Flashback - 1

Violet was sitting on her bed while drinking her alcoholic cranberry tea when she recalled her conversation with Daniel earlier in the evening.

"I will think of a way so that you can leave the Emperor and take the Prince and Princess with you . I cannot leave in peace knowing that you are stuck here in this place filled with horrendous people."

" Daniel.."

" Violet , listen to me ", Daniel said as he took her hands in his .

" It's okay to be selfish once in a while.

I am not asking you to abandon the Prince and the Princess.

They are both rightfully your children.

I am telling you to think of your happiness first this time."

" But.."

" Listen , Violet. Do not think too deeply of the consequences that might follow.

Be bold. Be daring. And a little reckless too.

I believe that you , Violet , in your truest self , is a courageous person with a free spirit."

" I.. I'm scared , Daniel.

I'm not scared of being ostracised by society because of the stigma against divorced women in the empire.

I'm more afraid of how this will emotionally affect Nathan and Margaret.

I can't leave them behind."

" We'll find a way , Violet. Together.

I'll help you escape this hell.

All three of you."

" I can't think of any way to take the children away from the Emperor and Lady Olivia.

They are of royal blood.

There's simply no way that they can leave.

My parents have tried to think of ways too.

To take the Emperor's children from him is impossible , Daniel."

" You talk as if you will have no issue leaving this place alone , Violet.

Or am I reading too deep into your words?" , Daniel asked.

Violet stared at Daniel in contemplation as she realised that she had been too comfortable around him that she did not guard her words around Daniel.

" You're right. I have a card against the Emperor that will allow me to leave this place. Alone. But I can't do that.

They will be mistreated here without me.

How can I leave when I know that by staying

I can at least ensure that they're well taken care of?

And I just cannot think of a way to take the kids away from the Palace." , Violet sobbed as Daniel hugged her tightly.

" I will find a way , Violet.

I understand that you must take Nathan with you and he would choose to go with you.

But what about Margaret? Lady Olivia is her birth mother. I've always been curious.

What did Lady Olivia do that made a three year old child like Princess Margaret hate her so?"

" Lady Olivia doesn't deserve to be a mother."


Violet was playing with the 15 month old Nathan when a servant came with an order from the Emperor.

" Your Majesty , His Majesty the Emperor has requested Your Majesty the Empress' presence as Lady Olivia will be giving birth to a royal child any minute now."

Violet went to Lady Olivia's chambers and she heard a baby crying as soon as she reached the doors.

Violet entered the room and waved her hand to indicate to the servant not to bother announcing her arrival.

" Your Majesty, it's a healthy Princess. Congratulations!" , the doctor said to the Emperor who was now sitting on the bed beside Lady Olivia while holding her hands.

" The Empire of Iretonia has been blessed with the birth of a Royal Princess.

Congratulations Your Majesty . Congratulations Lady Olivia." , Violet added in to the conversation to make her presence known to the oblivious lovers.

" A Princess? I gave birth to a girl?" , Lady Olivia said in a disgusted tone.

Violet took the new-born Princess in her arms and said , " She'll grow up to be a beautiful Princess. "

" Girls are useless. Who needs a beautiful daughter?

She will most likely end up like you , Empress."

"You can always give birth to more children in the future.", the Emperor told Lady Olivia.

" That was unasked for.

Lady Olivia should learn to be more courteous both in words and in the heart."

" Your Majesty, what do I do? My heart already hurts so much that I was unable to give Your Majesty a Princess and the Empress is scolding me without any consideration when I've just given birth."

Violet watched with incredulous eyes as Lady Olivia sobbed in the Emperor's arms.

" Empress , leave. I did not summon you here to make my beloved upset."

Violet rolled her eyes at the Emperor's words.

' Who asked you to call me here anyway?'

Violet looked at the baby in her arms and hoped that she would not suffer too much in this cruel society.

" I would be much pleased to leave ." , Violet said as she gave the Princess to one of the wet nurses.

" Take care of the Princess.

You may request for help if needed from my Palace."



Violet was in her office signing documents when Lillian reported a visit from Princess Margaret's head maid.

"Your Majesty, the head maid Angela from the Royal Princess' Palace requests an audience with you.

She said it concerns Princess Margaret's health and well being and the dignity as a child of royal birth."

" Send her in."

" Greetings, Your Majesty."

The head maid , Angela , bowed as soon as she entered the office .

"Why has the Princess' head maid come to look for me?

If there is anything that the Princess needs , you should contact Lady Olivia.

I have allocated sufficient funds so that the Princess can grow without any worries."

The maid suddenly got on her knees and sobbed as she begged Violet.

" Your Majesty, this maid begs you precisely because of that.

Lady Olivia has seized most of the funding meant for the Princess.

The Princess is sick with fever and unable to recover due to malnutrition and inadequate supply of suitable medicines.

Please intervene in this matter , Your Majesty."

Violet looked at the maid who genuinely seemed to care for the Princess.

" How dare a maid accuse the woman that the whole empire knows is favoured by the Emperor himself?

Do you know what will happen to you if word gets out?"

"I dare not, Your Majesty.

This maid doesn't dare to wrongly accuse such a woman.

