Strange Dreams

Shannon's Dreams:

The Heart of Light pulsates in my hands, Lucifer's crown jewel. He is a cherubim of Ox, Lion, Man, and Eagle, like the first seraphic visitor who graced me, Mrs. Whatsit from a Wrinkle in Time. Luminous moon hair, tan skin, azure eyes, white legs, golden wings. He canters across my vision, mane shining, his torso sparkling in gold, and decorates my room in angelic splendor.

"Star, you're beautiful," I marvel, aghast at him taking my childhood form.

"Most pleasing to thine eye. Childhood never fades, no matter the scars. I wanted to comfort you."

He enfolds me in his arms and pinions and takes me on his back. Across the starry cosmos we go, like Meg's flight Madeliene L'Engle wrote. Many waters cannot drown love, nor can many waters quench it.