A deep bluish shade of grey

Violet was taking a stroll in the garden adjacent to the Royal Court with Prince Nathaniel and Princess Margaret when one of the new Emperor's knight informed her of the Emperor's request.

" Your Majesty, the Emperor requests for your audience at the grand dining hall.

The envoys from the Empire of Asterin have arrived . "

"Alright , sir . Thank you.

What's your name , sir ?"

" Noah Diaz , Your Majesty."

" Is the meeting an informal greeting or a formal one , Sir Noah?"

" His Majesty mentioned that it in an informal greeting.

A formal acknowledgement of the envoys shall be organised tomorrow."

"Thank you , Sir Noah.

Now , children , since it is an informal greeting , you may follow me if you promise to be on your best behaviour.

No mischiefs , alright?"

" Yes , mommy. I will follow you ."

" Mom! Me too! Me too! " , Margaret chirped enthusiastically.

" Let's go , Sir Noah." , Violet said

as she held the children's hands –

Nathan on her right and Margaret on her left.

As soon as they reach the door , a servant announced their arrival.

" Empress Violet Rossaria Vanidestine ,

Moon of the Empire , His Royal Highness Prince Nathaniel Lee Schidmt and Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret Irene Schidmt has arrived."

" Greetings Your Majesty and Your Royal Highnesses."

Violet nodded and walked straight to the table and greeted the envoys.

" Greetings , Your Majesty.

Greetings to our esteemed guests ,

Military Advisor His Grace Duke Sebastian Arlo Theodore , His Highness General Daniel August Castillo and Junior Royal Advisor Marques Ethan Amory Allenson.

The Empire of Iretonia extends it's warmest regards to our valuable guests."

Prince Nathaniel and Princess Margaret greeted the envoys as well.

Violet sat on the right side of the table adjacent to the Emperor after she made sure Prince Nathan and Princess Margaret were seated right beside her.

The envoys were seated on the left side of the table.

" I hope our esteemed guests do not mind that I have brought the Prince and Princess here with me for the greeting."

" It's our pleasure , Your Majesty .

We do not mind at all ." , General Daniel Castillo spoke.

Sebastian and Ethan looked at the man who had just spoke.

They looked at each other to confirm whether the General had really spoken.

He was not a cold and rigid person unless he was on the battlefield but he was a man of few words.

He would hardly strike a conversation first and would give short replies when asked something.

Violet also stared at the man who had just spoken.

He sat on the chair opposite to her.

Violet had not taken a good look at him as her eyes were focused on the children and she had just sat down.

Violet saw the most beautiful pair of eyes in the entire universe staring at her.

His grey eyes were so captivating as if pulling her in.

She could stare at it all day.

She was enchanted by the colour and the stories it held .

A beautiful deep bluish shade of grey.

It held the sparkles of the stars in the clear boundless sky.

The gentleness and warmth in his eyes comforted her soul.

Violet realised that she had stared at the General for a few seconds longer than she should and quickly collected herself.

" Thank you , General Castillo."

Violet called a maid and asked her,

" A cup of Lemon Honey Tea for the Prince and Hibiscus flower tea for the Princess.

I would like to have black tea. No sugar.

Do you gentlemen prefer any specific tea besides the Earl Grey tea you're drinking now?"

"No , this is alright. It suits my preference perfectly. " , General Castillo spoke again.

Violet looked at the other two who nodded as well.

" I'm glad that it is to your taste."

" Your Majesty seem to be well-versed in the variety and making of tea."

" Yes , Mother has hundreds of different types of tea in her personal kitchen.

And Mother makes the best cakes and cookies too ." , Margaret said with pride.

" That's true. " , Nathan spoke as well.

He was trying to act mature in front of the guests but everyone could see the pride swelling in his eyes and the excitement in his voice.

" Oh. I would love to attend a tea party hosted by the Empress." , Ethan remarked.

" If our esteemed guests have time to spare for me , let me know so that I can formally fix a date."