This maid is simply stating facts as she sees. Please be gracious and look into this matter , Your Majesty."

Violet observed the maid who was still kneeling on the floor with her head held down.

Violet had to admit that she was a clever one.

" Rise."

The maid rose from the ground and stood as soon as Violet gave her permission to do so.

"Do you realise what you are requesting of me , Angela?

If I intervene in a matter such as the Princess' upbringing in which Lady Olivia has been given full authority , I would provoke the ire of Lady Olivia and subsequently His Majesty , the Emperor. Do you really not know or are you perhaps trying to cause friction between Lady Olivia and I? "

Violet could already hear Lady Olivia shrieking and telling her that she had no authority over the Princess' upbringing.

If Violet did anything , Violet was sure that Lady Olivia would complain to the Emperor who in turn would make things difficult for her.

' I feel exhausted already.'

" Your Majesty is a wise and righteous Empress who would not simply let her people suffer the injustice they do not deserve. Moreover , this matter concerns the Princess' dignity as a royal."

Violet was contemplating what to do in this situation.

She really did not want to intervene in matters related to Lady Olivia.

But this was a matter that concerned a human life.

The Princess life and health at that.

' How could a mother be so disgusting to take funds allocated for her child that the child is left with almost nothing to eat?'

"You may go back. I will look into it."

" Lillian , provide Angela with medicine and nutritious baby food that Princess Margaret requires."

Violet went to visit Princess Margaret the next day with Xander and Lillian following her.

" Greetings , Your Majesty ." , Angela and the rest of the maids bowed as Violet entered the Princess' chambers.

" How is Princess Margaret doing?"

" The Princess' fever has subsided.

She just had her meal." , Angela replied.

Violet took the Princess in her arms who grabbed on to her fingers.

" You are a beautiful child, Princess Margaret. May you grow to be a healthy and sweet Princess with a pretty heart ."

Violet sat on the couch as she held the Princess.

It wasn't Violet's responsibility to take care of the Princess as the Emperor had clearly stated that the Princess was fully under Lady Olivia's authority.

But Violet felt bad for having neglected the tiny child in her arms who was now just six months old.

" Does Lady Olivia come here often?"

" No , she hasn't come to visit the Princess even once , Your Majesty.", Angela answered.

" I'm sure she would barge in anytime since word must have reached her that I'm visiting the Princess.", Violet whispered.

"Pardon, Your Majesty?" , Angela asked as she could not quite catch the Empress' words.

Before Violet could even answer ,

Lady Olivia barged in to the room.

" Your Majesty, what are you doing here?" , Lady Olivia said as she unsuccessfully tried to snatch the Princess from Violet's arms .

"Give her to me, Your Majesty!"

Xander stood protectively as a shield to protect Violet and Princess Margaret from Lady Olivia.

" Lady Olivia, please lower your voice.

The Princess has just fallen asleep.

Take the Princess to a quiet place." Violet said as she gave the Princess to Angela who bowed her head and left at Violet's order.

" You have no authority over the Princess!" Lady Olivia literally screamed as if she thought everyone in the room was deaf or were standing a few hundred miles away.

" I do not.

However , as the Empress of the Empire , I could not just close my eyes and pretend not to have seen anything when there was a case of injustice in the Palace."

" She's my daughter! I can do anything I want!"

" Indeed , you gave birth to her.

But she is a Princess while you are just a nameless mistress that the Emperor keeps by his side.

You have no title besides being the Emperor's mistress.

The Princess ranks above you , Lady Olivia. "

Violet did not like to judge people on their status but she provoked Lady Olivia that way because she knew that Lady Olivia was extremely insecure about her status.

" I'm her mother ! Do not think you can butt in just because you are the Empress."

" Giving birth to a child doesn't make you a mother.

You do not deserve to be called a mother, Lady Olivia.

Please do not act like you are one when you haven't even visited the Princess once since she was born."

" Shut up!"

"Make her kneel!"

Violet ordered the knights .

" How dare you! You will regret this!"

Violet chuckled and grabbed onto Lady Olivia's jaws and forced her to look into her eyes.

" Do you realise , Lady Olivia, that that's all you can do?

Complain to the Emperor and pass threats in his name?

You cannot do anything on your own.

How pathetic!

And do not worry about me , Lady Olivia.

The Emperor will not be able to punish without a justified reason. "

" You're bullying me! That's enough reason."

" And Lady Olivia was bullying the Princess by depriving the Princess of basic amenities like food and medicine. Is that not a greater crime?"

" That's a false accusation."

" Oh. I dare not falsely accuse the Emperor's mistress.

I have proof , Lady Olivia. In paper.

And witnesses too."

The reason Violet did not visit the Princess immediately was because she needed evidence of Lady Olivia's wrong doings so that the Emperor' hands would be temporarily tied and Lady Olivia could be punished even if it was a light punishment.

Violet had given the task of finding evidence and witnesses to Xander and Lillian who fulfilled their tasks that very night.

Though Violet could not achieve much because the Emperor blatantly favoured Lady Olivia, at least , Violet was able to let the Princess be clothed and fed like she deserved to be.

Lady Olivia was also grounded in her room for three weeks.
