Safe and strong

Violet was walking along the long corridors towards the Emperor's office as she had an important discussion with the Emperor today.

She was quite nervous as she approached the office.

The Emperor was always an unpredictable man.

In the five years Violet had lived here , there wasn't a lot of new information she had known about the Emperor .

Violet had to make a request to the Emperor and she truly hoped that the Emperor would grant her the request.

"Lillian , what time is Daniel coming over today?"

" Your Majesty , General Castillo said he would arrive at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the greenhouse."

" Alright. Thank you , Lillian. You may wait outside the door with Xander. The meeting won't take a long time. "

" Yes , Your Majesty." , Lillian and Xander replied simultaneously.

"Announcing the Empress , the Moon of the Empire."

"Let her in."

Violet walked in as she heard the Emperor's voice permitting her to enter his office.

" Greetings, Your Majesty."

Violet greeted the Emperor who acknowledged her presence and offered to let her sit on the couch.

Marco and Robert were not present in the room when Violet entered.

They had probably gone off somewhere to fulfill the tasks given by the Emperor.

The maids served tea and left the room after they were done with their job.

"Empress , what brings you here today?"

It was the Emperor who initiated the conversation .

" Your Majesty, I have come here to formally request for a visit to the Duke's along with Prince Nathaniel and Princess Margaret. "

" Why now , Empress ? When the entire Empire in is chaos over the announcement about the Prince." , the Emperor questioned immediately upon hearing Violet's request.

Violet also knew that the Emperor would either feel her request to be either ridiculous or suspicious.

" That is exactly why, Your Majesty.

The news has had an overwhelmingly effect on everyone within the Palace walls and outside of it. Malicious rumours has been going around to discredit Prince Nathaniel's legitimacy for the throne.

This is the best time for the Prince to visit the Duke to crush all the rumours going around. With the Prince visiting the Duke's mansion, the nobles would have to think twice before disrespecting the Crown Prince's honour. We must take advantage of the situation , Your Majesty."

" Your words seem plausible, Empress.

But if the Empress leaves with the Prince to accompany the Prince to the Duke's mansion, wouldn't this reinforce the rumours of your dethronement?" , the Emperor asked Violet.

" There is reason for the public to believe that, Your Majesty. As the Empress who did not give birth to an heir , I am aware that my position as the Empress is a shaky one.

Going back to visit my maiden family at such a time will only give people the idea that the Empress is indeed going to get replaced. But isn't that a relief for you , Your Majesty?"

Violet looked at the Emperor who seemed to be irritated that his true intentions have been found out.

Of course , Violet knew that many of the royals would start to show their dissatisfaction towards the Empress who did not have a biological heir.

They would be suggesting for her dethronement and the selection of a new Empress .

The dethronement process would be really swift too if the Emperor was not on her side .

And Violet was sure that the Emperor would not be on her side.

There was no reason for him to speak up for her.

" And what does the Empress mean by that?", the Emperor countered in a stern voice.

" Your Majesty, forgive me for being rude , but I shall be honest since Your Majesty asked. Five years ago, when Your Majesty said that it was out of love for Lady Olivia that I would not be allowed to carry the Emperor's child, did Your Majesty say it truly out of love for Lady Olivia? And not out of fear that if the Empress, who is a descendant of the Vanidestine gives birth to an heir to the throne , that the power scale in the Empire would be disrupted?


Wasn't it so that Your Majesty could one day dethrone the Empress when Your Majesty's power are solidified and stable so you refused to spend the night with me?

Your Majesty, did you also not hate my mother's family because of their dissatisfaction towards the previous Emperor for marrying a commoner?"

The Duchess' maternal family , the House of Serpentine , was an old and prestigious aristocratic family that believed that only one of pure noble blood should be worthy of becoming the Empress.

They had deeply frowned upon the previous Emperor when he decided to marry a woman who was not of the nobility and caused a lot of ruckus in the court refusing to acknowledge nor support the previous Emperor's choice of marriage partner.

Violet wondered how her mother could be so different when she grew up in a family as orthodox as the House of Serpentine.

"Knowing too much can be a curse , Empress."

Violet felt strangely calm as she spoke with the Emperor.

She was no longer afraid of how hurtful his comments might be.

Nor did she hope for him to at least acknowledge her efforts as the Empress any longer.

Maybe it was because it was related to Nathan's life and happiness.

Or because Violet knew that she had Daniel and her entire family behind her .

Or because Violet had truly decided that she did not need to prove her worth to him anymore.

" Your Majesty, I apologise if my words have come off as offensive.

But isn't it for the best interest of the Prince of he forms a close relationship with the Vanidestine family?

The power scale will not be disrupted as he is not related by blood to the Vanidestine family. But there is no denying that it should solidify his position as heir apparent with the support of my family.

Your Majesty has always favoured Prince Nathaniel.

Isn't that why Your Majesty was always especially hard on him?

To train him into Your Majesty's version of a perfect Emperor?"

And Your Majesty is already occupied with the problems in the North, let me take care of this matter to relieve some of Your Majesty's burden" , Violet looked at the Emperor as she replied.

"Empress, it seems that you have already thought deeply about this matter. I shall permit the Prince and the Empress to visit Duke Vanidestine and stay over at the mansion.