" We can do it the day after tomorrow , Your Majesty." , Daniel replied.

"Sure. I shall arrange for it .

I'll shall notify you the place and time formally through the servants later. "

" Mother , can I attend too?" , Margaret asked.

" If our guests do not mind the presence of children, why not?"

Margaret then looked at Marques Ethan and then at Duke Sebastian .

Ethan had brown hair and hazel eyes .

While Sebastian had purple hair with black eyes.

She blinked her large brown eyes and asked ,

" Can I, Your Grace?"

" Sure . We would love to have Princess Margaret accompany us. " , Ethan replied.

" Thank you , Your Grace." , Margaret said as she flashed a toothy grin.

"Will His Majesty the Emperor will be attending too?", Sebastian asked.

Everyone looked at the Emperor and waited for his reply.

" I have to decline. I apologise."

" That's alright , Your Majesty." , Sebastian replied.

The conversation was light and the Prince and Princess would sometimes contribute to the conversation as well.

" Your Majesty , it seems His Royal Highness inherited all your good genes", Ethan asked.

Violet felt slightly awkward while Nathan felt aggrieved.

He hated it when people compared him to the Emperor.

He did not like this man who treated his mommy badly .

But Nathan decided not to say anything because he felt his mom holding his hand gently to signal him to keep quiet.

" And Princess Margaret looks exactly like her mother, especially her chocolate brown hair and brown eyes ." , the Emperor replied.

" That mean woman is not my mother! I don't like her.

The Empress is my only mother.

She is the only one along with brother Nat who treats me nicely.

I don't like you either , Imperial father!

I hate you. And I hate that woman." , Princess Margaret screamed as she stood up from the chair and left the room.

The atmosphere turned tense and uncomfortable.

Violet turned to Nathan , stroked his hair lightly and asked ,

" Darling , can you go after your sister and comfort her? You know her hiding place , right?"

" Yes , Mother ."

Before Nathan left , he turned to Ethan and said , " Your Grace , I may look identical to my father in terms of personal appearance,

but I am nothing like him. Please refrain from comparing me to such a person . It's humiliating."

His statement shocked everyone in the room , including Violet.

Violet quickly gained composure , bowed slightly to the guests and said,

" I apologise for the children's conduct in front of important guests such as yourselves.

I shall send them over to apologise personally later."

" Of course they have to apologise! ", the Emperor roared and smashed the tea cup on the floor.

" Is this how you have bring up the Royal Prince and Princess?

How disappointing, Empress!" , the Emperor questioned and left

As soon as the Emperor left , Daniel ran to the side of the Empress and asked her if she was alright.

" I am alright , General Castillo.

Thank you for asking. And I hope you don't mind me addressing you as General and not Your Highness. "

" No , I do. I prefer to be known as a General than the cousin of the Crown Prince."

" Oh, I see. I'm glad then that I did not offend you."

' Even if the Emperor was pissed because his son said he didn't want to be anything like him and his daughter did not like her mother, shouldn't he at least conduct himself with dignity in front of the guests?' , Violet thought to herself.

She took a deep breath and turned to the guests.

" I apologise once again , gentlemen , for having to witness our family drama.

It was unbefitting of the status of the Crown of the Empire to have let our guests go through such an uncomfortable situation."

" I apologise instead , Your Majesty . I did not realise such a sensitive issue existed and caused a family dispute." , Ethan replied with guilt.

" Nevertheless, we should have conducted ourselves with dignity expected of the Crown.

But I hope Your Grace will be more careful when speaking about Lady Olivia in front of the children as they are quite sensitive as you have just witnessed."

" Of course, Your Majesty" , Ethan replied.

" Then I shall take my leave now .

The servants will take you to your resting quarters.

If you need anything , you are welcome to contact me.

The children and I can give you a tour of the castle if you wish to explore it. "

" We look forward to it, Your Majesty" , Daniel responded.