Just words( Daniel's POV)

Daniel smiled to give the impression of a friendly and reliable person to the Duke and Duchess.

Daniel treated it as if it was the most important mission in his life.

To leave the best impression that he could.

First impression was important.

'You never get a second chance to make a first impression.' , Daniel silently told himself.

Daniel smiled as Violet greeted her parents and introduced them to each other.

' She seems close to her parents. I'm glad.'

She also introduced her brother Luis to them.

Daniel could see that Luis was not a talkative person who would not speak unless necessary.

He did not show much expression except when he spoke to Violet .

Daniel could see how Luis' eyes would turn gentle only when he looked at Violet.

" Dad , where's Brother Matt and Brother Stef? I would like to introduce them to the guests. And where are the children?" , Daniel heard Violet asking her father.

He was introducing himself and his parents when he saw the Duchess looking at him in recognition.

" How is your mother doing, Your Highness Castillo?" , the Duchess asked.

'So she knows my mother.'

Daniel told the Duchess that she could call him Daniel.

He did not want them to address him so formally.

They were the parents of the woman he admired. Adored.

' Duchess Charlotte Celestina Vanidestine. Celestina?'

" Your Grace , don't tell me. Perhaps , you're the Doctor Celestina that saved my mother when she was pregnant with me and she got into an accident?"

" Yes , Daniel. That was me.It was a long time ago."

' She was the one who saves my mom and I when mom was pregnant with me. '

" Such a fate between our families." , Daniel smiled.

' Truly. What a fate.'

" Hahaha" , Duchess Charlotte laughed.

" Young man , she's mine. Stop flirting with my wife." , Duke Lucas Vanidestine interjected and pulled the Duchess towards himself.

Daniel was startled. He did not want to leave a bad impression on the Duke.

He was struggling to defend himself when the Duchess and Violet came to his rescue.

" Eh? Ah. No. No . I..I would not dare , Your Grace.", Daniel stuttered.

" Behave " , the Duchess shot a glare at the Duke.

" General , don't mind. My father gets jealous easily. He's that childish." , Violet said.

Daniel gave a sigh of relief but he still turned to the Duke and defended the Duke's action.

But he was not lying. He truly believed what he said.

Daniel then told Violet that she could call him by his name.

" Then I shall drop the formalities. You may call me Violet."

Daniel was overjoyed and felt over the moon that he could call her by her first name.

He was so ecstatic that he actually stuttered.

" In private " , Violet said.

' In private.'

That was enough for him.

So he did not mind that Sebastian and Ethan were also allowed to call her Violet.

Prince Nathan and Princess Margaret arrived with Matthew and Stefan.

They introduced themselves while Violet interacted with her children.

Daniel's heart warmed at the scene.

" We have an important announcement to make" , the Emperor declared .

The announcement shocked the entire hall as whispers broke out with looks of contempt directed at the mistress and pity at the Empress.

Daniel looked at Violet to see her reaction.

Hardly any reaction.

No flicker of hurt or betrayal in her eyes.

Nonchalance. As if the news did not have anything to do with her.

Daniel looked at her with worry .

He felt angry.

Really angry at the adulterous pair.

" That scum of an Emperor! That shrew. Utterly hateful, spiteful woman." , Matthew growled.

' He's worse than a scum.', Daniel thought.

" Language, Brother Matt." , Violet scolded softly.

"They're unimportant people to me.

It doesn't bother me. ", Daniel heard her say.

' But how could they treat her so badly?'

" But Your. .. Violet , isn't this too disrespectful to you? As a wife? As the Empress?", Sebastian asked.

' Yes. Extremely disrespectful.'

Violet then explained the status of women in Iretonia and how no matter how powerful your maiden family was , they had no influence over your married life.

' Damn the laws of Iretonia! Such a ridiculous social structure.'

"I don't believe that a woman's worth lies in her husband's love. The only one who gets to decide my worth is me. I would never lower myself for such a things as a man's favour or his love."

' That's true. She's so wise though she's still young.'

Daniel saw her father agreeing and offering words of comfort and support to his daughter.

He offered her his thoughts too .

Words. Just words.

That was all he could do to convey his feelings to her.

Daniel felt frustrated that he couldn't do anything to help her.

He realised that her family felt the same frustration and rage that he did.

Or , even worse.

That despite being powerful and respected , there was nothing that they could do for the most important person in their life.

" Thank you, dad. And thank you , Daniel."