The meating

Dong-jun walked forward through the long hallway, behind Steve along with three others. 

Dong-jun is wearing a grey tux and others are wearing black as Steve carries the flies on his side. The blank stare on their face passing through the guards stood in the long hallway over either side bowing at them as they passed by. 

Stopping right in front of the large brown door the guy stood right in front bowing at Dong-jun knocks on the door four times. With a soft creek watching it opening by inside without a word the five of them walk inside. 

Entering in the door closes behind them with a soft thud, A large office divided into the two by the red carpet in the middle by its end a long table and black leather chair a man into his late 50s sitting over the other side with his back. 

With his back leaning against the chair hand rested upon the tablet fingers tabbing upon it. A golden nameplate Chief has written upon it along with the name below it, 'Hak Kwang-hoon'

The 5 of them bow at the man who nods his head in response walking back standing over the opposite side. 

Over the other side stood another group of five staring at them with intense anger looking over their eyes. In the middle a guy with jet black hair tugged perfectly, a Long crawl mark visible over the side of his neck, going under his shirt. 

"Please pass on the files you have brought," the man said, into his late 30s wearing a white shirt tucked into his black pants. 

Steve looks towards Dong-jun as he gives him a side glance nodding his head in response. Both sides one of them takes their steps forwards keeping the files upon the table getting back to the place where they stood before. 

The guy takes the file towards the head seated as he glances at both of them with a serious look over his face. 

The Chief lifts his finger calling his secretary making him lean against the ears making the secretary nod his head in response. Taking a step back the secretary looks over both groups. 

"You all can take the seat now," the guy said


"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!!" the guy over the other side screamed, almost flipping the seat back on the ground. 


"Please calm down Takeshi" the guy mumbles with curly hair reaching down his chin. Reaching his hand out towards Takeshi only to be shaped back. 

"RYUU it's better you don't come in the middle it was my so-" Takeshi hisses a growl escapes through his lips. 

Over the other side, Dong-jun just remained seated on his chair with his hands folded over his chest. 

"I WILL KILL HIM HE KILLED MY SON AND HIS MATE!!! THIS IS NOT THE JUSTICE!!!! It's NOT-" in the blink of an eye Takeshi jumps over to the other side with a growl escaping from his lips. 

"STOP IT TAKESHI" The chief who stood on his feet with a dominating voice echoed around the room growling from the other end making Takeshi stop on his track and the eyes turned fully black. The crawls that were out rather than the fingers grinning his teeth together. 

The guy stood in front of Dong-jun, panting Takeshi just watches him as he gets up from the chair making the three of them step aside. Making its way so Dong-jun to walk towards Takeshi. 

"Takeshi step back it won't be good please," a woman said into her mid-40s with a concerned look over her face. 

"No Yang, it is me or him walking alive from here, I can't let go the killer of my son" Takeshi mumbles without looking back

Dong-jun just walked towards him with a blank look over his face with his hands inside his pocket. Shoes tabbing against the floor echo around along with the heavy breathing of Takeshi. 

"Are you really waking into your death, Kim?" Takeshi hisses as Dong-jun just stands in front of him. 

"It's not me its you who is walking in a thin line of death Takeshi" Dong-jun said in a low voice.

"Both of you take a step back th-the consequences won't be go-good" the secretary said covering his mouth in response. 

A strong smell of phenomena spreads around the room, one dominating the other, feeling the glare of Dong-jun which only made Takeshi take a step back. 

"You itself know that you are not alone here" Dong-jun mumbles, taking a step forward Takeshi can feel his crawls disappearing as his eyes slowly turning back to normal. 

A low growl escapes from his mouth making him lower his head in response.The smell of Dong-jun gets stronger than his own escape the chief and Steve making everyone uncomfortable inside the room. 

"It's enough," the Chief ordered in a loud tone making them stop releasing their phenomena around. 

"Just take a leave, the decision is taken and-" the chief pauses for a moment looking towards Takeshi. 

"You know it clearly you were the one who attacks them and killed many from their side too," the Chief said 

"It could have gone worst but for now you are just banned from their territory or it could have taken a lot worst" 

"Chief he killed my son and my daughter-in-law how can you let him be free" Takeshi hisses grinning his teeth. 

"He is a murder!!" 

Dong-jun over the other side just stayed silent staring at him with his hands into a fist. 

"HE didn't killed your daughter-in-law and for killing your son he already been given the punishment" 

"Of what just being removed from his role for one month, it's bullshit the human's law a lot better this shit CULT PACK OF DOGS" 

"TAKESHI!! Stop it your son wouldn't have attacked them listening to your story this wouldn't have happened and who killed your DAUGHTER IN LAW IS STILL BEING INVESTIGATED!!" 


"You know we don't have sides Takeshi we are like the dog on street" Yang argued back

"So does that mean no justice for us?" Takeshi turns around glaring at the women 

"We still have to wait and-" 

Before Yang could complete her sentence Takeshi warps his hands around her neck pushing her back against the wall with a loud thud. Ending up making a hole into it as he rises her up in the air making her kick her legs. 

Nails of Yang digging into his palm, trying to get free from the grip on her neck. In a blink of an eye, his caller pulled Takeshi with a punch on his face causing him to fall on the ground with a loud thud. 

Before he could react, the chief pressed the red button below the table making the men's dress in all black. Wearing glasses with gloves to walk in pulling Takeshi up with his hands behind him being cuffed. 

Lifting his head up the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth making him growl and hiss in pain feeling the burning sensation on his waist. His eyes grew soft looked back towards Yang who was on the ground coughing.

"Takeshi, you not only attacked but broke the law not following the decision made by the court. You will be thrown in the dungeon for a month. Don't forget the law whoever it is the one who enters the territory and attack they will be killed no matter who it is and you know who you all are Rogues" 

"Take him away" the chief ordered as the guards drag Takeshi out, 

"You will regret it one-day chief and you too Dong-jun for what you did" Takeshi mumbles as the door closes behind them. 

"Take care of the women and leave and Dong-jun I have a matter to discuss with you" the chief said, making Dong-jun turn his head around to look at the man who sits back on his chair. 

"Yes Chief"