The Prince shall continue his studies and training diligently following the same routine as he did in the Palace. "

" And the Princess, Your Majesty?", Violet asked.

" Princess Margaret shall accompany the Empress and the Empress."

" Thank you , Your Majesty. I shall comply accordingly. We will set out tomorrow at dawn."

Violet left the Emperor's office as soon as the discussion was over with a sense of relief and satisfaction that she had achieved what she came here for.


Violet wore a pastel pink laced flower coat over her dress as she walked towards the greenhouse.


Violet called Daniel who was standing with his back towards her apparently looking at the different species of flowers displayed in the greenhouse.

" Violet. You're here."

"You're early . Did you wait long? " , Violet asked because she knew that she was on time for the scheduled meeting.

"No. I've just arrived as well."

" Alright. Shall we sit ? " , Violet asked.

" Yes ."

Violet sat down and looked at the table that the maids had set up beforehand.

Lillian served Daniel and Violet tea and left to wait outside the greenhouse with Xander as soon as she was done with her job.

" You look beautiful as always , Violet."

Violet felt faint blush creeping on her cheeks as Daniel complimented her.

Violet had always been told that she was beautiful.

But it felt different when it was Daniel who said those words .

Even Violet was not sure why.

She just knew that she felt a little shy with a pleasant feeling in her chest and stomach.

" Thank you. You too." , Violet replied in almost a whisper.

" Hmm?" , Daniel questioned.

" I said , you look good today ." , Violet repeated her words at Daniel's quizzical look.

" Oh. Thank you." , Daniel chuckled.

Violet smiled in contentment as she felt the citrusy scent of the bergamot oil in the tea drift to her nose.

" Violet" , Daniel started , " I have something important to tell you today. Violet, I have been commanded to leave by tonight. "

Violet looked at Daniel's without uttering any words and simply waited for him to say what he wanted to say.

"And I am sorry that I am leaving when you are in a difficult position. I have been receiving letters from the Crown urging me to go back because of pressing issues in the north."

Violet had heard of the issues that has been bothering the North of Iretonia and Asterin.

That was one of the reasons the Emperor had been extremely busy and thus was willing for her to deal with the rumours spreading about Nathan and her dethronement.

"I am truly sorry that I am unable to stay as my responsibilities for my people calls for me to go back to the Empire . I have been commanded to go back immediately. But my promise to you will always stand , Violet. I am yours and I will always be waiting for you." , Daniel continued when Violet did not say anything.

" Daniel, your responsibility to your people is more important than staying here to accompany me.

You do not have to feel sorry for me.

I will be alright here .", Violet said after sometime.

" No, Violet. You will always be the most important person to me.

And if you ask me to stay behind, I will find a way to do so."

"Daniel. I am the Empress of Iretonia.

I do not have the power to make you stay here in the Empire. Your people need you .

Your loyalty is to the Crown of Asterin.

So, you should go back. "

"But, Violet. I am worried about you." Daniel said in an almost desperate whisper.

" And that is enough for me ."

It saddened Violet that Daniel had to leave when she needed him to be there for her.

Of course, she wished he could stay by her side.

But she had no right to make him stay.

He was a Prince and the Army General of the Empire of Asterin.

And Violet was aware that Daniel and her did not have any formal relationship between the two of them.

Daniel had confessed his feelings but Violet had never accepted it .

Because it was not appropriate nor was it the right thing to do.

Violet was still the Empress of Iretonia and she was not ready to start a new relationship either .

Violet knew that Daniel's loyalty was to the people of Asterin and he would always be anxious if he was here while his people suffered.

Moreover, Violet felt that the situation in the north must be more dire than she had assumed considering the fact that Ethan and Sebastian needed the help of Daniel immediately.

"So, you go. And rest assured , I will be staying over at the Duke's mansion starting from tomorrow.

My brothers would not simply sit and watch as people try to harm me.

They may not have much power within the walls of the Palace , but at the Duke's mansion, no one would dare to offend them."

Violet assured Daniel who seemed anxious and guilty about leaving her alone here.

" Then I do not have to ceaselessly worry over your well-being then. I'm glad . Truly."

Violet and Daniel continued to drink tea and talk about various topics while admiring the plants in the greenhouse.

" Violet, I promise to write as often as I can when I am in Asterin.

I hope you will reply to my letters as i will be waiting for your letters." , Daniel said to Violet towards the end of their conversation.

" I will be waiting for you."

Violet saw Daniel smile as he stood up and walked till he stood in front of her

" Violet ?"


'"May I hug you once before I leave?"

Violet was startled at Daniel's request that it took a few seconds for his words to register in her mind.

Violet simply nodded to which Daniel gently helped her up from the seat and pulled her into a hug.

Violet felt a wave of emotions rushing into her as she was in Daniel's embrace.

He was warm and gentle.

Yet strong and reliable.

Violet knew at that moment that he was someone she needed in her life.

She wished he could always be by her side.

Violet hugged him back slowly as she asked , " Daniel?"


" Your arms around me. It feels very safe." , Violet confessed.

" I feel safe and strong in your arms too, Violet ." , Daniel replied.