A brother's love

Lillian had gone to take care of a few internal matters that the Empress assigned her to do while she had her breakfast.

She was delayed as she was told that a letter had arrived from Luis Vanidestine for the Empress.

Lillian entered the room to see the Empress crouching on the ground while crying softly.

"Your Majesty , what happened? "

Violet wiped her tears when she heard Lillian's voice.

"Your Majesty.."

Lillian was troubled to see the Empress cry.

She had served the Violet since she was 5 years old.

So , Lillian could safely assume that something terrible had happened.

"Help me up."

Lillian thought it was best not to enquire about the details that led to such a situation.

She thought that it was likely the Emperor who had grieved the Empress as she met him at the hallway on her way back.

'How could the Emperor be so mean to the Empress?'

Violet collected herself.

She did not want to appear weak in front of others even if it was her lady-in- waiting.

" Is there anything to report ?"

" Yes , Your Majesty.

A letter has arrived from First Master Luis."

"Give it to me."

Violet sat on the bed as she opened her eldest brother's letter.

[ " Greetings to Your Majesty, The Moon of Empire.

Dearest Violet , how are you?

We miss you so much.

Though we're apart , you are always in our hearts.

The mansion feels lonely and dreary without the sound of your resonating laughter.

I've seen you grow from a toddler into a beautiful lady with the most wonderful heart.

You see the beautiful spirit that shines through on good days and bad days.

You've always chosen to look at the world through rose-coloured glasses.

I hope that you will grow stronger and wiser and become an Empress that loves her people.

You are not walking alone in this journey.

We will be with you every step of the way.

Never settle for anything which is not to your heart's desire.

My little sister surely deserves the best , doesn't she?

In a world that's continually evolving,

always have the strength to be consistent.

To be true to who you are.

You can be crazy at times.

And a little rash yet uncertain with your decisions.

And naive even.

But that's just who our Violet is.

Pardon your big brother ,as it seems that I've gone off topic .

Matt , Stef and I wanted to know

if it would be convenient for us to

pay you a visit for lunch tomorrow.

If tomorrow is inconvenient for you ,

let us when we can meet you so that

we can reschedule the lunch appointment.

We miss you dearly.

With love,

Your brother,

Luis Vanidestine.]

' How could I ever be busy for you , Brother Lu? Matt and Stef too.'

Tears rolled down Violet's eyes as she read her brother's letter.

When it felt that no one was there for her in this dark place ,

the letter reminded her that she had people who cared for her.

The sadness that engulfed her seemed to dissipate as her brother's words reached her heart.

To have someone who love you is the most soothing feeling in the world.