Clearing the Haze

Ivruss stared worriedly who was lying on the bed pale and almost lifeless. Carefully he brushed back her hair and sighed. His little Flaris seemed to be made out of wax she looked so pale.

"Ivruss! I am hungry."

"Ask Lupus. I cannot serve you anything Miss Stardust."

"Yes. You can, Prince Ivruss." 

This sentence made Ivruss turn back to the little fluttering one near his shoulder. 

"Would you agree that I have helped your mate and you?"

Cautiously, Ivruss nodded.

"Then, shouldn't you return the favor?"

Stars were known for being whimsical and Ivruss had always kept cordial with Stardust because of this. Once you owed them, they could ask you for anything and.. no one could refuse.

"Miss Stardust, how do you want me to return the favor?"

Instead of answering him, Stardust moved to hover over Flaris. "Your mate was willing to sacrifice all her blood to save you on Adrian, wasn't she? Are you willing to do the same?"