A week ( Daniel's POV)

Daniel went to meet Violet after his meeting.

The negotiations were almost coming to an end.

They would probably be leaving for Asterin in a week's time.

The relationship between Daniel and Violet went back to normal with the exception of Violet now knowing how he felt.

He continued to visit her and spend time with the kids and the awkwardness between the two naturally eased in the past few days.

Daniel and Nathan had decided to pick up Margaret from her lessons .

" Aahh! How dare you! You illegitimate child! Do you know who I am? How dare you make my dress dirty?"

Daniel looked in the direction of the stables where heard a woman shriek .

Daniel followed Violet as she ran towards the commotion to see a group of noble ladies crowding around a crying Margaret .

"Darling , are you okay?" , Violet asked Margaret.

Daniel glared at the ladies who dared to lay their hands on the Princess.

Daniel stared at Lady Olivia in disdain when he realised that she had simply watched on as these people bullied her daughter.

" Daniel , can you please hold the Princess?"

Daniel held the Princess who was crying in his arms.

He moved back a few metres because he could see Violet was furious and he did not want the child to witness the scene that would follow.

It wasn't the ideal type of situation that a child should see.

Daniel comforted Margaret by patting on her back .

He sent a maid to get an ice-pack to ease the swelling in the Princess' cheeks.

Daniel gave a menacing stare at the maids that were supposed to accompany the Princess.

' How could they allow their Lady , the Princess to be mistreated?'

Daniel continued to comfort Margaret who was whimpering in his arms.

" Margie , do not cry anymore , alright?

You're a big girl now.

Do not listen to what those people said.

It's not true.

You are Mom's and Uncle Daniel's most precious darling and Brother Nat's most adorable sister."

Daniel felt Margaret nodding her head as he continued to stroke her on the head.

" You are the Princess of Iretonia and mom Violet's daughter.

No one can say otherwise.

So you shouldn't take what those people said to heart. You are very dear to your mom.

Those people are ignorant people who do not know anything."

Daniel saw Violet slapped Lady Amelia on the face as he was comforting Margaret.

' That woman deserved more than a slap.'

Daniel saw how Violet made Lady Amelia kneel and slapped that disgusting Lady Olivia.

'How satisfying.'

Violet looked glorious and bewitching as she took control of the situation.

' I hope she didn't hurt her hand.

Those two slaps must have terribly hurt her hands.'

Daniel saw Violet approaching and smiled to let her know that she had done a wonderful job.

Though Daniel wished that Violet could have punished them more severely , he did not make any comments as he knew that she might have some restrictions in her power since the Emperor's favour was with another woman.

' Such a stupid Emperor.'

"Darling , are you alright?"

" Mom."

Violet carried Margaret in her arms who buried her face in Violet's neck.

" It's alright. Mom is here for my princess. They cannot do anything to you.

Mom already scolded and punished all of them for making my little princess cry.

Do not be afraid.

You have brother Nathan , mom and even Uncle Daniel to protect you."

Princess Margaret left to spend time with Prince Nathan leaving Daniel and Violet alone.

" Are you alright?" , Daniel asked.

"Of course I am. They didn't do anything to me."

" But you slapped them.

Your hand must have hurt.

Why did you have to hurt yourself for such insignificant people?"

" I'm alright. It was nothing."

" Let me see."

Daniel gently took Violet's hand and blew on it while massaging it.

Her hands were slightly red from the impact.

' She must have used quite a lot of force for her hands to be still red even now.'

" Can you come with me to meet His Majesty?"

"Sure. I can be a witness for you."

Daniel simply assumed that Violet needed a witness in case that fool of an Emperor did not believe her words.

He was very much willing to help her however he could.

" No. You don't have to say anything .

But I hope you will come with me."

" Alright."

" You won't ask why?"

Daniel titled his head and wondered why a reason was needed.

She needed him to go with her.

And he agreed.

It was as simple as that.

"Will you tell me?", Daniel asked because he realised that there might be more to the situation than he originally thought.

" The Emperor tends to be irrational and violent when it comes to matters regarding Lady Olivia.

But he would not dare to act out too much if General Castillo was there.

And I need moral support."

' Irrational? Violent?'

Those words shook Daniel so much that his mind did not register when his hands grabbed Violet on her shoulders.

The only thought that came to his mind was ,

' Did that bastard of an Emperor lay his filthy hands on Violet?'

" Did he ever physically abuse you?

That jerk!"

Daniel's voice shook as he spoke.

He was barely subduing his rage .

Violet was his bottom line.

Daniel felt Violet's fingers gently caressing his cheeks .

"Daniel, relax. You're hurting me."

Her voice was so soothing that it calmed the beast raging inside him .

'Shit! I hurt her .'

