At first sight (Daniel's POV)

General Daniel August Castillo.

25- year old General of the Empire of Asterin.

He enrolled in the army at 15 and had climbed to the ranks of a General despite his young age due to his major achievements.

His victories and glories were known throughout Asterin and the neighbouring empires as well.

He was 6ft 2 inches tall with well defined features.

His golden blonde hair seemed to put sparks in the blue flecks of his eyes.

He sat down on the edge of his bed and thought of the first time he saw the Empress.

Daniel had decided to stroll the garden for fresh hair while his companions went ahead to meet the Emperor for diplomatic matters before the afternoon tea.

Daniel was getting bored when he heard a gentle voice calling someone.

"Nathan darling , slow down. The Princess is unable to catch up with you ."

" But mommy , that's the point.

Margie isn't suppose to catch up to me."

The little boy named Nathan replied.

" Alright I understand. " , the woman laughed as she continued,

" But your sister is tired . Right , princess?"

'Sister? So the woman is the Empress and the children are Prince Nathaniel and Princess Margaret.'

" Yes , mom. I am exhausted. Brother is too fast."

" It's because you're slow. " , Nathan retorted.

" Now. Come , both of you. Have some iced lemon tea."

" Did mommy make this?" , Nathan asked.

" Yes , I did. While the both of you were chasing each other."

'She's beautiful. Especially when she smiles.'

" Yay! Mom is the best!", Margaret cheered.

"So , tell Mother, Nathan and Margaret, how were classes today?"

" It was boring, mom.

I had painting, calligraphy, embroidery and music. The teacher did not even praise me."

" That's because you suck at it!" , Nathan sniggered.

Violet patted Margaret's head and said,

" I am sure my little princess did her best . Because the Princess I know is very hardworking right?"

'She's an understanding mother. She doesn't force them to excel but encourages them instead.'

" Yes , mom." , nodded Margaret.

" So it's all good if you've done your best .

No one is good at everything.

And no one is bad at everything either."

" You're right ,mom.

I have horse riding and archery tomorrow. I am so excited! " , Margaret squealed.

" I'm happy to know that our princess loves horse riding and archery. What about you , Nathan?"

" The teacher said I did well in calligraphy and painting class. History and Geography classes were interesting too.

And I have the same classes with Margaret tomorrow."

" My son did a wonderful job. Enjoy your classes tomorrow and look out for each other okay?" , she asked .

Nathan and Margaret nodded happily.

" Mommy, will you join us for archery class tomorrow? Uncle Lu said that mommy's the best at archery." , Nathan asked with anticipation.

" Did your Uncle Lu say that? I am always the best in Uncle Lu's eyes , aren't I? ", she asked as she ruffled Prince Nathan's hair.

"But I don't know if I will be free tomorrow as I have some official work to do. But I believe the both of you will do well."

' So she knows how to use a bow and arrow? She's interesting.'

" But , mom, Imperial father has never praised me once.

And she said that girls have to be good in embroidery , painting and music.

She said she won't allow me to sleep in my room unless I quit archery and horse riding." , Daniel heard Princess Margaret speak with grievance.

" Did your mother say that?", Violet asked.

" That woman is not my mother. You are my only mother. ", Margaret cried.

" Hmm. I will always be my Margie's mother." , Violet comforted the child.

' She's taking care of the daughter of her husband's mistress.

That won't be easy.

But she seems to genuinely care for her.

She's amazing.'

" And as your mother, I give my daughter permission to learn anything she wants ."

" Really? Really ? Really?" , Margaret jumped in joy.

' Princess Margaret is adorable. '

" Yes , of course.

And if you want , you can come and stay at our Palace. Nathan would love to have you too."

" Thank you, mom. You're the best." , Margaret said as she kissed Violet.

" But darling, doesn't your arms hurt while practicing archery? Aren't you still too young?"

" It does hurt. But it's so much fun that it's okay.

And the teacher has only let me used a bow and arrow meant for children like me.

So I'm alright."

Daniel had realised from their conversation that she was the Empress of Iretonia.

Empress Violet Rossaria Vanidestine.

The Empress abandoned by the Emperor for a mistress.

Daniel felt unknown anger surge through him as he thought of the rumours about how the Emperor had neglected the Empress.

How could the Emperor be so blind to favour another person when the Empress was such a great person?

He had heard a great deal about the Empress.

Of her calm and gentle demeanour.

Of her beautiful smile.

How she was kind yet strong.

How she treated everyone equally and fairly.

Her fame and reputation had spread far and wide.

People spoke of her beautiful violet eyes and raven black hair.

Indeed , her eyes were captivatingly beautiful.

Not just because of the colour , but because of the words they seem to hold within .

His mother used to say to him , " The most beautiful pair of eyes are those that look at you with love."

Her eyes overflowed with love as she looked at the children.

And that was the most mesmerised Daniel had ever been.

He knew at that moment that no other woman would ever matter to him as much as the woman in front of him.

" How heart-breaking .

I finally found someone I was interested in and she already belongs to someone else.

But I shall try to at least become her friend during my stay here."

Daniel said to no one in particular.