I'm not ready! (Daniel's POV)

Daniel sat at the edge on his bed as he recalled the events from the banquet.

Daniel remembered how astounded he was when he saw The Emperor entering the hall with his mistress rather the Empress.

'Wasn't this humiliating the Empress ?

How dare they mistreat her so badly?'

Daniel saw the Empress enter the hall with the Prince and the Princess followed by her personal Knight.

She looked beautiful and confident even without a man by her side.

She was someone who did not need a man to validate her worth.

' That's the most attractive aspect about her .'

Daniel saw the way Violet smiled and nodded at the people and his heart swelled with pride and adoration.

His eyes subtly followed her every movement.

Daniel saw the Empress who did not look bothered as she stood near the Emperor and his mistress.

She looked slightly uncomfortable to be close to them but maintained her smile throughout the Emperor's speech.

" How can this Emperor and mistress pair be so shameless?" , Ethan remarked at the side.

" Be careful with your words", Sebastian remarked.

" But I feel hurt on behalf of the Empress. Even if she's strong and kind , wouldn't she feel and embarrassed to see her husband flaunting his love for his mistress in front of everyone? Even foreign envoys?"

' True. This is disrespectful.

And people take advantage of you when you show to much compassion.'

"Probably .But the people of Iretonia seem to truly love their Empress. " , Sebastian replied.

" Let's go and greet them" , Daniel said.

Daniel glanced carefully at Violet as they approached the Emperor and the Empress.

' Was she irked by the presence of the mistress? Or is it something else?

But it is quite plausible that she would dislike that woman.

The Emperor was her husband and he had chosen another woman in front of her.

I hope she's not hurt by them. They do not deserve her feelings – even her hatred.'

Daniel, Sebastian and Ethan greeted the Emperor and the Empress.

Daniel smiled at Violet and she smiled back.

Her smile made his heart skip a beat.

' Her smile must be protected at all cost.'

After their perfunctory greetings with the Emperor , Daniel heard the mistress telling the Emperor that she wanted to dance because she was bored.

Daniel gave her a quick glance and focused his eyes back on Violet to see her reaction.

There was no change in her demeanour.

' Is she really good at hiding her feelings?

Or does she not care at all? Or is she perhaps already numb to it?'

Daniel had a feeling that Lady Olivia acted coyly in front of them to show them who was superior in the Emperor's eyes.

But unfortunately for her , Daniel nor his friends cared about such a thing.

Daniel's thoughts were interrupted by Princess Margaret's voice.

" I hate that woman! She took Imperial father away from you again!"

' How bad did that mistress treat her own daughter that she doesn't even address her as mother?'

He wondered how Violet could treat the daughter of the Emperor's mistress so well.

Daniel could see that she was genuine to the Princess and treated her as her own.

' Her soul is truly kind. People might interpret her kindness as a weakness. But only someone who's truly strong would be able to remain kind in this situation.'

He saw how Violet comforted the Princess and sent both the Prince and the Princess to meet her parents.

' She's a great mother.'

" Your Majesty, are you alright?" , Ethan asked.

Daniel saw her interaction with Ethan and Sebastian and he couldn't help but adore her even more.

He was slightly shocked at her frank reply when she said,

"And I feel more comfortable entering the hall with the kids than the Emperor. I would rather die than act all lovey dovey with the Emperor."

Daniel watched in amusement as Violet pulled Ethan's leg and teased him about his playboy nature.

Ethan seemed flustered at her teasing and she would laugh heartily at his discomfort.

She seemed comfortable with Ethan the most.

Maybe because he was friendly and funny.

Daniel felt slightly jealous at their interaction but he comforted himself by telling himself that they acted just like siblings.

' Yes . Just like siblings.'

" If you gentlemen would not mind ,

can I introduce you to my family?" , Violet asked.

' Family? Her family? So soon? I'm not ready!' , Daniel panicked.

" Your Majesty's family? Duke Vanidestine?" he asked nervously.

Daniel felt like his heart was about to burst.

He really did want to leave the best impression on the parents of the woman he adored.

" Yes. Of course. Is there a problem?" , Violet inquired.

" No. None at all. I was just surprised." ,

he hastily replied to avoid suspicion.

Daniel could feel Ethan and Sebastian eyeing him with suspicion but he chose to ignore them.

He took several deep breaths to compose himself as he walked towards the family of the person he cared for.

' This isn't me. How can I feel so nervous?'

'Calm down , Daniel.'
