The Brothers' visit -1

Violet waited eagerly for her brothers to visit.

She was much better than yesterday.

Maybe it was the excitement of meeting her loved ones.

She could hardly focus on the documents that she was supposed to read.

She had not met her family members except her father since the day of her wedding.

Oh ! How she missed them.

Words couldn't even begin to express how much she missed her brothers.

The bright blue sky dotted with flurry white clouds brightened Violet's mood even further.

" Your Majesty , the Young Masters have arrived.

They're waiting for you in the parlour."

"Thank you, Lillian."

The parlour was just two rooms away from her bedroom.

Violet smiled brightly as she thought of meeting her brothers.

She half- ran half – walked towards the room.

"Wait outside .

You too , Xander." ,Violet instructed them.

"Yes , Your Majesty."

As Violet entered the room ,

she saw all three of her brothers quietly sipping tea.

No maids attended to them.

Her brothers must have probably dismissed them.

Luis , Matthew and Stefan turned their heads as they heard someone entered.

When they saw that it was Violet,

they stood up and greeted her.

" Greetings, Your Majesty."

Though they were siblings , they felt that they should show respect as their sister was now the Empress of the Empire.

" Brothers , there is no need for such formalities among us."

" It is only right that we do so " , Stefan replied.

" Please skip the formalities at least when we're alone.

Otherwise I would feel burdened.

You do not want me to feel that way , do you?"

" Alright. " , Luis replied as he gently ruffled her hair and smiled at her.

Violet felt a burst of emotion at her brother's actions.

Luis was always quite reserved when expressing himself.

Violet jumped into her brother's embrace was starting crying.

She couldn't help it.

She tried to keep it in.

She thought she already got past it.

That she was alright now.

But seeing her brothers weakened the strong front that she was desperately trying to keep.

Her outburst startled her brothers.

Matthew and Stefan hurried to her side with worried expression etched on their faces.

" Violet , who's responsible for your tears?

Tell me !" , Matthew demanded.

Matthew was pissed.

'Who would dare cause my sister to cry so heartbreakingly? '

" What happened , Violet ?

What made you upset? " ,

Stefan asked as soft as he could.

But his eyes his a coldness that could shake the soul.

Stefan saw red when Violet cried.

He tried to calm his emotions so as not to frighten Violet.

'My sister is such a sweetheart.

She might be quite naive at timex but she would never intentionally hurt someone.

Who treated her so unfairly that she broke down the moment she saw us?'

She was the princess of the family.

Everyone at the Duke Mansion loved her , including the Butler and all the servants.

She was bright and cheerful with a kind heart.

Though brought up in a sheltered family ,

she was not obnoxious like other noble girls.

She was unexpectedly more mature than girls her age despite not having suffered adversities in her life.

So the brothers were shocked to see her in such a state.

Violet just sobbed even harder at her brothers' questions.

Her shoulders shook as she cried.

Luis continued to stroke Violet's head with one hand and her back with another in an effort to calm her down.

After crying for a good few minutes , Violet calmed down.

Seeing that she had relatively calmed down after her outburst ,

Luis led her to the couch and made her sit.

Stefan handed her a glass of water.

Luis continued to hold her right hand while Stefan held her left hand.

Mathew sat on the carpet in front of her and kept his hands on her knees while looking at her.

Matthew gently wiped her tears with a handkerchief and gestured with his eyes to Luis to start the conversation.

"Ready to talk?" , Luis asked her gently.