Garbage Emperor

"The Emperor wishes to borrow my womb. In return , I would get full custodial rights over the child."

"But that is simply outrageous!

That scum of an Emperor!", Duchess Charlotte retorted.

"He's the lowest of the low.

Garbage Emperor!" , Matthew roared.

"Language , hon.

And temper , Matthew.

We do not want people outside these walls to know how we feel about that trash (whisper) of an Emperor, do we?" , Duke Lucas Vanidestine said.

" Who cares? I certainly don't give a shit!" , Matthew replied.

"But Violet , why did you agree?

It is quite unlike you to agree to such a humiliating proposal?

Were you perhaps, threatened? Or did he do something vile to you?" , the Duke asked in a voice that trembled with hidden rage and fear.

" It was a threat.

Brother Lu's marriage with Lady Amelia."

" That dirtball of an Emperor!"

"Brother Matt , can you stop cursing and listen to me first?"

" Fine."

Violet narrated every single detail of the Emperor's visit to her parents and brothers who barely restrained their rage towards the Emperor.

Violet also told her mother about the deal she made with the Emperor on her wedding night.

Duke Lucas Vanidestine felt aggrieved that he couldn't do anything to help his daughter out in her marriage with the Emperor.

In the Empire of Iretonia , no matter how powerful a House may be with regards to the Empire's administration , as a maiden family , they had little to no power over what happened to their daughters and sisters after marriage.

It was one of the many laws passed by the co-founders of the Empire a thousand years ago which had not been amended since then .

"Darling , don't you want to run away from all these?

Though I would usually tell you not to run from your problems , I just wish you can escape from all these hardships and agony."

"Mom, I've told dad too.

Running away isn't the right thing to do.

We are powerless against the Emperor.

The Emperor's power in our Empire is absolute.

We may be a Ducal House with a prestigious reputation , but in front of the Emperor , we are but specks of dust."

"But I'm worried. "

" I know."

"Did I ever tell you this , darling?

That I am extremely proud of you.

I have the confidence in you that you will never let me down,

and I can proudly say that I trust you.

But you aren't alone.

If you need a shoulder to rest, do not forget that I am right here for you.

We are all here for you.

Do not lose hope as there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

You may not be able to see it today, but when it's time you will. "

" Thank you , mom ."

I love you"

" I love you too, darling"

"What about me ?" , Matthew interrupted.

" We cannot afford to not love our adorable Matty , right?" , Violet jested.

" I'm not adorable. I'm manly!

And it's Matthew. Not Matty! " , Matthew rejected his sister's endearment.

" That's totally not the point . " , Violet replied.

" So , do you love me or not?" , Matthew cried.

" Is there a screw loose somewhere in his head?" ,

Stefan asked while trying to stifle his laugh.

" Most likely . I think we need to take our Matty to the doctor ", Violet said in the most serious tone she could master.

" Mom ! Dad! Luis! Save me! They're bullying me ."

" Idiot " , Luis replied.

" Boohoo~ boohoo~ No one loves me anymore.

Even my precious sister has forsaken me."

The entire family watched with amusement at the drama Matthew was enacting.

He looked a bit stupid but his antics lightened the atmosphere in the room.

Violet hugged Mathew and asked, "Who made my Matty cry?"

Suddenly , his tears dried.

His face glowed like the first rays of sunshine after a storm.

Matthew pointed at Stefan and Luis , forgetting that Violet took an active role in the teasing earlier.

" Them."

" How dare they!

I'm the only one allowed to make our Matty cry."

" You!"

The whole family watched in hilarity and glee as Violet and Mathew chased each other inside the parlour.