
Where are my manners? I am supposed to be a Fictional character, aren't I? well, you better get used to it because I won't just break the fourth wall I will build my mansion on the other side of the wall.

Military, why the military. Some of us don't have it easy. I have always wanted to go to college; I just knew I wasn't ready. I played soccer in high school, but if you know anything about American schools, they don't give two sh*t about soccer/ football/ futbol; who gives a fa** whatever you want to call it.

I was that kid who knew what he was doing and had a great relationship with my teachers and peers. I was good to them, parties yeah, I was invited, but I turned them all down because my parent monitors my siblings and me twenty-four-seven. I wanted a sports scholarship, the older I got, the more I realized things don't always work out the way you planned them, in-fact nothing has ever worked out the way I planned them; like everyone else, I learned to flow with the river instead of going against it.

Movies tell us stories about the main character's endeavors; they always end up with a happy ending, many horses**t piled up in an hour and thirty minutes, happy ever after, hahaha all these lies we believe.

I am sure you can tell by now that I curse a lot; well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome Rafael's world fun of pain, booze, women, and curses. You know, out of all military forces, I joined the most peculiar branch, the good old fashion, hell-bent devil dogs killers of men Marine corps.

MOS 0311, that's what they call it, my job in English will be an infantryman. Those that are a little slow, every military branch doesn't consist of infantryman only; it consists of engineers, pilots, mechanics, radio operators, and even instructors. There rank structures to help separate the leaders from the followers, and someone with a higher rank than you deserve all your respect despite them been absolutely dumber than a bunch of rocks piled up in dung.

The late-night hymn played as to honor the death of fallen heroes; I laid there in my rack, also known as a bed, counting how many days I have left in this shit of a place, San Diego Marine corp boot camp. The loud ringings in my ears have not stopped; my voice has been cracked from shouting over and over, my body bears so much pain from getting IT. Incentive training is mostly used on stupid people who do stupid things; yes, it is a punishment.

I counted in my head how many more days I have left, I have no timepiece on me, so I can't tell what time it was. My eyes looking at the rack above slid quickly open as a shadow passed my rack. The light is always out in the squad bay, so I couldn't tell what it was. I got off my rack to look for the Firewatch marine on his post, and he was right there with a smile on his face.

I must be exhausted, I thought to myself. I turned my back, and just as I took a step towards my rack, I lost my vision. Nothing but darkness, I could hear the snores of the recruits, and I could feel the cold floor as my body laid there. My memories I quite foggy, but I sensed someone dragging and then picking up my body. My body began to lose all senses, but my hearing was the last to go. The whisper in my ear remains a nightmare to this day. This whisper was a beautiful voice, and all she said was "H-2169."The whisper of the devil.