Because he's stupid and gormless (Daniel's POV)

Daniel had agreed to accompany Violet and the kids.

They arrived at a field with ranunculus in every colour under the sun , gorgeous lavender flowers in shades of amethyst, indigo, and white mixed with a kaleidoscope of wildflowers.

" Pretty. It's so pretty , Mom!"

" I like it , Mommy!"

Margaret giggled as she pulled Nathan to the field of flowers to play.

Daniel sat beside Violet under the shade of a huge birch tree .

"Are you not feeling well, Violet?" Daniel asked worriedly.

Violet seemed to be sick and uncomfortable.

" Just a little motion sickness. It happens when I travel distance of more than thirty minutes.

But , Daniel , is it alright to spend time with us here?"

Daniel did not know how it felt to have motion sickness but he realised that it must be pretty bad looking at Violet's exhausted face.

" Sebastian and Ethan can handle it.

And I am not slacking off .

I always listen to their reports every night during our discussions."

Daniel did not need to be present at every meeting because Ethan and Sebastian were capable enough to make decisions that would be most beneficial for Asterin.

Besides, they always have discussions every night.

"That's good to know.

Actually , I'm glad that you're here with us . Nathan and Margaret enjoy your company a lot."

" I like them too. And I enjoy spending time with you as well Violet.

What about you? Do you enjoy spending time with me?"

Daniel did not know what prompted him to ask Violet this question.

Maybe because his departure to Asterin was drawing near that the fear of leaving Violet behind pushed him to be more forward with his feelings.

Daniel knew that he had already decided to be friends with Violet.

He had repeatedly told himself that it was enough for him.

As long he she was by his side.

But , Daniel realised that he was becoming greedy .

He wanted more.

" Yes , I enjoy Daniel's company.

It's always pleasant to spend time with you."

' You don't realise how much my heart beats every time I think of you.' , Daniel thought.

"Are you happy?"

' I just want you to be happy.

I will stay forever as a friend if you're happy here.

But if you show even a slight interest in wanting to leave this damn place , I promise I will do everything in my power to bring you away from here.'

Daniel could see that Violet was not happy here but he wanted to hear her say it.

However, Daniel did not speak these words aloud to Violet because he did not want to burden or overwhelm her.

"I'm alright."

' That's an indirect no.'

"Are you happy?"

"I get by. Those two kids.

And my family.

They're my pillar of strength.

That's what keeps me going."

"So , are you happy?"

Daniel asked again because he wanted her to be more honest with how she felt.

"You're persistent."

"I am."

' Because I need to know.'

"I don't know. Have I ever felt happiness since I entered that damned Palace?

These past five years has been anything but peaceful and cheerful.

But having these kids by my side , especially Nathan has made me unable to leave this place.

If I said that I wanted to escape from this place , would you save me ?"

" Do you want me to?"

Daniel asked because he needed her permission to take her away.

" I can't leave the kids behind."

"So you do want to leave.

I can take you away from this place.

If you are willing. Even if I have to go against the Emperor."

Daniel concluded that Violet had indeed thought of leaving the Palace but she couldn't do so because she was afraid that the Prince and Princess might feel that she had abandoned them for her happiness.

"Wh..Why would you do that for me?"

Daniel stared at Violet as she stuttered while asking him a question.

Daniel decided that it was better to be honest with his feelings instead of having regrets because of words being left unspoken.

" Because I like you , Violet.

I liked you since the day I saw you.

And I like you more each day.

I could sit beside you doing nothing and yet feel perfectly happy.

I just took one look at you and I knew that you were the one.

There's no turning back for me."

"Daniel , I..I .."

Daniel wondered if he came off too strong with his confession.

"You do not have to be burdened by my feelings.

I did not tell you my feelings hoping for you to reciprocate.

I just wanted to let you know how I felt."

He truly did not wish to burden her with how he felt for her.

" Thank you, Daniel.

But I'm sorry that I'm unable to accept your feelings.

I cannot leave Nathan and Margaret.

The Emperor would never allow me to take the children."

' That hurts more than I expected.'

But Daniel understood Violet too.

He knew how much she loved the kids .

He was not selfish enough to force her to abandon the people she loved for him.

If he did that, then his feelings for her were not love anymore.

" I understand. But my offer still stands whether you accept my feelings or not. "

' I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere.

I'm always going to be here loving you with all my heart and soul.'

" I'm really sorry , Daniel.

I ended up hurting your feelings."

" And if you ever choose to leave the Emperor and decide to marry me, I'll adopt the kids under my name."

Daniel decided to reassure Violet of his feelings for her.

"Eh? Adopt?"

" Yes . I'll treat them as my own."

" Ah..that.. what are you even talking about? Marriage? Adopt?"

Daniel smiled as Violet seemed flabbergasted at his declaration.

" When I said that I liked you , I meant that I would accept everything about you."

The atmosphere turned awkward as they both stared into each others' eyes in silence.

Daniel realised that he might have come off too strong by suggesting marriage and adoption when he had just confessed a few minutes ago.

Daniel did not want to take back his words because he meant what he just said.

He was going to be there for her no matter what.

He truly hoped Violet will not distance herself from him because of his confession.

"Mommy! I'm hungry."

Nathan ran towards Violet and Daniel while Margaret ran behind him.

Daniel was grateful for the interruption as it diffused the awkward atmosphere.

"Tired?" Daniel asked Nathan who had jumped into his arms to embrace him.

He wiped Nathan's face with a handkerchief while Margaret was in Violet's care.

" Uncle Daniel, thank you for coming with us.

I like you a lot."

Nathan said as Daniel held him in his arms.

" I like you a lot too, Nathan. "

" What about me?" Margaret pouted.

" Of course, I like Margaret too." Daniel replied with a laugh.

"Uncle Daniel , do you like Mommy too?" , Nathan asked with curious and expectant eyes.

" Of course , I do. Your mom is beautiful and kind. She treats everyone well. Why wouldn't I like her?"

" Then why doesn't Imperial father like Mommy? He treats only Margie's mother well."

' Because he's stupid and gormless.'

Of course there was no way Daniel would tell Nathan in that way.

"I do not know why His Majesty doesn't like your mommy.

But I know that the Emperor is the one who's losing at lot for not loving your precious mommy.

And your mommy is alright even without the Emperor.

Because mommy is not alone.

Mommy has you and Margaret.

Mommy also has your uncles and grandparents.

She also has me as a friend.

Don't you think so?"

"You're right , Uncle Daniel."

Daniel looked at Violet who seemed to have said ' thank you' .