I'm not cute!

The wind was blowing gently as the leaves which had turned dazzling colours of ambers, reds and yellows fluttered in the wind with fluffy fleeces of clouds floating in the autumn sky.

Violet saw Nathan sitting on a bench under the Autumn Higan cherry tree . The flowering tree had narrow leaves that turned brilliant shades of orange, red, and yellow and its small, dark pink buds that open into semi - double light pink flowers that fade to a very light pink or white.

" Aren't you cold , Nathan?" , Violet asked as she draped a shawl over Nathan .

" No. I'm alright. " Nathan replied as he lightly shook his head.

" Margie told me that you wanted to meet me. Mommy's really happy that you're finally comfortable speaking with me." , Violet confessed to Nathan who was looking down at his tightly held hands.

" Yes. I..I wanted to ask something."

Violet could see that Nathan looked nervous and perhaps , a little afraid to ask his question.

" Sure. You can ask me anything. I promise that I'll be honest with you." , Violet said earnestly so that Nathan would feel more reassured.

" No lies?", Nathan asked.

" No lies. So Nathan , can you be honest with me too and tell me all the questions and doubts you have in your mind?"

" Alright."

Violet smiled gently as she saw Nathan slowly nodding his head.

" Hmm. So what do you want to ask me , Nathan?"

" Is it true that Lady Olivia gave birth to me?"

Violet looked at Nathan who seemed to have a flicker of hope in his eyes as he waited for her answer.

'He must be hoping that I would say that all that he heard was a lie.' , Violet thought .

" Yes , darling. Lady Olivia gave birth to you."

Nathan looked crestfallen as he heard the confirmation from Violet.

" So. You..You aren't my mo..mommy anymore?"

" Of course not! Who would dare say that you're not my son?" , Violet replied.

Violet got down on her knees in front of the sitting Nathan and gently held his hands as she continued , " Nathan, I may not have given birth to you but you will always be my son. I took care of you since you were born , I fed you , I bathe you and I put you to sleep. I loved you like my own child. And I will always love you, darling. No matter what."

" But..what about the Duke and the Duchess? And everyone from the Vanidestine family? Will they accept me?", Nathan continued to ask.

" Surely, darling, you didn't think that they didn't know about the secret? "

" So , they know?"

" Yes, and tell me now , darling , how has grandpa and grandma treated you all these years? What about Uncle Lu? Uncle Matt and Uncle Stefan?" , Violet asked Nathan softly.

Violet wanted to answer all his doubts as she slowly helped him to come to his own realisation.

" They've always treated me well. Everyone treats me like I'm fa.. family. They're really good to me. And ...and they give me gifts and always praise me when I do well. Bu.. But why?"

" Because they love you Nathan. We love you very much."

"So..So I'm still your family? Your s..son?"

Nathan asked as he looked at Violet with tears streaming down his cheeks.

" Always, darling. I'm your mother. No matter what you hear , remember this, darling, I'm your mommy, and I love you very much. Do not fear , darling, mommy will always be right by your side."

Nathan jumped into Violet's arms as he sobbed bitterly, letting go of all the doubts and fears that were gnawing at his heart.

" Mo.. Mommy!"

" Yes, my son?"

Violet felt tears in her eyes as she continued to stroke Nathan's back to soothe him.

" Mommy , I'm sorry. (hiccup) When I said that (hiccup) you weren't my mother (hiccup) , I didn't mean it.You're (hiccup) my only mother."

" I know , darling. It's alright now. Mommy's sorry for hiding the truth from you. "

" No . It's not mommy's fault. I love you mommy." , Nathan sobbed as he tightened his hold on Violet.

" I love you too , my son."

Violet was now sitting on the bench with Nathan on her lap who finally stopped crying.

" Mommy."

" Yes , darling?"

" I just wanted to call you mommy" , Nathan giggled as he replied.

Violet was glad to see that Nathan was finally smiling again.

" Oh! My son is so cute. " , Violet replied as she softly pinched his cheeks.

" Mommy! I'm almost five! I'm not cute! I'm handsome ."

Violet chuckled as she saw how cute Nathan looked with his puffed cheeks and crossed arms as he refused to be called cute.

" My son will always be cute and cute and cute to me." Violet said as she poked Nathan cheeks.

"Hmmmph! Mommy's mean."

" Okay! Mommy will stop being mean. My son is the most handsome in the world." , Violet chuckled as she continued , " Do you want mommy to tell you about the day you were born?"

Violet spoke as she felt Nathan nodding his head and looking at her with curiosity .

" Besides the doctor and the mid-wife , mommy was the first person to hold you when you came into this world."

" Really?" , Nathan asked as his eyes seemed to sparkle with delight at what he just heard.

" Yes. You were so tiny in my arms. I had to hold you very carefully so that you wouldn't fall. I was very worried that I wouldn't be able to take good care of a baby. But you know , you stopped crying when I held you in my arms. "

" Hmm. Mommy , I must have felt that mommy was a really nice person. Wait! Oh! I know now."

" Hmm?" , Violet asked Nathan who seemed to have made a stunning discovery.

" Mommy, I must have fallen in love with you at first sight. You are my first love." , Nathan happily declared making Violet break into laughter filled with adoration.

" Mommy loves you too, Nathan. You are very precious to me. Never forget that , alright?"

" Yes, Mommy. "

" Are you hungry , Nathan?" , Violet asked.

" Yes. A little bit ."

" Let's go have delicious food ."

"Yay! Let's go."