Fall into a scheme

A week later.

Violet was strolling around the newly renovated garden in which had a man- made pond had just been recently constructed.

She was confined to the Empress Palace

as she had to now play the role of a

pregnant lady.

Due to its shallow depth , the pond allowed light to penetrate all the way to the bottom,

allowing Violet to observe the flora and fauna in great detail.

Violet stood close to the water while looking at her reflection floating on the surface of the water.

It was calm and still with sunlight glowing around her face and hair.

Violet was enjoying the quiet when Xander who had been following her interrupted her thoughts.

"Your Majesty , Lady Olivia is approaching."

' I really did not want to see her .

Why did she have to come here of all times? And why is she freely walking here in the Empress Palace? All alone too?'

" Greetings, Your Majesty."

" Lady Olivia."

' She did not even bow slightly to me.

How rude.'

Even Xander seemed to have been offended at her behaviour.

" Lady Olivia doesn't even pretend to bow in respect to me. How discourteous.

Does Lady Olivia no longer feel the need

to be courteous now that she bears His Majesty's child?

Or has your lacking manners become worse after your pregnancy?"

" Is Your Majesty jealous?

That I , a commoner am carrying the Emperor's child but while the Empress,

who is a noble , born from one of the most prestigious houses of the Empire is unable

to win His Majesty's favour?"

" Huh. Does Lady Olivia have to make every conversation about the Emperor and you being a commoner?

Is Lady Olivia not tired of it?

Because I certainly am."

" Your Majesty , you should not provoke a pregnant lady.

Especially the only lady favoured by the Emperor."

" There you go again , Lady Olivia.

Are you perhaps so boring that there's nothing more to you besides being the Emperor' s woman? How featureless."

" Is there anything greater than this?

No one is greater than the Emperor."

" Yes . No one is greater than the Emperor in the Empire of Iretonia.

However, there are countless of Empires bigger and more powerful than ours.

We are just a drop of water in the mighty ocean.

There is so much more to this world and life than Emperor Marcelo Adelmo Schmidt."

" That's traitorous! Disloyalty!"

" Lady Olivia should try to broaden her perspective.

Anyway , shouldn't Lady Olivia be resting at your room and not loitering around? Furthermore , in my palace?

You do not have the permission to be here.

Also , you cannot afford to be seen by others.

Even if you are selfish , shouldn't you at least take into consideration the efforts of the man who is inconveniencing others to keep you happy? "

As soon as Violet finished her sentence ,

Lady Olivia suddenly screamed and jumped into the pond.

" What the hell?"

Violet was appaled at what she just witnessed.

'What madness was it?'

Violet quickly recovered her wits and ordered Xander to save her.

Violet was truly concerned about the well-being of the child in Lady Olivia's stomach.

" Why would she..? Oh no. " ,

Violet uttered as she realised that implications of the incident.

She has fallen into Lady Olivia's scheme.

"But how could she be so cruel so as endanger her child to scheme against me? " , Violet uttered mostly to herself in disbelief.

Violet saw a a few guards who had arrived because of the piercing scream.

" Your Majesty , are you alright? ",

a guard asked.

" I'm alright. Someone fell into the well.

Go , bring a doctor immediately to my Palace. Inform the Emperor with discretion.

Tell him that Lady Olivia fell into the pond."

Violet knew she was doomed.

She had no way out.

Though Xander could vouch for her,

she was sure that his words would be discredited due to his loyalty to her alone.

And since no one else was around,

she would be blamed for this incident.

Especially since a few guards nearby had heard the scream.

And the incident occurred in her Palace garden.

' What a vile scheme!'

"Xander , take her to the guest room immediately.

She's with a child."

Violet detested Lady Olivia with all her heart.

But she couldn't let her and her baby die.

Otherwise , Violet knew she would probably be given a death sentence.

The incident had taken place at her own Palace .

She really had no way to escape the impending danger ahead of her.

At the very least , if they were alive and kicking , she could somehow get out of this mess.