Southern Flower

Shannon's Dreams:

Roasted alive, the devils

eat of my meat, kidney pie.

Ribs glazed in oil, Eucharist

of Eve, shamanic death rebirth.

To become one with Satnanic

scions and Ha-Satan himselves.

The fork tines glint like a scar,

the knives are wolves' teeth.

Glimmer, chomp, eat, swallow.

The next night, Lucifer comes

to extract his heart, carrying me

aloft from bed in a halo of gold.

He lays me under him, comatose

kiss, and cuts open my rigid sternum,

reaches to the honeyed hive of my lungs

within my ribs of brass, wears the face

of my one true love, and extracts the Rubedo

Diamond, to fuse with the Tanzanite Stone

of Exile - Lucifer breathes heavily, our hearts

fused, Siamese twins, my husband's form his

decorum, and I hold my beloved to my breast

as we exhale and inhale in union, joined in the

holiest of cardiophore sacraments, and the Lapis