And then she would take Flaris and..

She felt an ache at the thought of finishing this liquid up. She had held to it for so long. It was the blood of a dragon mate. Specifically, it was her arch nemesis, Solaris' blood. Well, at least the blood had been used well. After all that Flaris was like a recurring pain that refused to leave her be. According to the potency of the blood, the poison she had sprinkled on Flaris should have worked on the first go and buried a deep hatred and mistrust in her! But this was the third time she had to use it! Of course she could smell that she would not need it more but because she had used more than expected, her energy sources were getting lower.