The Saga of Hamavaran


Thanks to a fruitful new writer recruitment drive and the phenomenal success of the contest "This Novel is Amazing!" we have received many highly original works from up-and-coming writers all over the world. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our international writers for supporting Inazuma's light novel industry, and we'd also like to thank Kanjou Commissioner Hiiragi Shinsuke for his grace and generosity. It is thanks to all of you that we are able to bring so many outstanding works to the readers of Inazuma here today.

As you all know, prior to the promulgation of the Sakoku Decree, a number of accomplished samurai from various lands were active in Inazuma. One of them, whose name is Hamavaran, hails from the distant rainforest nation of Sumeru, but came all the way to the land of the lightning's glow to be an agent of chivalry. Though tales of Hamavaran's deeds were once buried during the peak of unchanging eternity under Her Excellency the Shogun, they have now been given life anew thanks to the narrative prowess of a good friend of mine, the budding author, Pursina.

Now, without further ado, please enjoy "The Saga of Hamawaran" at your leisure