Daniel cursed in his mind when he realised that he had forcefully grabbed Violet.

" I'm sorry. I hurt you."

" You're shaking."

Daniel was shaking in anger.

At himself.

He was beating himself up for having lost his cool and hurting the person he loved the most.

Daniel hugged Violet and breathed in her scent as she hugged him back.

"Have you calmed down?"


"Shall we go ?"

Daniel and Violet left for the Emperor's office when they met Sir Robert and Sir Marco on the way.

Daniel was thinking of a way to cheer up Margaret and apologise to Violet for hurting her because of his actions earlier all the way till the Emperor's office.

However , as they reached near the door to the Emperor's office ,they heard lewd noise accompanied with moans and grunts.

Daniel immediately covered Violet's ears with his hands as his face distorted in disgust.

Daniel understood that it was normal for couples to engage in such affairs .

'But how could those two people be in the mood for this activity after what they just did to their biological daughter?'

Daniel looked down worriedly at Violet only for him to see her look at him with crystal clear eyes.

He could not detect any emotions in her eyes.

"Yo..Your Majesty " , the two guards at the door stuttered.

Daniel saw Violet smiling at him as she removed his hands from her ears.

She even patted him on the shoulder to tell him that it was okay.

' Is she comforting me?

Shouldn't it be the other way round?'

" Announce my arrival."

As soon as they entered the room , Daniel felt Violet's hands covering his eyes.

He felt amused at her actions.

" Please dress up immediately.

I have important matters to discuss."

" Empress! How dare you! "

Daniel felt like punching the Emperor who raised his voice against Violet.

"Oh I am sorry to have disturbed the both of you when you were in the heat , but it's an important matter that concerns the prestige of the Royal family.

Thus I had no choice but to barge in.

Lady Olivia should quickly gather her wits and tidy herself up as we have a guest with us ."

Daniel chuckled at Violet's savagery.

' Where did she learn such words? Most likely from Mathew.'

" Your Majesty , how can you just barge in?"

" Empress! How impolite can you get?"

" Doesn't Your Majesty and Lady Olivia know that it is dangerous to engage in strenuous physical activities during the first three months of pregnancy?

Act decently at least during this time and stop giving in to your primal desires like animals."

" Empress!"

Daniel kept quiet not because he did not have anything to say but because he did not want to implicate Violet in case he offended the Emperor with his words.

"Please keep your temper in check ,

Your Majesty. We have a guest with us."

Daniel followed Violet who led him to the couch and sat down.

"Lady Olivia may join the conversation with us as this involves her as well."

"Empress , you're getting bold .

How dare you slap my beloved in the face in front of so many people?

And what is the General doing here?"

" I simply did what was right. As for the General..."

"I am here as a witness to support the Empress' claims.", Daniel continued Violet's sentence.

" So the Empress think that the right thing to do was to slap her?"

" Yes , Your Majesty. Did Lady Olivia not tell you why she was slapped?

If she was not pregnant , her punishment would have been heavier."

Daniel loved the way the Empress did not back down in fear or discouragement despite the opposition from the Emperor.

Daniel listened as Violet reported what Lady Olivia and Lady Amelia did to the Princess and trampled on the dignity of the Royal Family and the Crown of Iretonia.

"So , what do you want to do , Empress?"

" Considering the fact that Lady Amelia insulted the Royal family, the entire family deserves to be beheaded.

But considering what Count Murphy has done for the Empire , Count Murphy should be demoted to a Baron with 20,000 acres of their farmlands and fifty percent of all profits from all their businesses and mines for 10 years should be offered as a compensation to Princess Margaret.

Or , is it too lenient?

Should we just throw them all in prison?

As for Lady Olivia, I won't even bother to do anything as Your Majesty's heart wouldn't be able to bear to inflict any punishment on her."

"Alright. We will as the Empress says."

Insulting the Royal family was as good as seeking death or a lifetime imprisonment unless one has the Emperor's favour.

Daniel concluded that Count Murphy was likely a supporter of the Emperor from the way Violet demanded only compensation.

Daniel dropped Violet to the Empress Palace after they left the Emperor's office.

" Violet."


" I apologise . I'm really sorry that I hurt you because I was unable to control my emotions. Please forgive me."

" You did not mean to hurt me , Daniel.

So it's alright. I'm alright.You do not have to feel bad about it anymore. ", Violet smiled as she answered.

" Violet , do you really want to stay here? "

Daniel stared at Violet who did not answer.

" I fear that I'm leaving soon."

" How soon?"

" A week. "

" That's really soon."

Daniel heard Violet though it was but a whisper.

" I will think of a way so that you can leave the Emperor and take the Prince and Princess with you . I cannot leave in peace knowing that you are stuck here in this place filled with horrendous people."