Flashback -2


[Please note that Princess Margaret's words and pronunciation are incoherent and broken as she is barely 2 years old.

I did not write it the way she supposedly pronounced as I did not want to inconvenience the readers.

Enjoy reading! ]

Violet was walking towards the Royal Library as she carried the three and half year old Prince Nathan to read picture book in the library.

"Mommy. Hurts. Stop."

Violet heard Princess Margaret's cries as she reached the door to the Royal Library.

"Shut up. Do not call me Mommy.

That is improper behaviour for a Princess.

Address me as 'Lady Olivia'."

"Hurts, Mommy ."

" I said not to call me Mommy.

And sit gracefully. Do not cry.

You are a Princess. Princesses do not cry."

Violet entered to see Princess Margaret whimpering as she struggled to sit properly on a chair with Lady Olivia holding a cane on one hand and a book titled " The History of the foundation of Iretonia" on her other hand.

" Now listen and repeat after me."

" Lady Olivia , Princess Margaret is far too young to be able to read and understand such a complicated book.

She is barely able to speak in complete sentences."

Violet interrupted Lady Olivia as she sensed that the Princess was terrified and emotionally affected.

" Your Majesty does not need to concern over what I teach my daughter."

" I do not wish to do so either , Lady Olivia.

But Princess Margaret's palms are red from the strikes inflicted by the cane.

The Princess is a two year old child , Lady Olivia.

As much as it is up to you to discipline your child , there are things which are not appropriate.

Isn't it too much to punish a two year old because she is unable to sit gracefully and understand history?"

" She's my daughter. I gave birth to her.

What use is she if she's not useful to me?

She should know that useless people can be disposed off even if they are royalty ."

" Lady Olivia , I really do not wish to argue with you.

Especially when the Prince and Princess are in the room with us.

However , there are lines you shouldn't cross as a human being.

You are abusing a child right now , Lady Olivia. This will have serious consequences in Princess Margaret's life if you do not change your methods of teaching and disciplining the child."

Violet gently patted Nathan in the back as he seemed startled at Lady Olivia's loud and screaming-like voice.

" Princess , do you wish to read picture books with Prince Nathan and me?

You can join us. I promise you that it will be fun. No punishments."

Violet said gently as she smiled at Princess Margaret.

" What do you thing you are doing , Your Majesty?"

Violet ignored Lady Olivia's question and looked at Princess Margaret who was now looking back at her.

" Do you wish to join us, Princess?

We will eat delicious food and drink sweet juices."

"No punishment?" , Princess Margaret asked in a meek voice.

"No punishment. Only fun with lots of food. Prince Nathaniel would also love it if the Princess joins us."

Violet smiled and nodded as she answered.

" Don't you dare ! You insolent child."

Violet stretched out her hands when she saw Princess Margaret hesitating.

Violet understood that the Princess was afraid and not sure if she could trust her fully.

" I promise. And I never break promises."

Princess Margaret got down from the chair and ran towards Violet who was a few feet away with her new found courage.

" How dare you!"

Violet bended and carried the Princess in her other arms.

" Lady Olivia, the Emperor is in his office.

He is in a bad mood. You do not want me to let him know of how you've been abusing the Princess. Go cheer him up."

" Your Majesty , give the Princess back to me."

"Guards , throw her out. Make sure she doesn't enter the Library or is found anywhere near the Princess. "

"Lady Olivia, leave quietly if you do not wish a harsher punishment to be meted out to you.

Especially one from the Emperor himself."

Violet knew that even if the Emperor found Lady Olivia abusing the Princess, who was a royal child , he would not punish her severely.

It would most likely be confinement in her room for a week or two.

But Violet knew that Lady Olivia hated to be punished by the Emperor and be made to stay in her room.

Violet thought it was probably because it was only at those times that the Emperor apparently chose the Empress' words over Lady Olivia's.

Violet ordered Lillian to fetch medicine for the Princess while she sat down at the table in the library.

Prince Nathan and Princess Margaret were made to sit in cushioned chairs as the chairs in the library were too huge for them.

" Xander , please get us some picture books suitable for the Prince and Princess."

Violet turned to Princess Margaret and asked , " May I call you Margie? Is that alright?"

Princess Margaret nodded her head.

" Margie , does it still hurt?" , Violet asked as she blew on the Princess' palms.


" Mommy , it's all red. It must hurt.

Princess Margaret is lying.", Nathan said when he saw that Margaret's palm had red marks all over.

" I will treat your hands for you , Margie. It will get better soon.

And if it hurts , it's okay to cry.

Prince Nathan and I will not scold you if you cry. Right , Nathan?"

" Yes. Mommy said that it's alright to cry when we're in pain. If we're hurting, we should not hide out pain."

" Margie darling , you are a precious person.

A beautiful and intelligent Princess. And it's alright for Princesses to sometimes fall down, make mistakes and cry. Remember that."

"Your Majesty, here is the medicine."

"Thank you , Lillian."

Violet treated Margaret's hands and lightly bandaged it for her.

Margaret did not cry out loud the entire time but Violet could see that the Princess felt the sting when she applied the medicine. Tears were forming in the Princess' eyes but she refused to cry.

Violet's heart broke to see such a scene.

'Just how much punishment did Lady Olivia inflict on the Princess that she is unwilling to cry even when she's in pain?'

" Margie , darling. How about we do this? From now on , I'll be your mom.

If you are uncomfortable with calling me mom , then you do not have to.

But you can treat me like I'm your mom and I'll treat you like my daughter.

As your mom, I give you permission to laugh and cry to your heart's content.

Princess Margaret is a precious person after all. "

Violet stared at Margaret and wondered if she understood.

Violet pointed at herself and said 'mom'.

She pointed at the Prince and said 'Margie's brother' and pointed at the Princess and said 'my daughter.'

Margaret kept staring at Violet as if she was in contemplation.


"Yes , my darling daughter."


"Yes, darling? "


Princess Margaret starting crying and Violet carried her in her arms while trying to soothe her.

"Mom. Hurts. It hurts."

" My darling daughter.

Mom is here. All the pain will go away."

Violet said as she kissed Margaret on the forehead .

" Mommy! Me too.

Mommy's kisses make all the pain go away."

Violet chuckled as she kissed Nathan who demanded a kiss from her.

Violet informed the Emperor that evening of the Princess' condition and stated that the Princess will be staying with her till she recovers.

The Princess stayed with Violet and Nathan for 4 months during which both the Prince and Princess got closer.

Though Princess Margaret had to leave the Empress Palace after four months , Violet would always invite her over for tea .

The Princess also met Violet's family and the Princess seemed to like her brothers a lot.


"So , that's why the Princess is closer to you and Nathan than she is to Lady Olivia." , Daniel said after Violet told him about Princess Margaret's past.

" Yes , so I cannot leave her , Daniel. I've given her hope and security. I cannot take it away from the child."

"We will find a way , Violet. Do not worry. I am even more certain now that you must leave this place. "

" Thank you , Daniel."