The Saga of Hamavaran

"It's not the tempest at sea I'm worried about, it's the prospect of deferred graduation..."

This was the thought occupying Hamawaran's mind on his long voyage to Inazuma...

"You're worrying about not getting your thesis finished in time and having to delay your graduation, aren't you?"

The familiar-sounding voice came from outside the cabin.

"Shush... Who are you, anyway!?"

"Who, me? Is that important?"

"Good point. No, you're not that important...".



And so, as the great thunderstorm raged, shaking the seas and heavens alike, Hamawaran began arguing with the quiet voice from outside the window, while all worries about the storm and fears about not completing the thesis on time paled into insignificance.

But strangely, when Hamawaran arrived on shore, the owner of the voice that had been arguing back from outside the window was nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe it was the ghost of a shipwreck victim..."

Hamawaran considered this possibility.

Ghosts are just the Ley Lines' memories of the deceased, Hamawaran reasoned. It's a completely natural phenomenon that occurs due to resonance between past and present. To be sure, it's highly unusual for this to happen in the middle of the ocean, but it's by no means impossible.

"Who are you calling a ghost? You're the ghost!"

Hamawaran had finally produced a satisfactory hypothesis to explain away the symptoms of delirium and had moved onto luggage-collection when the familiar voice piped up once more