The little trip

"Takeshi, you not only attacked but broke the law not following the decision made by the court. You will be thrown in the dungeon for a month. Don't forget the law whoever it is the one who enters the territory and attack they will be killed no matter who it is and you know who you all are Rogues" 

"Take him away" the chief ordered as the guards drag Takeshi out, 

"You will regret it one-day chief and you too Dong-jun for what you did" Takeshi mumbles as the door closes behind them. 

"Take care of the women and leave and Dong-jun I have a matter to discuss with you" the chief said, making Dong-jun turn his head around to look at the man who sits back on his chair. 

"Yes Chief" 

*Third POV* 

Dong-jun stood in the middle of the room in front of him seated the Chief, one hand tabbing upon the table with his fingers. 

"Don't worry I won't be asking you the question why you killed his son it must have been a relevant reason for it," the Chief said as he stopped tabbing upon the table. 

"If he wasn't for them rogues, it only would have gotten worse" opening the file in front going through the pages and the report written into it. Dong-jun just remained quiet. 

"For a month at least dont cause any trouble, take a rest, from the community work. Don't make the same mistake, don't forget the fact you are the one who is going to take over after me. Over the werewolf community," 

"I know that Chief I will make sure not to repeat the same mistake ever again" Dong-jun said looking right into the eyes of the Chief. 

"That's good, you can leave now," the Chief said as Dong-jun nods his head in response bowing down one last time, turning around as he walks out of the door. 

"Dong-jun wait" just a moment he could reach the handle of the door making him pause on the spot. 

"I'm not asking as a Chief but as an Ajoshi(uncle)" mumbling under his breath looking upon the table. 

"Just don't get yourself in trouble anymore I dont know ho-." 

"I won't you don't have to worry about that'' Dong-jun turns around lifting his head up looking straight ahead of him. 

"Good" the Chief nods his head, taking a deep breath as he lets it out.

"Did you find your mate?" For a few moments, Dong-jun just stayed silent as the memory flashes back of the ally the moment they were going to kiss, only to snap out as it hit the bag across his head. 

"No, I haven't" making the chief nod his head as Dong-jun opens the door walking out, closing the door behind him with a soft thud. 


The sky turns into the colour of orange with a mixture of red and blue. The sun disappears from the sky making the moon visible far in the distance. 

Walking through the middle of the road forest over either side of her's, with the air pod on one side of her ear.

'Dont want to get hit by the car keeping both on' 

Brain: that's right we don't want to damage the car right

Yea right the-car?' 

Anjali moves her head along with the song, tugging the bag closer to her chest, as the cold gust of wind passes through her. Sending a shiver through the back of her neck. 

"Ash, it's so cold I should have worn something warmer than this" Anjali mumbles under her breath licking the bottom of her lips. 

A smile across her face, eyes scanning around her on the empty road with no cars or people in her sign as far as her eyes could take. 

'Well its a private place away from the city which is only one hour or so away from here. Being close to nature and blavla things' 

Hearing the chirping and flapping of the wings of the birds from the other side of her ear felt empty. Stopping on her track looking ahead of her a whiteboard sign with.

  "Private road ahead" 

'Well, it's a private road so barely anyone or more like no one comes here at all'

'The means no damage to any cars or bike nor myself along with it'

Removing the phone out of her pocket looking at the google map left open, blinking her eyes a few times looking back and forth around her. Shaking her head along with the song once again taking a left turn into the woods. 

The long empty road leads to the villa ahead of her just one to 45 minutes ahead of her.

'Why did they even took that place so far others have car's and bike if only I knew I would have brought my cycle along with me, maybe I could rent one for few days here? Maybe tell mom to parcel my bike or cycle here? should rather parcel slipper'

'Well let's forget about that and let's see what's here I have been seeing around in this map for days' 

Looking down her phone over the starlight image on the map on the side of the road over the middle of the forest. Water like pond like image surrounded by the trees. 

"Well goggle is never wrong, but it's never right too" Anjali mumbles this time walking in between the woods still holding the phone in her hand. 

'From here I just have to walk straight ahead' 

Being careful as she walks down the sloppy way down trying her best not to be clumsy here. The ground is still wet because of the rain that had happened yesterday. 

"Don't slip you silly or you will leave patches on your peach pants" 

Breathing out in response as she reaches down with her hands on her waist stretching her neck. Lifting her head to look towards the sky turned darker than before. 

"It's so beautiful" Anjali's mouth is left wide open as she looks up at the sky and the birds flying across. 

"Like a mini forest adventure" biting the button of her lips with a wide smile spread across it. 

Looking down at her phone over the map, then looking ahead of her licking the bottom of her lips as she looks back and forth. 

"Now let's go straight and straight" Anjali rises her bow walking forward.

What seems like forever breathing heavily with her hands over her knees looking at the ground. The sky which has already turned dark now feeling the pain on her back from the heavy luggage she has been carrying around for more than an hour. Removing the bag, dropping it on the ground with a loud thud. 

"I'm so unfit I should go back with my work out" stretching her back just to hear a crack feeling some relief at last. 

Finally, lifting her gaze up to look ahead of her making her eyes go wide in response with a soft smile spread across her lips. 

"Wow," a calm sensation passes through her, taking a step forward looking around the small fireflies flying upon the flowers along with the butterfly. The creaking of the grasshopper and the soft buzzing of the bees reaches her ears. 

A wide lake with the cherry blossom tree in the middle of the lake the few petals flowing above along with some plants above it. 

"Google is truly never wrong" holding the phone in her hand which had no network with low battery. But the screen is short on the screen, the map showing from the view above the satellite. 

Showing the image of the lake in the middle of the forest surrounded by the surrounding trees. 

"Let's get started with the click" putting her phone on her side pocket cracking her knuckles with a smirk over her face.